Neonauclea purpurea (Roxb.) Merr., Interpr. Herb. Amboin. 483 1917. (Syn: Anthocephalus chinensis Walp.; Bancalus purpureus (Roxb.) Kuntze; Nauclea elliptica Dalzell & Gibson [Illegitimate]; Nauclea purpurea Roxb.);
. India, Indo-China: Cambodia, India, Vietnam as per POWO; .
India; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;
Malayalam: Manjanirkadambu Kannada: Ahnan
. Date/Time- Nov 2007
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Andhra Pradesh, Eastern Ghats
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 10mt Some thing interesting and new for me Neonauclea purpurea (Roxb.) Merr. SN May 19 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Neonauclea purpurea (Roxb.) Merr.
Medium sized tree found near Dharmasthala Karnataka
Attaching some pics of an ornamental plant similar to Neolamarckia cadamba. This is a favourite with Bonsai growers. I have seen it at 2 places – in a nursery in Karjat, Maharashtra (Dec 2014) and in a cultivated garden in Thane (Dec 2016).
Both sets are attached.
Is this Neolamarckia cadamba or its cultivar or a different species altogether?
Requested to please provide ID. It is N. kadamba only. This is not Neolamarckia cadamba. It is very unlikely that N.cadamba would bloom in a pot. Looks more like a shrub. Cephalanthus sp. perhaps
Thanks … for the lead.
Googling suggests 2 possibilities – Adina rubella (Chinese buttonbush) and Cephalanthus occidentalis (common buttonbush).
The last two picture (9 & 10 from the top left) are those of Neonauclea endertii Ridsdale Thanks … Any way to distinguish between all these visually similar species? Most probably Cephalanthus occidentalis L. It appears close to Neonauclea purpurea as per Flora of Peninsular India
Looks different from Cephalanthus occidentalis L. as per POWO Wikipedia Missouri Botanical Garden NPIN . Regarding identification of a species : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb. Respected Sir Here with I am attaching a plant for identification. Something related to Neolamarckia sp. ?? Was it cultivated ? Where ?
It appears close to Neonauclea purpurea as per Flora of Peninsular India
Looks different from Cephalanthus occidentalis L. as per POWO Wikipedia Missouri Botanical Garden NPIN . Resembles Neonuclea purpurea : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb Location – Mumbai Date – May 2018 Identified by … .
MS/2023/128 – ID request Cephalanthus sps: 5 images. Attaching herewith photos received from another group in Chennai. For me it’s Cephalanthus species (C.occidentalis). Please confirm or otherwise. I guess the ID is correct ! I think looks more closer to images at |
Neonauclea purpurea
Updated on December 24, 2024