Strobilanthes heyneana

Strobilanthes heyneana Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 85 1832. (syn: Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek.; Nilgirianthus heyneanus var. fuscus (C. B. Clarke) Bremek; Nilgirianthus heyneanus var. neesii Bremek.; Nilgirianthus heyneanus var. viridis (C. B. Clarke) Bremek.; Strobilanthes asperrimus Nees; Strobilanthes heyneana var. fusca C. B. Clarke; Strobilanthes heyneana var. viridis C. B. Clarke; Strobilanthes purpureus Hook. ex Nees; Strobilanthes rogusus White; Strobilanthes tener Nees; Strobilanthes trifidus Wall. ex Nees) as per Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India, Catalogue of life and efi thread;
Peninsular India
as per Catalogue of life;
Karun Kurinji • Marathi: अकरा Akra • Tamil: கருங் குரிஞ்ஜி Karun Kurinji;

Shrubs, branches hirsute. Leaves 6-10 x 4-7 cm, broadly elliptic, apex bluntly acuminate, base attenuate, crenate, covered with bulbous based hairs, lateral nerves 8-9 pairs; petiole 3-4.5 cm long. Spikes 3-4 together, 2 x 1.5 cm, axillary, on trichotomous peduncles, ovoid; involucral bracts 8 x 6 mm, broadly ovate, obtuse; floral bracts 13 x 10 mm, ovate, concave, obtuse, glabrous; bracteoles absent. Flowers few to many; sepals 6 x 2.5 mm, oblong, emarginate, connate a little above the base; corolla blue, 25 mm long; tube stout, with a patch of hairs inside above the stamens; staminal filaments and sheath hairy; style bulged below the stigma, hairy. Capsule 9 x 4 mm, glabrous; seeds winged.

Flowering and fruiting: October-December
Margins of shola forests and grasslands
India and Sri Lanka
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)

Polygonaceae Fortnight: for ID, Wayanad, Kerala; NAW-MAY02 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).
Going thru my pictures i thought that these might be a Polygonaceae species because of the character of the branch joints.
Photographed at the Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary, in Jan 2014.
The plant was small but i dont remember the dimensions. I hope this is not a meaningless post.

Thanks for sharing this interesting plant!
Of course its not a meaningless post. But I am sure it is not a Polygonaceae member. The swollen node character can be seen in some other families too. Please wait for some more comments.

Seems some Acanthaceae member.

Yes! Acanthaceae from me too.. probably some Strobilanthes!

Its acanthaceae member..
…..look like some carvia sps.

It looks to me Strobilanthes heyneanus. but there is some similarity with S. ciliatus????? specimens have to be observed closely

Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek. SN Dec 22 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek, wild shrub from Siddapur area of Karnataka

Kindly upload with the reproductive characters only leaves are not sufficient for identification of any plant

Agumbe :: Strobilanthes heyneanus FOR VALIDATION :: DVJAN39 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Agumbe Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka
Date: 25 DEC 2014 Altitude: about 700 m asl
Please validate this Strobilanthes, whether S. heyneanus. Had seen similar plant at Kattalekan, Uttara Kannada.
The plants were growing in damp soil. There was a stream about 100 ft away.
Strobilanthes ¿ heyneanus ? … (family: Acanthaceae)

It is matching with Strobilanthes heyneanus Nees

Yes it is the same

at Agumbe on December 25, 2014
at Kattalekan on March 16, 2013
at Kattalekan on December 16, 2012  


Acanthaceae fortnight ANMAR10/30 Strobilanthes heyneanus : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Family: Acanthaceae
Date: December 2014
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka
Habit: Herb

Superb pictures …

Strobilanthes heyneanus Nees

Seen this shrub (approx 2 to 3 m tall) at “Kattalekan” (North Karnataka).
Bot. name:  Strobilanthes heyneanus
Family: Acanthaceae


Charmadi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 12 NOV 2016 … Altitude: explored between: 873 – 976 m (2863 – 3201 ft) asl
Strobilanthes heyneanus Nees … (family: Acanthaceae) 

Strobilanthes heyneana from Mullayayangiri Bababudangiri Road-GS13022022-1: 3 very high res. images.

Strobilanthes heyneana Nees
Syn: Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek.
Photographed from along Mullayayangiri Bababudangiri Road, 26-9-2015. 


Plant ID 29082024_1: 3 images- 2 high res.

Identify this plant.
Kankumbi, Karnataka.

Strobilanthes heyneana Nees



efi thread  IPNI  Catalogue of life  Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha, V. Krishna, T. Pullaiah (syn. of Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek.) 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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