Nothopegia beddomei

Nothopegia beddomei Gamble, Fl. Madras 265 1918. ;
¿ noth-oh-PEEJ-ee-uh ? — Greek: nothos (false); pege (fountain) … Dave’s Botanary
BED-o-my — named for Col Richard Henry Beddome, British botanist in India … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Beddome’s nothopegia • Kannada: ಅಂಬಟ ambata, ಉಳುಗೇರ ulugera • Malayalam: ഈര ira • Tamil: சிகட்டை cikattai, பேச்சேறு மரம் pecceru maram
Names compiled / updated at
Kannada: Oolagera, Vyana

Habit- Trees up to 12 m tall.

Trunk & Bark- Bark finely fissured; blaze pinkish brown.
Branches and Branchlets- Branchlets slender, terete, glabrous.
Exudates- Latex dirty white
Leaves- Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 0.6-1.5 cm long, glabrous; lamina 6-16 x 1.2-4.5 cm narrow elliptic oblong to narrow oblong, apex caudate-acuminate, base acute to attenuate; margin undulate, chartaceous, glabrous, glaucous beneath; midrib raised above; secondary nerves 14-20 pairs, moderate in angle, parallel; tertiary nerves weakly percurrent.
Inflorescence / Flower- Inflorescence axillary racemes sometimes in paniculate racemes; flowers unisexual.
Fruit and Seed- Drupe, compressed, 1-seeded.
Understorey tree in low and medium elevations semi-evergreen to evergreen forests and secondary moist deciduous forests up to 1100 m.
South India and Sri Lanka; in the Western Ghats- South Sahyadri to Central Sahyadri
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


ANJAN04/04 Please identify this tree : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)

Date: 28th December 2014
Place: Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary
Habit: Short tree
Fruit: Contained a single seed

This seems to be species of Nothopegia of Anacardiaceae.

Check for Cordia species

Nothopegia sp?

Nothopegia beddomei


ANJAN28/28 Nothopegia sp. for identification (N. heyneana?) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).

Family: Anacardiaceae
Date: 28th December 2014
Place: Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka
Habit: Medium sized tree

I think this post has the same query as in another ANJAN04/04 Please identify this tree where … has suggested Nothopegia beddomei.

A repeat upload yes. My mistake. Thank you …


ANJAN27/27 Nothopegia sp. for identification (N. racemosa?) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)

Family: Anacardiaceae
Date: 28th December 2014
Place: Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary
Habit: Small tree
Identified as: Nothopegia sp. by …

Nothopegia species efi so far.

Nothopegia beddomei

I think these images are of Nothopegia travancorica as per keys in BSI Flora of india (leaf nerves 25-30 pairs and leaves alternate).

Leave nerves are 12-13 pairs in Nothopegia beddomei as per keys.

I concur with …

Nothopegia beddomei

It appears keys in BSI Flora of india are not correct as being contradictory w.r.t. no. of secondary nerves as per book link in Flora of Peninsular India (about 20 for Nothopegia beddomei).

As branches and petals appear to be glabrous here.

Yes, this genus is taxonomically very messy and we don’t have a good key to the species of this genus. Number of secondary nerves is variable even within a species and not reliable by itself for distinguishing between species.


Agumbe Ghat :: Nothopegia beddomei :: DVJAN14 : 1 post by 1 author. 12 images.
Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary)Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka

Date: 28 DEC 2014 Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
Nothopegia beddomei Gamble (family: Anacardiaceae)
Many thanks to … for the ID in … postANJAN27/27
Many thanks to … for the ID in … postANJAN04/04

I think images in the 1st setare of Nothopegia travancorica as per keys in BSI Flora of India (leaf nerves 25-30 pairs and leaves alternate).

Leave nerves are 12-13 pairs in Nothopegia beddomei as per keys.

Nothopegia beddomei

It appears keys in BSI Flora of india are not correct as being contradictory w.r.t. no. of secondary nerves as per book link in Flora of Peninsular India (about 20 for Nothopegia beddomei). Also as branches and petals appear to be glabrous here. 


via Species‎ > ‎N‎ > Nothopegia beddomei Gamble … family: Anacardiaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
¿ noth-oh-PEEJ-ee-uh ? — Greek: nothos (false); pege (fountain) … Dave’s Botanary
BED-o-my — named for Col Richard Henry Beddome, British botanist in India … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known asBeddome’s nothopegia • Kannadaಅಂಬಟ ambataಉಳುಗೇರ ulugera • Malayalamഈര ira
botanical namesNothopegia beddomei Gamble … synonyms: no synonym known

Wonderful composition…

¿ noth-oh-PEEJ-ee-uh ? — Greek: nothos (false); pege (fountain) … Dave’s Botanary
 — named for Col Richard Henry Beddome, British botanist in India … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Beddome’s nothopegia • Kannada: ಅಂಬಟ ambata, ಉಳುಗೇರ ulugera • Malayalam: ഈര ira • Tamil: சிகட்டை cikattai, பேச்சேறு மரம் pecceru maram

botanical namesNothopegia beddomei Gamble … POWO, retrieved 26 November 2023

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
Beddome’s nothopegia
  • name coined, for want of name; name derived from the binomial; the commemorative epithet beddomei named after Colonel Richard Henry Beddome (1830 – 1911), a British military officer, naturalist in India, chief conservator of the Madras Forest Department … Wikipedia
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ಅಂಬಟ ambata, ಉಳುಗೇರ ulugera
  • BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala
ഈര ira
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
சிகட்டை cikattai, பேச்சேறு மரம் pecceru maram
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
~~~~~ Last updated: 27-11-2023 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

The Tamil transcripts look good


ANAPR25 Nothopegia beddomei Gamble : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Family: Anacardiaceae
Date: 5th April 2015
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka
Habit: Tree
Flowers & Habit and Young Fruits.

I think these images are of Nothopegia travancorica as per keys in BSI Flora of india (leaf nerves 25-30 pairs and leaves alternate).

Leave nerves are 12-13 pairs in Nothopegia beddomei as per keys.

This should also be Nothopegia beddomei

It appears keys in BSI Flora of india are not correct as being contradictory w.r.t. no. of secondary nerves as per book link in Flora of Peninsular India (about 20 for Nothopegia beddomei). Also as branches appear to be glabrous here.

Is there a better Key available for Nothopegia other than that of BSI…?

The one you mentioned was having some errors it seems..

Pl. try book link in Flora of Peninsular India


ID- GK250417- 1 : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image- 2 MB.
Please identify this plant from the Riparian region of Kannur district of Kerala. Only one photograpph is available.

It is Nothopegia sp (Anacardiaceae)

The image can be of Nothopegia beddomei (Anacardiaceae)

I think these images are of Nothopegia travancorica as per keys in BSI Flora of india (leaf nerves 25-30 pairs and leaves alternate).
Leave nerves are 12-13 pairs in Nothopegia beddomei as per keys.

Nothopegia beddomei

It appears keys in BSI Flora of india are not correct as being contradictory w.r.t. no. of secondary nerves as per book link in Flora of Peninsular India (about 20 for Nothopegia beddomei). Also as branches and petals appear to be glabrous here.


ID Request- Tree at Kali Tiger Reserve-PKA : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Seen this medium size tree with reddish coloured fruits at kali Tiger Reserve, North Karnataka.
Date: 23-01-2018
ID Pl..

Nothopegia sp. [Anacardiaceae]. 

Thanks a lot … for the lead.. It could be Nothopegia racemosa..

I am confused between Nothopegia beddomei (most of our observations in efi so far) & Nothopegia racemosa
Also unable to decide with images at Biotik (racemosa) & Biotik (beddomei)

Two species are quite close. I will go with Nothopegia beddomei as per timing of other observations here as well as timings for two species as per book link in FoPI

Updated on December 24, 2024

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