
Nothopegia beddomei Gamble (It appears keys in BSI Flora of india are not correct as being contradictory w.r.t. no. of secondary nerves as per book link in Flora of Peninsular India (about 20 for Nothopegia beddomei). Also as branches and petals appear to be glabrous here.)


Nothopegia castaneifolia (Roth) Ding Hou ? (Images by Amogh Ghaisas (Inserted by J.M.Garg))


Nothopegia colebrookiana (Wight) Blume (Images by P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg))


Nothopegia heyneana (Hook. fil.) Gamble (India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala) as per Catalogue of Life)

Nothopegia travancorica Bedd. ex Hook. fil. (India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala) as per CoL)
(Branchlets and petioles are rusty villous. No. of secondary nerves similar to those for Nothopegia beddomei))


Nothopegia species- Chinnar Wildlife sanctuary, Idukki, Kerala



as per BSI Flora of India:

1a. Branchlets and petioles rusty villous; lamina with 25 – 30 pairs of nerves2
b. Branchlets and petioles quite glabrous; lamina with 12 – 13 pairs of nerves3
2a. Leaves alternate, apex abruptly acuminate; petals densely villous inside6. Nothopegia travancorica
b. Leaves subopposite, apex caudate-acuminate; petals glabrous on both sides1. Nothopegia aureofulva
3a. Leaf apex acuminate4
b. Leaf apex acute or obtuse6
4a. Leaves usually lanceolate, thinly coriaceous; petals ovate2. Nothopegia beddomei
b. Leaves usually obovate, thickly coriaceous; petals oblong5
5a. Flowers ca 3 mm in diam.; sepals pubescent above5. Nothopegia racemosa
b. Flowers ca 7 mm in diam.; sepals glabrous7. Nothopegia vajravelui
6a. Leaves obovate-oblong, margin thin, not revolute on ventral side; petioles stout; petals and stamens glabrous; Drupes ovoid, pericarp thick3. Nothopegia colebrookiana
b. Leaves variable from linear to linear-lanceolate or elliptic to elliptic-oblong, margin thick, revolute on ventral side; petioles slender; petals and stamens pubescent; Drupes compressed polewise, pericarp thin4. Nothopegia heyneana

species in India:
Nothopegia aureofulva Bedd. ex Hook.f.
Nothopegia beddomei Gamble
Nothopegia castaneifolia (Roth) Ding Hou
Nothopegia colebrookeana (Wight) Blume
Nothopegia heyneana (Hook.f.) Gamble
Nothopegia monadelpha (Roxb.) Forman

Nothopegia racemosa(Dalzell) Ramamoorthy (synonym of Nothopegia castaneifolia(Roth) Ding Hou
Nothopegia sivagiriana Murugan & Manickam
Nothopegia travancorica Bedd. ex Hook.f.
Nothopegia vajravelui K.Ravik. & V.Lakshm.

Efloraofindia 2007 onwards. Nothopegia. Accessed at /species/a—l/a/anacardiaceae/nothopegia on 3-07-2020.
Karthikeyan, S., Sanjappa, M. and Moorthi, S. 2009. Flowering plants of India Dicotyledons volume 1 (Acanthaceae – Avicenniaceae). BSI, Kolkata. pp. 80-81.

Nothopegia aureofulva Beddome ex Hook.f. (India : Hills of Western Ghats. Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Endemic)
var. beddomei (India: Western Ghats, up to 1650 m. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
var. wynaedica Ellis & Chandrasekharan (India : Kerala. Endemic)
Nothopegia castaneaefolia (Roth) Ding Hou (The species, recorded from Goa, has never been subsequently reported in any flora)
Nothopegia colebrookiana (Wight) Blume (India : Western Ghats. Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
var. heyneana (India : Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Endemic)
var. linearifolia Chandra & Ghosh (India: Tamil Nadu. Endemic)
Nothopegia racemosa (Dalz.) Ramamurthy in Saldanha & Nicholson (India : Western ghats, ascending up to 1650 m. Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Endemic)
Nothopegia travancorica Beddome ex Hook.f. (India : Southern Western Ghats, ascending up to 1000 m. karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Endemic)
Nothopegia vajravelui Ravikumar & Lakshmanan (India : Dominant along the slopes of dense, evergreen forests, particularly along perennial streamlets. Tamil Nadu)

Bedd. ex Hook.
Small tree or
large shrub
Western Ghats,
Evergreen Forests
Flora of Tamil
Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Nothopegia beddomei GambleSmall
Ghats & Eastern Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Madurai, Namakkal, Nilgiri, Theni, Tiruchchira ppalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruvanna malai, Virudhu nagar
Nothopegia colebrookeana (Wight) Blume TreeWestern
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983; Fischer, 1921
Dindigul, Nilgiri, Tirunelveli
Nothopegia heyneana (Hook. f.) GambleSmall
Ghats , Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Theni, Tirunelveli 
Nothopegia racemosa (Dalz.) Ramam. var. angustifolia (Gamble) ChithraSmall
Ghats, Evergreen Forests, Endemic
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983; Gamble, 1957
Madurai, Nilgiri, Tirunelveli
Nothopegia racemosa (Dalz.) Ramam. var. racemosaSmall
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Madurai, Nilgiri
Nothopegia travancorica Bedd ex Hook. Small
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Nothopegia vajravelui Ravikumar &
Ghats, Evergreen Forests, Endemic
K. Ravi kumar,


From Biotik (Distribution):

Nothopegia beddomei Gamble (South India and Sri Lanka; in the Western_Ghats- South Sahyadri to Central Sahyadri)
Nothopegia heyneana (J. Hk.) Gamble var. heyneana (Endemic to Peninsular India; in the Western_Ghats- South and Central Sahyadri)
Nothopegia racemosa (Dalz.) Ramam. (India and Sri Lanka; in the Western_Ghats South and Central Sahyadri)


FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database :

Nothopegia castaneifolia (Roth) Ding Hou

Nothopegia colebrookiana BL.


Pl. go through Nothopegia (Anacardiaceae) page with images of species (done by me & Anurag ji) in efloraofindia.

If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, it will be really nice.

Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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