Nymphaea micrantha (Cultivated)

Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill., A. Guillemin et al., Fl. Seneg. tent. 1:16. 1831 (syn: (=) Nymphaea caerulea var. albida Perr. & Guill.; (=) Nymphaea stellata var. bulbillifera Planch.; (=) Nymphaea vivipara Lehm.) as per GRIN;
Nymphaea micrantha Guill. & Perr. (syn: Nymphaea guineensis Schum. & Thonn.; Nymphaea rufescens Guill. & Perr.) as per Catalogue of Life;
Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso, ?Guinea, Chad, Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Togo, Ghana, Cameroon, India (introduced), ?Sudan, ?South Sudan, Togo as per Catalogue of Life;

Aquatic perennial herbs, rooted. Rhizomes erect or creeping, stoloniferous. Stem thick, blackish green and spongy. Leaves polymorphic, suborbicular to cordate, about 8-35 x 7-32 cm across, base deeply hastate or cordate, margin entire or slightly undulate, apex obtuse or rounded, lowest pair of veins straight and divergently produced and basal lobes, basal lobes unequal, usually floating or submerged, membranous when young and coriaceous, prominently veined when mature beneath, long petiolate, Flowers bisexual, usually solitary and floating, white to light blue, about 8-15 cm across, with long green peduncles, receptacle cylindrical, sepals 4, free, ovate-oblong, apex deeply acute or acuminate, brownish green and spotted outside, about 5-10 x 1.5 x 2 cm across, petals about 20-25, lanceolate, apex deeply acute, smaller than the sepals, white to light blue. Stamens numerous, distributed up to summit of ovary, about 2.5-3.5 cm across, filaments of innermost stamens filiform, lanceolate, longer than anthers, anthers partially sunken, carpels completely united, ovary superior, about 10-30 loculate, stigma flat with a hemispheric central projection, yellow and stigmatic appendages incurved, triangular-ovate, about 3-4 mm long, sulcate inside. Fruit berry. Seeds ellipsoid-globular, enclosed in a fleshy bell shaped aril, smooth.
Subtropical to temperate forests, altitude 2000-3000 m.
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi from India Biodiversity Portal)

Purple Water Lily for ID : Mumbai : 081012 : AK-2:
Again at Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai on 12/8/2012.
Purple flower seen.

It is Nymphaea micrantha Guill. & Perr.


efloraofindia:”For Id 10102012MR2’’ Is this Nymphaea micrantha at Pune: 1 image.
04/06/2012 at Pune at my home. is this Nymphaea micrantha. Please validate

To me also……….


MBNN Fortnight-sk15 Hooghly-sk-Oct-36 (Nymphaeaceae) A Query : 3 posts by 2 authors.

How to differentiate Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. from Nymphaea caerulea Savigny?
Nymphaea caerulea Savigny
Leaves entire or slightly wavy at base, orbicular or ovate-orbicular, narrowly peltate, becoming 30 to 40 cm. in diameter; green above; under surface green with
small dark purple spots, purplish all round near margin. Flowers 7 to 15 cm. across, open from 7.30 a. m. to 12 m. Buds conical. Sepals thickly marked with black lines
and dots. Petals 14 to 20, lanceolate, light blue above, lower half dull white. Stamens 50 to 73; appendage long (0.5 cm. on outermost stamens), slender, pale blue
Nymphaea micrantha Guillemin & Perrottet
Leaves small, round-cordate, peltate, entire, petiolate ; petioles very long, slender ; lobes divaricate, acuminate ; under surface reddish, marked with violet-black dots ; upper
surface glabrous, pale green, in mature plants bulbiferous at the summit of the petiole ; stigmatic rays 15.
Notes. — Hooker & Thomson record, and the herbaria bear them out, that no sharp line could be drawn between the varieties of this species as it occurs in India, but they were certainly wrong in including the African plants. The three extreme Indian forms are themselves fairly recognizable. The margin of the leaf may be al-most entire. The pustules so evident on the leaf of our N. versicolor cultivated from
seeds sent by Mr. Gollan of Saharanpur, India, may be present at times in the other varieties. Our plant also had a great number of bulbils on the caudex, as shown
several herbarium specimens both of blue and pink forms.

Thank you very much …

As per descriptions you have provided here I understand that the underside of leaves should be regarded as an easily recognizable KEY to identify one from another-
(i) under surface green with purple spots = caerulea
(ii) under surface reddish with violet-black dots = micrantha



Water Lily For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 210713 : AK-3 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Water lily at Maharashtra Nature Park in Mumbai on 12/8/12
Id please.

Glorious pictures … this looks like Nymphaea caerulea

Nymphaea species in efi

From all available information (to me;of course) there is nothing to point out and substantiate that this is not Nymphea caerula. I endorse …

I could not find difference between Nymphaea caerulea and Nymphaea micrantha on net except for the under surface of the leaves being green in the former and reddish in the later as per detailed description at MBNN Fortnight-sk15 Hooghly-sk-Oct-36 (Nymphaeaceae) A Query
However, one reliable site lists both of these separately. Based on the images I will go for Nymphaea micrantha :


Attaching an image of no 40 of the series. Valmiki has mentioned KUBALAYA in Ramayan. The same flower has been mentioned as NEELOTPALA. Scientifically this flower is known as Nymphaea nouchali. In Hindi and Gujrati it is Nilkamal. It is known as Krishnakamal in Marathi.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.



Flora of Haryana: Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. from Botanical Garden of CCSHAU Hisar: Attachments (4)

Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. from Botanical Garden of CCSHAU Hisar
Family Nymphaeaceae
pls validate

Nice color, pics…
but dont yoiu think it seems as if the flower is sinking?
I wonder why?

Yes Mam many flowers were in sinking state reason is not understandable to me also

… may be some genetic problem of short stalk…that is keeping the flower low???/
Since this is in a botanical garden some botanist there can do a porject???
You can suggest it??
Or something as simple as water density.. solutes or temperature based ??/
Do you know any of the bortanists there, may be this can be short summer project for a student??

There is almost no Botanist in HAU mainly Plant physiologist there.

Flowers may be sinking for one very simple reason 🙂
As it is evident from the pics that leaves and flowers are healthy and even the leaves are sinking. Usually in both water Lilly and Lotus floral stalk length depends on the depth of the pond/reservoir, I assume.

… you may be right. Yes … CCSHAU is one the Biggest Agricultural University in Asia Funded by State as well as Center Govt. Its library is considered as biggest in India after IARI New Delhi with Excellant xerox and Computer facility are available here. This University have about 9600 Acres of area.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Requesting ID of this Nymphaea – Mumbai – October 2012 :: 22012014 :: ARK-21 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). 
Requesting to please ID this Nymphaea captured in a culativated garden in Mumbai in October 2012.

How about Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.  

Nymphaea nouchali

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight :: Nymphaeaceae :: Nymphaea nouchali :: Mumbai :: ARKOCT-03 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Attached are pictures of Nymphaea nouchali captured at Mumbai in October 2012.
These pics have been posted and identified on this forum earlier.

Very beautiful pics …

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Fwd: RABINDRA SANGIT : BEE-11 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here is translation of another song (translated by Rumela Sengupta). Bee is on the flower of Nymphaea stellata

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae, Nymphaeaceae and Nelumbonaceae Fortnight: Nymphaeaceae ::Nymphaea Nauchali SMP Oct 02 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Nymphaea Nauchali


As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


FLOWERS/PLANTS MENTIONED BY TAGORE IN HIS SONGS : ( NEEL PADMA = BLUE LOTUS -1 ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching translated version of a song by Tagore in which NEEL PADMA (BLUE LOTUS) has been mentioned. Scientifically the flower is Nymphaea nouchalii.

It is possible that it may also be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per your other posts.

Water Lily for ID : MNP,Mumbai : 28AUG15 : AK-54 : 54/54 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Water Lily seen at Maharashtra Nature Park, in Mumbai on 14/8/12.
Id please.

Nymphaea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)   

I think, this is Nymphaea colorata

This should be Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.
Often indistinguishable from Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea (Savigny) Verdc.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, image should be of Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

White Water Lily for ID : MNP,Mumbai : 100812 : AK-3:
Picture taken on 22/7/12 in Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai. A water lily with white flower. Id please

It is Nymphea pubescens

Kindly upload a photograph of leaf. To me the leaves don’t look to have spiny-dentate margin, characteristic of Nymphaea pubescens

Attaching a picture of the leaf as requested.

The leaves may be form some other plant, but it is It is Nymphea pubescens.

Nymphaea pubescens Willd. Sp.Pl2:1154,1798 vide R.L.Mitra in Flora of India 1:431,1993. appears to match the image’ Dr K.Subrhmanyam introduced many cultivars at Calcutta Botanic Garden in 60s. Dr R,L,Mitra revised Nympphaeaeae, Nelumbonaceae ,Cabombacaeae and Barclayaceae with field observations. It is surprising there is no Marathi name for white KUMUDA.
N.nouchali Burm.f. the Nilotpal of Sanscrit is close realative of N.pubescens

The leaves may be form some other plant, but it is It is Nymphea pubescens.

My earlier post from the same location.
Could this be the same Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. ?

Yes for this one too, …

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Water Lily for ID : MNP,Mumbai : 28AUG15 : AK-56 : 56/56 : 16 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
A White Water Lily seen at MNP on 14/8/12.

Nymphaea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I was given to understand by the Dy Director of the Park, Shri Avinash Kubal Ji, that all the Water Lilies have been collected from forests/growing wild from different locations.
These are probably not Cultivars.

Nymphaea pubescens Willd.

can you please share the first photograph in higher resolution (or the original) at your convenience?

Attaching the original picture as required. Attachments (1)

Thank you so much … I would request … to reconsider the id. This is not N. pubescens Willd., I think.

Please check my thread of N. nouchali Burm. f. – efi thread.
Your specimen too have flowers with distal sterile appendage on stamens.
Also teeth on leaves are broad and obtuse.
It is a cultivar of N. nouchali Burm. f.

please remind me what is MNP.

Maharashtra Nature Park in Mumbai.

Thanks … for pointing out the morphological characters and … for sending clear image.
This is a variety of Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Fwd: RABINDRA SANGIT : BEE-6 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here is translation of another song (translated by Rumela Sengupta).

The flower is Nymphea stellata (INDIAN BLUE WATER LILY/ NILKAMAL).

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Water Lily For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 210713 : AK-2 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 3 authors.
Water Lily seen at Maharashtra Nature Park in Mumbai on 22/7/12.
Kindly id.

Thanks for the id …
I am getting confused as similar ones posted by me earlier (Purple Water Lily For ID : Mumbai : 081012 : AK-2) were identified by … as Nymphaea micrantha Guill. & Perr.
Since the pictures are taken on different dates (but at the same location), I am not sure if its the same plant.
Experts kindly have a look.
Water Lilies are really confusing for me.

efi pages on  Nymphaea nouchali & Nymphaea micrantha

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Water Lily For ID : Nasik : 220714 : AK-37 :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Another Water Lily seen at a plant nursery in Nasik.
Picture taken on 29/11/2011.

Nymphaea pubescens

Thanks for the id. These Water Lilies are very confusing.

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, image should be of Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Water Lily For ID : Nasik : 220714 : AK-36 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Water Lily at a plant nursery in Nasik.
Picture taken on 20/9/2011.

Nymphaea pubescens

As stamen are more than 50, compared to 10 to 30 in Nymphaea nouchali, image should be of Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


Plant ID request 22072011MC1 — Nymphaea:
Am resending this with the photo attached rather than the link. Need your help in identifying this specimen photographed in Auroville.
I am afraid I do not have any more information to add.

I think Nymphea sp

May be a garden Hybrid. My doubt is on Nymphaea caerulea or Nymphaea daubenyana more chances of N caerulea. wait for more comments from experts

More feedback from another thread from …:
“Could this be Nymphaea caerulea ( Link :http://www.dreamstime.com/item.php?imageid=13558994).”
Here is the link to the thread mentioned above

It should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.


White Water Lily for ID : Mumbai : 081012 : AK-1:
A White Water Lily seen at Maharashtra Nature Park in Mumbai on 12/8/2012. Leaves were red in color. Id please.

May be it is Nymphaea odorata.

Please consider Nymphaea pubescens Willd.

I think it should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Water Lily For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 220714 : AK-38 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
A water lily seen at Maharashtra Nature Park in Mumbai.
Small flower.

Perhaps Nymphaea tetragona

efi page on Nymphaea tetragona

Looks this water lily is Nymphaea Nouchali.

The flower resembles to Nymphaea rubra

It should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Water Lily For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 210713 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
A water lily seen at Maharashtra Nature Park, in Mumbai on 22/7/12.
Id please.

It should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Water Lily for ID : MNP,Mumbai : 28AUG15 : AK-55 : 55/55 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Another tiny Water Lily seen on the same day.
Kindly id.

Nymphaea species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I simply do not know. Frankly speaking …, I do not think it is possible to id such cultivars to the species level. Even genus can be wrong. I was thinking if there is any member from other genus/genera that looks like Nymphaea. And I found a lot of info, example –

Thanks for the links. Will go through them.

I fully agree with … remarks.

I’m agree with the statement that through images it is difficult to identify a commercial variety due to presence of number of hybrids and cultivars of same species or interspecies. 
At present there are eight (08) genera and 70 accepted species under family Nymphaeaceae
Barclaya Wallich (02 species)
Euryale Salisbury (01 species)
Hydrostemma Wallich (01 species)
Nuphar Smith (18 species)
Nymphaea Linnaeus (44 species)
Nymphozanthus Richard (01 species)
Ropalon Rafinesque (01 species)
Victoria Lindley (02 species)
Here in the attached weblinks (by …) we see subgenera or subgenus of genus Nymphaea, and the subgenus is one of the possible subdivisions of a genus (according to International Code of Botanical Nomenclature – ICBN). Where, it is not mandatory to use subgenus as generic epithet.
Further, more details are available at ICBN, Chapter III, section 3, article 21.|
Since, there are number of cultivars/hybrids under Nymphaea species (Intersubgeneric cross – means cross between subgenera/species of different subgenera (5 listed) of same genus as in attached .pdf file). So, it is wrong to say that there are other genera look like Nymphaea, and we can say that generated thing is a hybrid of different subgenera of same genus unless it is authenticated as new species by ICBN.

It should be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per images and references herein.

Nymphaea ‘Panama Pacific’ in FOI should be Nymphaea micrantha as per details and references herein.

You have to correct this.

Not corrected so far in FOI.

Water Lily for ID : Delhi : 06MAY19 : AK-7 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Water Lily with blue flowers seen at a cultivated garden in Delhi a few years ago.
Nymphaea Species?

blue pond lily. I remember. in one or two of your cases, … had said one has to have the center completely visible for identification. you may have that thread marked in your files. i dont have it handy

Pl. check comparative images at /species/m—z/n/nymphaeaceae/nymphaea

Thanks … These Water Lilies are too confusing for me.

I thought it’s Nymphaea nouchali

Thanks for the Species id. These are very confusing for me.

that’s why we must read reread what … has told us slowly over the years. mainly in your threads. i would depend on you to read re-read and make a review or synopsis and teach us now its your turn to teach. … do that. it would be good all the way around

Thanks … Will go through my earlier Water Lily postings.

Most Likely to be Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per comparative images at Nymphaea

SK 2394 16 January 2020 : 5 posts by 2 authors. 3 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date:  07  December 2019 
Elevation: MSL
Habitat: Cultivated
Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. ??

I think Nymphaea micrantha Perr. & Guill. as per comparative images at Nymphaea


Updated on December 24, 2024

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