Oberonia falconeri

Oberonia falconeri Hook.f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 18: t. 1780 1888. (syn. Iridorchis falconeri (Hook. f.) Kuntze (Unresolved); Iridorkis falconeri (Hook.f.) Kuntze; Oberonia calcicola Holttum; Oberonia siamensis Schltr.); 
oh-ber-ROH-nee-uh — named for Oberon, the fairy king, referring to insignificant flowersDave’s Botanary
fal-KON-er-ee — named for Hugh Falconer, Scottish doctor, geologist and botanist in IndiaDave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Falconer’s oberonia • Marathi: हिरवी चपटी अमरी hirvi chapti amri

Distribution: tropical Himalayas, Western Ghats (India)


please id:  location is at our farm in the address below
at village: Pishvi
taluka: Velhe
district: Pune

O. falconeri, I suppose.

– it is not easy to make decisions from the photographs of *Oberonia*
I think the flowers are not yet open.
Get some snaps of the lip, that would help..




Kas Week :: DV :: 28 SEP 08 – 0428 :: Oberonia falconeri: Kas plateauabout 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India

28 SEP 08
Oberonia falconeri Hook.f. … (family: Orchidaceae)
oh-ber-ROH-nee-uh — named for Oberon, the fairy king, referring to insignificant flowersDave’s Botanary
fal-KON-er-ee — named for Hugh Falconer, Scottish doctor, geologist and botanist in IndiaDave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Falconer’s oberonia • Marathi: हिरवी चपटी अमरी hirvi chapti amri

Distribution: tropical Himalayas, Western Ghats (India)

References: Flowers of Indiaorchids co inFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar




Kas week: PKA17: — Oberonia falconeri:  Oberonia falconeri

Date: (03-10-2009).
Family: Orchidaceae.

Extremely good photographs of this interesting plant.

I am not sure if this is falconeri!! but nice pic. I thought falconeri flowers during late winter.




Oberonia falconeri:  sharing picture of Oberonia falconeri, Orchidaceae


This species of Oberonia was growing over (rather hanging from) Oak tree near Chaukhutiya in Kumaon, Uttarakhand. I identified it as O.falconeri Hook.f.. The experts may confirm or otherwise please.

Yes this should be Oberonia falconeri.




Orchidaceae fortnight : Oberonia falconeri : Gujarat : RVS7 Attachments (2).  4 posts by 3 authors.
Oberonia falconeri from a garden in Gujarat.

Nice Shots … I think these are being grown in coconut fibres

This should be Oberonia falconeri

Yes … Thanks … for the id confirmation.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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