Oldenlandia umbellata L., Sp. Pl. 119 1753. (Syn: Gerontogea umbellata (L.) Cham. & Schltdl.; Hedyotis brevicalyx Sivar., Biju & P.Mathew; Hedyotis indica Roem. & Schult.; Hedyotis linarifolia R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Hedyotis puberula (G.Don) Arn.; Hedyotis umbellata (L.) Lam. [Illegitimate]; Hedyotis wightii (Hook.f.) K.K.N.Nair; Hedyotis wightii (Hook. f.) Sivar., Biju & P. Mathew; Oldenlandia puberula G.Don; Oldenlandia wightii Hook.f.); . Hainan to Trop. Asia as per WCSP; . Cambodia; Hainan; India; Jawa; Laccadive Is.; Maldives; Myanmar; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; Sulawesi; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life; . Common name: Chay Root, Indian madder, Choy root • Tamil: Chayam, Chayaver, Emboorel, Imbura-ver . Diffuse or prostrate herbs; root-stock woody. Leaves sessile, 0.5-1.6 x 0.2-0.4 cm, linear-lanceolate, base decurrent, margin revolute, apex acute, scabrous, 1-nerved; stipules with several bristles, base triangular. Flowers in many-flowered terminal, umbellate cymes and also sometimes axillary. Calyx lobes 4, persistent, c. 1.5 mm long, ovate-acuminate. Corolla pinkish-white, c. 3 mm across, campanulate; lobes 4, lanceolate. Stamens 4, in the throat of the corolla tube, exserted; filaments linear. Ovary c. 1 mm across, globose, hairy; stigma 2-fid, recurved. Capsule 2-2.5 mm across, globose, didymous, scabrid. Seeds angular, reticulate. Flowering and fruiting: November-March Dry and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains Peninsular India and Sri Lanka (Atttributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . Oldenlandia umbellata (called chay root or choy root, from its Tamil name (Chaaya ver)) is a low-growing plant native to India.[1] A colour-fast red dye can be extracted from the root bark of (preferably) a two year old plant. Chay root dye was once used with a mordant to impart a red colour to fabrics such as calico, wool, and silk. It is grown on the Coromandel Coast in India. This plant is well known in Siddha Medicine for its styptic property. It is also a drug that can be administered for bronchial asthma, as a decoction of the entire plant, a decoction made from its root and liquorice in the ratio-10:4, or the powdered root is given either with water or honey. A decoction of the root also is a febrifuge. ID29102013PHK1 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. ID please Hedyotis sp It is Oldenlandia umbellata L. – the inflorescence is clearly an umbel. sometimes due to some genetical errors the floral parts number may vary as in 122 picture. (E.g. Some humans have 6 fingers instead of 5) Oldenlandia umbellata L. SN Sep 01 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Oldenlandia umbellata L. Fam: Rubiaceae, wild herb from Krishnagiri dt Tamilnadu, the roots are reddish, used in Indian medicine.
04092013 BRS 509 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Locatio: Chembarampakkam, Chennai Date: 31.08.2013 Habitat: Rural Habit: Herb Hedyotis corymbosa (= Oldenlandia c.) I think it looks more close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata L. rather than those at Oldenlandia herbacea 06072013 ASP 82 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. It’s O. umbellata only, …, efloraindia: 170911 BRS27: PL. find the attached file contain photo for id. Date/Time-Location- 15.09.2011, Codisia Road, 5 PM Place, Altitude, GPS- Coimbatore (Near Air Port) Habitat- Urban Plant Habit- Herb/climber Flowers Size/ Colour- white Looks like some Borreria to me, may be Borreria alba. Any Hedyotis sp. of Rubiaceae? Borreria species . Could be hispida or alba. Check the characters in details for correct ID of the species. Could not find a match as per comparative images at Spermacoce Seems to be Oldenlandia umbellata On 20/9/08 at KBr National Park in Hyderabad, AP. I hope the Id is correct. Here are links: http://www.aluka.org/AL.AP.FLORA.FTEA (details), http://www.hear.org/spermacoce_ocymoides.htm (details), http://www.aluka.org/AL.AP.SPECIMEN.FHI (specimen), http://www.aluka.org/AL.AP.UPWTA.4 (little details), Now I feel that species in this thread has to be Spermacoce pusilla & not Spermacoce ocymoides: FOI link for Spermacoce pusilla is below: http://www.flowersofindia.TinyFalseButtonweed Thanks a lot … for raising the doubts. I am having further doubts of this species being even Spermacoce pusilla. Experts pl. help. This could be Mitracarpus verticillatus (doubtfully) if the dehiscence of fruits circumscissile. I will not be surprised, even if it turns out to be a species of Hedyotis. It needs critical study. Thanks, … I got no pictures for Mitracarpus verticillatus on net, but detailed desc. at link: http://www.aluka.org/MITRACARPUS.HIRTUS I don’t think it matches with my pictures. As per given link earlier the current name is Mitracarpus hirtus for which a few pictures available at don’t match with my pictures: My plant certainly seems closer to Hedyotis species as per link: Attaching three more pictures I could find of same day & place. I think it should help in solving the mystry. I think it’s Hedyotis corymbosa syn. Oldenlandia corymbosa as per pictures at links: http://www.malariajournal.com/content/8/1/26/figure/F1 Some details: I am going back to Kerala on 11 November 2009 and I will look into this species after a week time This plant is Houstonia nigricans (Lam.) Fern [Synonym: Hedyotis nigricans (Lam.) Fosb.] from the family Rubiaceae as identified by … in the thread: efi thread I think it looks more close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata L. Yes, it’s O. umbelata, . ID request-110212-PKA1: Requesting ID for this herb. It was found to be spreading on the ground. Date/Time: 12th Sept/ 07:30AM Location: Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu Habitat: Wild Plant habit: Herb. Please check with Hedyotis sp. May be a Hedyotis aspera. Definately some rubiaceae member How about Oldenlandia corymbosa? I think it looks more close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata L. rather than those at Oldenlandia corymbosa L.
Oldenlandia umbellata FOR VALIDATION – 2 :: Pondicherry :: 15 OCT 19 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. Puducherry near sea coast Date: October 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl ¿ Oldenlandia umbellata ? Dear friends, Most probably, these too could be Oldenlandia umbellata … refer my earlier post. Photo quality is poor; these plants were at some other place in the disturbed area. The area was been left untended for quite long time, since the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. The resulting scrub forest seems like a haphazard mix of herbs, climbers and twiners among planted trees. your previous pictures in the earlier thread are also taken with the same camera. it has better details. i was thinking as soon as i saw this case first that i dont see details, may be because its a point and shoot camera but its not. just a different day, a different situation == back to this case. seems to be I deleted some writing in the post that I wanted to send across. It was about the new camera and my struggle to cope up with its controls for improving quality beyond what is delivered by its “auto” OR “program” logic. I have always lived with auto/ program and straight-out-of-camera JPEG pictures. Except for manual adjusting of metering and focus area. This new camera washes out details in bright OR white area owing to its long range 24 – 480. I will learn to do some other adjustments – may be EV or any other parameter to gain the details. So, until then, have to go with lesser quality pics 🙂 i wish you rapid learning curve. I have an ulterior motive. i need to replace my prosumer Sony soon. was hoping you will lead me to some good choices Thanks, … On zooming quality has gone down drastically. Yes, appears close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata Oldenlandia umbellata FOR VALIDATION :: Puducherry :: 15 OCT 19 : 9 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. Puducherry near sea coast Date: October 15, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl ¿ Oldenlandia umbellata ? Dear friends, great details even in the white flowers. its very difficult to properly expose white flowers Thanks … Here the plants were in shade. That helped me get some details. Zooming into original size picture 1:1 is not pleasant at all. I will have to bear with lesser quality versus carrying two lenses. can you fit lens front end magnifying diopters? I will have to check in forums about it – of their availability from Lumix, and whether they help improve quality. To me also appears close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata Hampi, KA :: Small herb with white flowers for ID :: ARK2020-052 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Saw this small herb with white flowers in the ancient ruins complex in Hampi, KA in October 2019. Pics were clicked at 2 different locations. Based on efi pics, I think this is Oldenlandia umbellata. Requested to please provide ID. Apologies for the quality of pics. MS/2020/July/6 – Id of the plant requested. : 5 posts by 2 authors. 5 images- 2 mb or more. Please ID the plant from Chennai received with a TAG : Oldenlandia corymbosa, Photographed in a farm land last week. Mumbai :: September 2016 :: Shrub (Oldenlandia ??) for ID :: ARK2022-065: 4 high res. images. This was clicked at SGNP, Mumbai, Maharashtra in September 2016. Requested to provide ID. To me appears close to images at Oldenlandia umbellata L. |
Oldenlandia umbellata
Updated on December 24, 2024