Plants of the World online portal : 5 posts by 3 authors. I came upon the following link which may be found helpful. Thanks … for information and the link. Once complete it should be real asset taking us back to versatility of Famous Index Kewensis. The amount of mistakes in The Plant List makes it practically unusable, unresolved names adding to the confusion. Initially I had sent them more than 1500 errors, but then gave up. I was trying to sign in but it didnt happen. I agree with …, but more than that I imagine, why they need to have three different database coming from the same place and most likely from same people, THE PLANT LIST, WORLD CHECKLIST OF PLANTS and now PLANTS OF THE WORLD. Why not they keep one comprehensive website with properly authenticated and correct information. Now that all three database is coming from same people, I feel confused which one to look into!! But something is always better than nothing. I fully agree with … The IPNI continues to serve as the replacement of the Index Kewensis and they regularly update the website. Tropicos is also quite good for finding out the publication details of a name and its isonyms. The latter also provides fund for research as done for the Indian Syzygium. The rest, as clearly indicated by you, are really confusing and they keep on duplicating the same. There is no use of such checklists without taxonomic judgements. I am giving an example: Right at the moment I am finalizing the typification of Phyllanthus glaucus Wall. ex Mull.Arg. IPNI shows that it is a valid publication and free from all constraints. The Plat List shows that this name is a synonym of Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa and the new website also repeating the same mistake. Probably they have adopted the names and status here by copying the Plant List, the persons/team involved being the same! Many of the Indian names are still of uncertain/unresolved status! Back in our own courtyard, the need of the day seems to be good taxonomic revisions which will lead on to a national Flora and then a dedicated team for constant updates. This will probably take generations to be a reality as in case of Flora Malesiana Project initiated by C. G. G. J. van Steenis!
An online resource for the world’s plants
Updated on December 24, 2024