Operculina turpethum ?; . identification no080611sn3: This flower has not been identified yet.is it Datura sp.? kindly identify. looks like Operculina turpethum from Convolvulaceae family By any chance could this be a half bloomed flower of Dolichandrone falcate or Medhshingi? The leaves look similar. ” “Can it be Rivea ornata? ” May be Rivea?? “ .
Operculina turpethum Looks different from images at Operculina turpethum I think it may be Merremia umbellata Pl. check. Looks different from both suggested ID ! Merremia umbellata Operculina turpethum On further rechecking many genera, I think it is Merremia umbellata only. Pl. check the variations herein. Do you have any more photographs? This is no Operculina turpethum. btw, it is Ipomoea uniflora of FBI. If stem has wing like structure this could be O.turpethum Yes, Sir Aniseia martinicensis iswrong ID. None of the flowers shows “sepals decurrent on the peduncle.” I doubt it can be Operculina turpethum either – flower buds are very similar, but, in the uploaded pic 1) leaves are entirely different (though leaves are variable in convolvulaceae) (2) no wing can be seen on terete stem (3) anthers are not twisted! I refrain myself from commenting on Merremia umbellata. I will get back if I find a suitable alternative. I withdraw my doubt of the ID Operculina turpethum – as per FBI, (1) leaves can be oblong (2) stem can be nearly round. AND maybe anthers would twist later. What do you think of Merremia umbellata ?
Operculina turpethum ?
Updated on December 24, 2024