

Pandanus dubius Spreng. (Cultivated) (Andaman Is.; Bismarck Archipelago; Borneo; Caroline Is.; Fiji; Jamaica; Jawa; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Maluku; Marianas; New Caledonia; New Guinea; Nicobar Is.; Niue; Philippines; Solomon Is.; Sulawesi; Tonga; Vanuatu; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life)


Pandanus emarginatus H.St.John (India as per WCSP)

Pandanus furcatus Roxb. (Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Sri Lanka; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life)



Pandanus leram Jones (Andaman and Nicobar Is., S. Sumatera to W. Jawa as per WCSP)




Pandanus odorifer (Forssk.) Kuntze (Aldabra; Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; Congo; East Himalaya; Florida; Hainan; India; Jawa; Laccadive Is.; Laos; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Malaya; Maldives; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nansei-shoto; Nicobar Is.; Philippines; Puerto Rico; South China Sea; Sri Lanka; Sulawesi; Taiwan; Tanzania; Thailand; Vietnam; Windward Is.; Yemen as per Catalogue of Life)


Pandanus unguifer Hook.f. (Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life)


Pandanus dubius (Exotic)
Pandanus mangalorensis Zanan, Nadaf 
Pandanus martinianus Zanan, Nadaf
Pandanus palakkadensis Nadaf, Zanan & Wakte
Pandanus sanderi Sander (Exotic)


Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae Rahul L. Zanan, Altafhusain B. Nadaf* – American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 4, 51-56 –
Abstract- The Pandanaceae in India are represented by three genera: Pandanus Parkinson (distributed in South and Northeast In-dia and Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Benstonea Callm & Buerki (distributed in South and Northeast India) and Freycinetia Gaudich from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. A detailed survey was carried out from November 2007 to February 2013 along the Peninsular India, North eastern India and Andaman Islands and conservation status of Indian Pandanaceae species was determined following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (2001). The assessment indi-cated that, among the 19 Indian Pandanaceae members, 6 species are falling under threatened category. P. palakkadensis and P. mangalorensis falls under Critically Endangered, P. unguifer and P. martinianus under endangered and P. diversus and B. thwaitesii under vulnerable category. P. furcatus, P. unipapillatus, P. odorifer, P. kaida, P. leram, P. nepalensis and B. foetida, F. sumatrana and F. rigidifolia fall under Least Concern category. P. emarginatus under Data Deficient category and P. amaryllifolius, P. sanderi and P. dubius as exotic species. Based on our study, we re- commend 6 threatened species to include in the IUCN Red List.

Summary- Pandanus palakkadensis, a new species from the Palakkad, Kerala state, India is described and illustrated. The new species can be easily distinguished from the other members of the genus it most closely resembles, P. canaranus Warb. and P. furcatus Roxb. in having a drupe with flat pileus, endocarp broadly truncate, concave on either side with distinctly elevated shoulders, a sharp, obliquely pointed stigma and cylindrical fruit. This distinctive species is endemic to the region of collection and is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) based on the IUCN Red List criteria.

Pandanus mangalorensis: a new species of Pandanaceae from Southern India by R. L. ZananA. B. Nadaf – Kew Bulletin September 2012, Volume 67, Issue 3, pp 555-559
Summary- Pandanus mangalorensis, a new species from the Mangalore district, Karnataka state, India is described and illustrated. The new species differs from other Pandanus species in having prominent multiple branching, triangular infructescence, drupes arranged on a bony triangular ring, drupe apex pyramidal with acute and bifid style and stigma and central projection extended up to style base. The species appears to be endemic to the collection site and is assigned as Critically Endangered (CR) based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.


Pandanus martinianus (Pandanaceae), a new endemic species from northeastern India by RAHUL L. ZANAN & ALTAFHUSAIN B. NADAF – Phytotaxa 73: 1–7 (2012)-  A new species, Pandanus martinianus (Pandanaceae), from the foothills of West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh and Dhimaji District of Assam of North-Eastern region of India is described and illustrated. The new taxon is distinguished from other Pandanus species by the dimensions and shape of its syncarp and the arrangement and shape of its drupes and stigmas. A discussion is provided of its morphological affinities, as well as a conservation assessment based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Pandanus amaryllifolius
ShrubPlains to Low
Altitude, Cultivated, Native of Malaysian Region
Benjamin C
Stone, 1981
All districts
(Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation
Status of
Indian Pandanaceae

(2013))  is synonymous to P. unipapillatus as per efi thread.
Ghats, Open streams
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. III, 1989; Stone, 1983; Matthew, 1999
Pandanus odoratissimus
L.f. =

or small Tree
, Sandy Localities
1983, 1999
Cuddalore, Kanchee puram, Kanniya kumari, Naga pattinam, Pudduk kottai,
Ramanatha puram, Thanjavur,
Thiruvallur,  Tirunelveli,
Thoothuk kudi, Thiruvarur
Pandanus tectorius
to Mid Altitude, Cultivated
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. III, 1989
Pandanus thwaitesii Martelli (= Benstonea thwaitesii (Martelli)
Callm. &
as per
Under shrubWestern
Ghats, Evergreen Forests
of Tamil Nadu, VOL. III, 1989
Kanniya kumari 

Botanical nameSynonymsFamilyCommon name
Pandanus cookii (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))- should be Pandanus odorifer as per efi thread.Pandanaceae Cook’s Screw Pine
Pandanus furcatus Pandanus nepalensis, Pandanus furcatus var. indicaPandanaceae Himalayan Screw Pine
Pandanus odorifer Keura odorifera, Pandanus odoratissimus, Pandanus fascicularisPandanaceae Kewda
Pandanus urophyllus (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))- (Not found in India as per efi thread)Pandanus furcatellusPandanaceae Sikkim Screw Pine

Pandanus tectorius Parikinson (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))

Pandanus tectorius Parkinson (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))
Pandanus urophyllus Hance (Not found in India as per efi thread)




Nature-man-spirit Complex in Tribal India edited by Rann Singh Mann (1981)- Details


Antidiabetic Plants in India and Herbal Based Antidiabetic Research By T. Pullaiah, K. Chandrasekhar Naidu (2003)- Details-




An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew 91995)- Details with keys
Pandanus canaranus Warb. (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))


Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986)- Brief details-
Pandanus baptistii Misonneis a synonym of Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Du Roi (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))
Pandanus graminifolius Kurz (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))
Pandanus sanderi Sander
Pandanus utilis Bory (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))
Pandanus veitchii a synonym of Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Du Roi (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013))

Sacred Plants of India By Nanditha Krishna, M Amirthalingam (2014)- Details-
Pandanus odoratissimus L.F. = Pandanus odorifer


Flora of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, Chintala Prabhakar, B. Ravi Prasad Rao (1998)- Details-
Pandanus fascicularis LAM. (GRIN) = Pandanus odorifer (WCSP)


Pandanus (Pandanaceae‎) : 2 posts by 1 author.

I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Pandanus (Pl. click).

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.
Any comments/ corrections are welcome.

Thank you for your mail. We appreciate your efforts in making eflora of India.
We have following concerns in the updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Pandanus:
1. P. canaranus previously mentioned in the floral database of Tamil nadu  is synonymous to P. unipapillatus (Ref:Indian Pandanaceae – an overview  By Altafhusain Nadaf, Rahul Zanan (2013))
2. Pandanus urophyllus (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013): It is mentioned in Flora of China but our survey showed that it is not found in sikkim). It should be taken as P. nepalensis
3. Pandanus cookii (Not mentioned in the accepted species in Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae (2013): Pandanus cookii is mentioned at below link
Therefore, we request you to incorporate these changes in the updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Pandanus. We will also highly appreciate if you  will let us know these changes.
For more details about Indian Pandanaceae species, we request you to refer to “Tropicos” wherein we have submitted the details with photographs. Please feel free to contact us for any further information on Indian Pandanaceae.

Thanks, … I have made corrections accordingly in efloraofindia.
Pl. see Pandanus (Pl. click).


Updated on December 24, 2024

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