Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 95 95 1825. (syn: Pedicularis dolichosiphon (Hand.-Mazz.) Li; Pedicularis labellata Benth.; Pedicularis siphonantha f. albiflora H.Wang; Pedicularis siphonantha var. dolichosiphon Hand.-Mazz.); . China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nepal, Chumbi as per Catalogue of Life; . Kashmir to Eastern Himalayas & other places as per Taiwania, 54(2): 122-133, 2009; . Tube Lousewort; . Pennell does not record P. siphonantha from Western Himalayas, but Nepal Checklist does. P. siphonantha differs from P. punctata (leaf lobes 4-6 pairs) and P. hookeriana (leaf lobes 6-12 pairs) in corolla tube being more than 4 times as long as calyx. . This paper of 2009, [Taiwania, 54(2): 122-133, 2009] analyses Pedicularis species of Section Siphonanthae. I have attached a sketch from the paper. Pedicularis hookeriana (flower C in the diagram) has a very short flower-tube. Also the distribution of Pedicularis siphonantha is mentioned to be from Kashmir to Eastern Himalayas. So I think the long-flowered species throughout the Himalayas is Pedicularis siphonantha. The other long-flowered species, with hairy flower-tube, is Pedicularis megalantha, but restricted to E. Himalayas. . VOF Week 290812_DS_05: 3 images. Are these the same flower in my earlier post VOF Week 290812_DS_04? I think two plants are mixed up here, taken from different habitats as suggested by file numbers also. After seeing detailed images from … and our discussion especially input by … the revised identification seems to be
Pedicularis siphonantha (Tube Lousewort) near Hemkund Sahib 15.08.2012
Pedicularis siphonantha??? Flowers from Valley, Uttaranchal 1 Poentiala cuneata 2 Primula reidii 3 Pedicularia siphonantha Wonderful shots, … Correct spelling for first one is Potentilla cuneata & here is a nice link for it: http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.potentilla_cuneata.php Here is a link for Primula reidii for more pictures: & for details: VOF Week 290812_DS_04: 2 images. Seen so many beautiful flowers on the way to VOF – and irony is that I do not know anyone’s id. Looking forward for id from experts. I hope Pedicularis hookeriana Pedicularis siphonantha after the relook Location- On the way… from Kookar Nag to Sinthan Pass, Jammu & Kashmir. Date- 08th August 2009. Looks like Tube Lousewort (Pedicularis siphonantha) VOF Week: Pedicularis sp-6 from VoF: Pedicularis siphonantha?? May be P punctata Going by more than 6 number of pinnae pairs (in all three sets of images taken at different times) as per the keys and details at Critical Taxonomic Appraisal of Some Taxa of Pedicularis from Indian Himalayas Belonging to Section Siphonanthae by Arti Garg (2009) (pdf), I feel it may be more closer to Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don
Pedicularis for ID :: Hemkund, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKSEP-14 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Requested to please ID this Pedicularis seen at Hemkund, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. VoF Week: Pedicularis punctata from Valley: 16 images. Pedicularis punctata Going by more than 6 number of pinnae pairs (in all three sets of images taken at different times) as per the keys and details at Critical Taxonomic Appraisal of Some Taxa of Pedicularis from Indian Himalayas Belonging to Section Siphonanthae by Arti Garg (2009) (pdf), I feel it may be more closer to Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don Please check the length of corolla tube also. . SK 3246 20 December 2021: 4 very high res. images. Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 3000m. Date: 24 August 2021 Habit : Wild Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don ?? Yes, to me also appears close to images at Pedicularis siphonantha This should be Pedicularis siphonantha. Nepali Name : पोन्की Ponkee . References: |
Pedicularis siphonantha
Updated on December 24, 2024