Pennisetum pedicellatum

Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3(2): 184 1834. (Syn: Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone; Eriochaeta densiflora Fig. & De Not.; Eriochaeta secundiflora Fig. & De Not.; Panicum araneosum Edgew. [Spelling variant]; Pennisetum amoenum Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Pennisetum araneosum Edgew.; Pennisetum densiflorum (Fig. & De Not.) T.Durand & Schinz; Pennisetum dillonii Steud.; Pennisetum implicatum Steud.; Pennisetum intertextum Schltdl.; Pennisetum lanatum Ham. ex Wall.; Pennisetum lanuginosum Hochst. ….; Pennisetum secundiflorum (Fig. & De Not.) T.Durand & Schinz);
Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone, Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 106: 128 (2010) as per POWO;
Cape Verde, Tropical Africa, Madagascar, Indian Subcontinent to Indo-China: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Repu, Chad, Congo, East Himalaya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Zambia; Introduced into: Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Florida, New Caledonia, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Trinidad-Tobago, Western Australia as per POWO;
Annual kyasuwa grass (Nigeria), bare (Mauritania), deenanath grass (India);
Pl. open the bristles to reveal the spikelets. If one of the spikelets is pedicelled, then it is this species(Pennisetum pedicellatum). If no spikelets are pedicelled, it could be P.polystachyon. P.polystachon has a yellowish inflorescence later on turning straw or brown, whereas P.pedicellatum has inflorescence in shades of pink turning brown.


Grass for ID : Nasik : 301111 : AK-1:
Growing wild by the roadside at Nasik on the 26th of Nov,11.
Height of the plant about two feet.

Pennisetum orientale

I think Pennisetum pedicellatum,
Similar plant has been discussed in detail in another thread






grass purple from Hooghly 11/11/12 sk1:
Found this remarkable grass beside railway tracks in Hooghly.

Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : height 1 foot to 3 feet; culm slim, branched, glabrous; leaves less than 15 cm x 1.2 cm; inflorescence 10 cm or longer
Date : 9/11/12, 2.35 p.m.
Place : Hooghly
Searched for purple or red pennisetum, found one, Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. is it?

Also check Pennisetum pedicellatum.

This is Pennisetum pedicellatum, the spikelets match perfectly. The spikelets of Pennisetum setaceum are different.
Thank you very much.



Grass for id from Bandhavgarh:
this grass flower was photographed in Bandhavgarh. Grasses are about 45-60 cm tall. actual flower is about 8-12 cm long
May I request you to please help in ID pl.

Recently i photographed a similar looking grass, it may be the same Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin. – efi thread.

Group of Pennisetum…

Yes it could be Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.

This is no doubt Pennisetum pedicellatum


Plz id this grass: pa72 – 28dec2012:
Plz id this grass seen flowering in Mankhurd region. It is around 6 foot in height.

looks like Pennisetum orientale

Pennisetum pedicellatumPl. open the bristles to reveal the spikelets. If one of the spikelets is pedicelled, then it is this species. If no spikelets are pedicelled, it could be P.polystachyon. P.polystachon has a yellowish inflorescence later on turning straw or brown, whereas P.pedicellatum has inflorescence in shades of pink turning brown. This one looks more like P.pedicellatum. However, confirm whether any pedicelled spikelets are hidden inside the bristles.

Thank you … for the detailed answer. It is bit difficult for me because i am not a botanist. I am attaching one more close-up photo that i have got. Can you plz look at it and give your comments if
posible. Thanks again.


poaceae week : 1 image. 4 posts by 4 authors.
sending a picture of a grass from nandgaon

Yes looks like Pennisetum pedicellatum

Yes it is Pennisetum pedicellatum

¿ Pennisetum ?
Place, Altitude: Sangameshwar, Konkan, Maharashtra … about 40 ft asl
Date, Time: 20 DEC 08 … 04:51pm
Habitat: scrub vegetation
Habit: herb; perhaps 1 m (cannot recollect height)
Only these closeup views with no details may not be sufficient for ID
To my eyes, the inflorescence resembles Pennisetum (may not be this genus at all), the length of inflorescence however seems relatively less compared to that of Pennisetum setaceum.

Pennisetum pedicellatum

Pennisetum sp. (?) from Assam: Attachments (9). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images may be Pennisetum sp. (??). Please ID the sp.
Date :13.11.2013
Location: Assam
Family : Poaceae
Genus & species : Pennisetum sp. (??)
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit : Herb  

yes, it is p. sangunalis.

Pennisetum pedicellatum. Confirm by opening up the bristles to see if any of the spikelets inside are pedicelled. I have also seen this type of habit (growing in large showy clumps) of Pennisetum pedicellatum in Central India (Pachmarhi plateau), whereas in Kerala, the habit is more or less spreading in nature instead of clumps.


Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. (??) from Assam : Attachments (11).  5 posts by 3 authors.
Attached images may be Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. (??). Please validate the sp.
Date :10.11.2013
Location: Assam
Family : Poaceae
Genus & species : Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. (??)
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly area
Habit : Herb

efi page on Pennisetum purpureum  

It does look like Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.

The decurrent wings on the rachis suggests that it is Pennisetum pedicellatum. There are two ways to confirm. Just take out one spikelet and press the lower part of the spikelet. If you see the upper floret disarticulating and throwing up, it is P.pedicellatum. Reconfirm by opening up the bristles to see whether any of the spikelets inside are pedicelled. Pl. send feedback after this experiment.

I am very happy to read you again after a long pause. This grass is from Assam, by … Thank you very much for taking care of this post. I agreed because of long awn on spikelets and long bristle at leaf base. But, now after reading this mail, spikelets seem to be more like P. pedicellatum than of P. purpureum. “Rachis” characteristic is too hard !
Thank you again for correcting me.

My pleasure …!. Just one correction that the spikelets of pennisetum are not ‘awned’ at all. All the structures you see around the spikelet are just bristles covering a group of spikelets. None of the Paniceae tribe have awns.

Thank you very much for correcting me again. I understand i have very vague idea over internal structure of plant anatomy. I wonder how botanists dissect small to tiny parts of a spikelet to get an inside view! I thought all hair like growth on spikelets are awn!

ANDEC29 Poaceae for identification : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).

Nelliyampathy, Kerala
November 2014

Setaria faberi R.A.W.Herrm, an introduced quickly spreading grass.

it seems to be Pennisetum pedicellatum

Pennisetum pedicellatum


ANOCT02/02 Grass for identification : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Family: Poaceae
Date: 25th October 2015
Place: Savandurga, Karnataka
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Scrub forest

Most probably Pennisetum purpureum?

Yes, tip of peduncle also looks hairy.

Apologies; not sure of specific id; Pennisetum sp.;

seems to be Pennisetum pedicellatum

Pennisetum pedicellatum


ANNOV08/08 Grass for identification : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Family: Poaceae
Date: 31st October 2015
Place: Bangalore, Karnataka

Habit: Herb

Identified by … as Cenchrus sp.

Like the image -0033 for it’s clarity.
Bristles connate at base only, not forming a cup – suggest C.ciliaris.

efi page on Cenchrus ciliaris 

Pennisetum pedicellatum


submission of another cenchrus for identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
It is a cultivated species of Cenchrus. Photographed at Hyderabad.

nice details but why is it cultivated? fodder? industrial?

I think ornamental.

It is Pennisetum pedicellatum very common in India.

Pennisetum pedicellatum 

Grass for ID Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh NAW-NOV18-01 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this grass with pink flowerheads. Height upto 2 metres. Photographed in a farm in Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh in November, 2018.

I think it’s Pennisetum purpureaum or other species; please check local floras.

Could it be Pennisetum pedicellatum?

Pennisetum pedicellatum

060619AB1 ID – Pennisetum pedicellatum? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Identification please. Is this Pennisetum pedicellatum?
Date/Time- November 3, 2017; 12:35 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat, 21°17.839′ N, 77°24.433′ E

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb; Grass
Height/Length- 3-5’ Height

Flowers – Pink

I think you’re right sir.

Yes it is Pennisetum pedicellatum


On 2/11/08 in Bot. Gardens, Hyderabad, AP; near Rajgad, Pune in Nov 08; Bandhavgarh National Park- Nov’09; at Vruddheshwar  वृद्धेश्वर, Tahsil- Pathardi तालुका-पाथर्डी, Dist. Ahmadnagar अहमदनगर, Maharashtra- 08th January 2010; Kunthipuzha river- Silent valley Palakkad Kerala 24 Nov 2007;

Grass for ID : Bangalore : 07JAN20 : AK-13 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
A roadside grass seen in Bangalore last month (Dec. 2018)

Cenchrus sp,

Pennisetum pedicellatum

I feel it as Pennisetum orientale

Pennisetum orientale is slightly different from Pennisetum pedicellatum

Will check

Grass id from Bilaspur : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 mb.
Request for Id of grass from Bilaspur. Photographed in May 2020.

Compare Cenchrus ciliaris

Pennisetum pedicellatum

Need help with id (Enneapogon?) : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Black soil; bhopal; 3/10/2020


Check with Cenchrus also

Yes it is pennisetum spp. Thank you

Pennisetum pedicellatum – young inflorescence

Need help with pink-flowered grass id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 800 kb each.
Bhopal; Black soil; 20/10/2020


Pennisetum pedicellatum
Bilaspur grass Id please : 1 image.
Request for I’d of a grass from Bilaspur. Photographed in Nocember, 2020.

Pennisetum sp. ???

Is it Pennisetum polystachion?

Cannot say in detail. It was just a guess.

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Grass for ID : Nasik : 05JUL21 : AK- 01: 2 images.
Grass seen growing wild in Nasik in two different locations during Nov, 20.
To me both look the same.

Cenchrus sp. = Pennisetum

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Grass for ID : Way to Nasik : 13JUL21 : AK-04:  3 images.
On the way to Nasik in the ghats.
Seen in November.

Pennisetum species ???  A guess

Does look like it.
Will wait for expert comments.

I think your similar species was already identified. Pl. check.
Was it P. purpuream?

The one I had posted recently was identified as Pennisetum pedicellatum by …
Could be the same.
I had posted this as it was a different location.

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Grass for ID : Nasik : 27OCT21 : AK – 027: 5 images.
Wild grass seen along the road last week (27.10.21).

Pennisetum pedicellatum


MS,Nov.,2021/15 Cenchrus sp. ? for id.: 2 images.
Location : Aizawl

Date : 16-11-2015
Habit : Grass
Habitat : Wild/ Cultivated

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Grass for ID : Way to Mumbai : 29JUL21 : AK-14: (Mixed thread): 4 images.
I could see the flowering yesterday (3.11.21) while travelling on the same road (in the ghats while travelling to Mumbai).

The main grass seen is Pennisetum pedicellatum. But the earlier posts are not leaves of the same plant.


MS,Nov.,2021/19 Pennisetum sp. for id.: 1 high res. image.
Location : Aizawl

Date : 01-11-2019
Habit : Annual or perennial grass
Habitat : Wild

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Pench NP, MP, March 2022 :: Grass for ID :: ARK2022-068: 3 images.
This was clicked in the forested area of near Turia, Pench National Park, MP in March 2022
Requested to please ID.

Pennisetum pedicellatum


I’d of grass from Bilaspur: 1 high res. image.
Request for I’d of a grass from Bilaspur. Appears to be Cenchrus. Photographed in November, 2022.

Cenchrus hohenackeri (Hochst. ex Steud.) Morrone ?? Please check !

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Request for I’d of the grass attached: 2 high res. images.

Pennisetum pedicellatum


24032011 Pj 5 Id confirmation:
Pl find attached penisetum setosum, Id conformation requested.

Kindly mention habitat. P. setosum is usually cultivated, taller with longer and thicker spikes.

Its on the bank of a pond in kaiga & water lasts throughout the year.Sorry for the late reply.

Please also check with P. orientalis??

yes its Pennisetum orientalis, check description in cooke’s flora

The picture (grass) looks like P. purpureum – a common fodder grass often found as a field escape.
But confirmation is a must by disecting the spikelets. However, I am sure that was not P. orientalis which is usually grown as a ornamental garden grass.

Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin.

i also go with … pennisetum pedicellatum

i still go with P. orientale and not Pennisetum purpureum which is quite tall grass

I agree with … that it can’t be P. purpureum which is a much taller grass with much broader leaves and dense inflorescence.

It is also not P. setaceum a South African grass with dense spike and stiffer short bristles, often cultivated in gardens.
Pennisetum pedicellatum and P. orientale are closely similar but the spikelets in P. orientale are much separated, rachis hairy and bristles much longer and plumose.
I am also attaching my photograph of P. orientale from Kashmir and P. setaceum from California for comparison
The more denser arrangement of spikelets and shorter bristles suggests P. pedicellatum for above plant as indicated by …, out expert on grasses.
You may please compare above and give your opinion

sirji your photo of P. orientale look quite different,, very interesting

I feel this is pennisetum pedicellatum

I think this appears to be

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Grass Week : AR16 Grass from forest foothills: Height : 1-2 feet approx.,
Habitat : foot hills, Date: 08 Nov 2008
Location: Near Mukkali, Silent Valley, Kerala
Western Ghats,

This appears close to images at Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin.

Pennisetum pedicellatum


Identify Cenchrus sp.?01: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Rocky slope 

Habit: Herb
Location: Shahabad, Baran, Rajasthan

Date: 27092024

Looks like Pennisetum pedicellatum (check whether the spikelets inside the bristles are pedicelled or sessile)




Updated on December 24, 2024

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