Peristylus goodyeroides (D.Don) Lindl., Sp. Orchid. Pl. 299 1835. (syn: Digomphotis undulata Raf. [Illegitimate]; Habenaria glaucescens Ridl.; Habenaria goodyeroides D.Don; Habenaria goodyeroides var. affinis King & Pantl.; Habenaria goodyeroides var. formosana Hayata; Habenaria grandis Benth. ex Ridl.; Habenaria hayatana Schltr.; Habenaria hollandiae (J.J.Sm.) Schltr.; Habenaria lauterbachii Kraenzl. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb. [Invalid]; Habenaria pandurilabia Schltr.; Habenaria tenii Schltr.; Herminium goodyeroides Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Peristylus hollandiae J.J.Sm.; Peristylus horsfieldii Blume; Peristylus sphaerocentron Tang & F.T.Wang; Peristylus warburgianus Kraenzl.; Platanthera horsfieldii (Blume) Náves);
Trop. & Subtrop. Asia as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; India; Jawa; Laos; Lesser Sunda Is.; Malaya; Maluku; Myanmar; Nepal; New Guinea; Philippines; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Taiwan; Thailand; Vietnam; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;
Plant 35-60cm tall; tubers ellipsoid to cylindric, pubescent, 4.5-5 x 1.6-1.8cm. Stem erect, bearing leaves about middle, bracteate above, 32-44cm tall; basal sheaths 3 or 4, tubular, 3-7.5cm long, mouth wide; stem bracts lanceolate, 1.6-2.5 x 0.1-0.4cm. Leaves 3 or 4, clustered, ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute, narrowed and shortly sheathing at abse, 5.5-12.5 x 3-6.3cm; sheaths 2-5cm long. Inflorescence densely to subdensely many-flowered; rachis glabrous, 9.8-23cm long; floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 1-veined, 1.1-1.7 x 0.2-0.4cm. Flowers sweetly fragrant, 5-8mm across, uniformly white or cream, sepals tinged brown; pedicel and ovary twisted, 0.8-1cm long. Dorsal sepal broadly ovate-lanceolate, apiculate, concave, forming hood with petals, 1-veined, 5-5.5 x 1.5-2mm; lateral sepals oblong, apiculate, 1-veined, 4.5-6 x 1-1.4mm. Petals rhombic, obtuse, 3-4.2 x 3-4.4mm. Lip 3-lobed, spurred, broadly triangular to subquadrate, 4.5-5 x 3.5-4mm; base broadly quadrate; lateral lobes linear-oblong, falcate, diverging, 2mm long; mid-lobe tapering to obtuse ape x ; spur short, subglobose, saccate, spur orifice minute, 1.8-2 x 1.8-2mm. Column broad, 2-2.5mm tall; anther locules parallel; pollinia pyriform; caudicles short; viscidia small, obovoid; staminodes large; stigmas 2, beneath staminodes. Fruit erect, sessile, ovoid, ridged, 0.7-1 x 0.2-0.35cm. Peristylus goodyeroides (D.Don) Lindl. ?? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – around 600 kb each. Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Suryabinayak, Nepal
Date: 29 July 2018
Elevation: 5000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Yes this should be Peristylus goodyeroides. Many get confused with Peristylus affinis (which is white and smaller) and Peristylus plantagineus (which is same colour but the lobes of labellum are much shorter and almost inconspicuous). .
Yes Peristylus goodyeroides. .
Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 20 July 2024
Altitude: 1540 m.
Habitat : Wild Yes looks like Peristylus goodyeroides.
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Peristylus goodyeroides
Updated on December 24, 2024