Fwd: Photo project at Neralu, Bengaluru Tree Festival : 2 posts by 1 author.
This is an open call to all the photographers in the city. Tell us your tree story; show us your love for trees – all in the form of photographs. Your photographs should portray your perspectives of nature and your intimate understanding of it. The photographs will finally be displayed at the various venues of Neralu Tree Festival, 2015. Please send in your photographs to neralufestival@gmail.com. Submissions should reach us by 25 January 2015; late submissions will not be accepted. All entries will go through a selection process and only a selected number of prints will be displayed at the venues. http://neralu.in/neralu-photo-project/ Themes:
Submission of Entries:
Photo project at Neralu, Bengaluru Tree Festival
Updated on December 24, 2024