Phytolacca acinosa

Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.,  Fl. Ind., ed. 1832 2: 458 458 1832. (Syn: Phytolacca acinosa var. esculenta (Van Houtte) Maxim.; Phytolacca acinosa f. insularis (Nakai) M.Kim; Phytolacca acinosa var. kaempferi (A.Gray) Makino; Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte; Phytolacca insularis Nakai; Phytolacca kaempferi A. Gray; Phytolacca pekinensis Hance; Pircunia esculenta (van Houtte) Moq.; Pircunia latbenia Moq.; Sarcoca acinosa (Roxb.) V. Skalick; Sarcoca esculenta (van Houtte) V. Skalick; Sarcoca latbenia (Moquin) V. Skalick) as per Catalogue of Life;
China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Taiwan, Tibet, North Korea, South Korea, Japan (I), India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), Vietnam, Germany (I), Croatia (I), Czech Republic (I), Slovakia (I), USA (I) (Wisconsin (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
India pokeweed, Indian poke, Sweet belladona; Chinese: Shaug lu; Hindi: Matazor, Sarangum; Kashmir:  Lubar sag; Punjab: Lubar, Rinsag; Kamaon: Jarak, Jirrag; Assam: Jaiong;
The leaves and tender stems are used as a leafy vegetable in Uttarakhand.


Phytolacca acinosa : Himalayan Pokeberry : Pahalgam : 141011 : AK-5: 1 image.
Sharing picture of Himalayan Pokeberry taken at Pahalgam on the 7th of Sept,11.
Kindly validate.

Yes … You got it fruiting


Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.-as Pot Herb:
thanks for the Indian vernacular/tribal names of Phytolaca americana
Its very interesting that tribals separated by seven seas and many centuries … American Alquonquin tribe (who taught the white immigrants to boil it three times and discard the water ) in 16th 17th century had very similar methods to our Sikkimese and Nepali Himalayan hill folks and Tibetans I this or the last (20th ) century at least  …. boil the greens well and discard the water…
It goes to show that the people without the college degress or western education also learn quickly and develop methodologies for enjoying foods, cooking methods for nourishing foods and saving themselves and their family and friends from possible toxins…
Is n’t life on this earth wonderful???


Phytolacca acinosa (Family: Phytolaccaceae) along Govindghat-Ghangaria Trail.


VoF Week: Phytolacca acinosa from the way to ghangriya:

Phytolacca acinosa from the way to ghangriya
Seen at only 2-3 places only

Amarnath Yatra:: Phytolacca acinosa ? Pl Validate (NSJ-01 28/08/13) :  Attachments (6). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Phytolacca acinosa found near Pahalgam / Chandanwari
ALtitude – 7000 – 9000′
Date Aug10, 2013

Yes it is P.acinosa.

Yes, Nice photographs.


Phytolacca acinosa — en-route Shakati at GHNP – PKA26 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8).
Seen this large herb (1m tall) en-route Shakati at GHNP at an altitude of approx 2300m.
Bot. name: Phytolacca acinosa
Family: Phytolaccaceae
Common names: Indian Pokeweed, Himalayan Pokeberry

Inflorescence look delicious, however, the leaves and tender stems are used as a leafy vegetable in Uttarakhand.


Herb for ID, Lower Manimahesh, Himachal Pradesh NAW-SEP17-04 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(9)
Kindly identify this plant photographed in June 2017 on the trail to Manimahesh at the height of about 2000 metres. Height of plant about 60 cm.
The last 3 pictures are of a different plant close by but may be the same species – note the flattened stem. Initially i thought that the later was a different species but now im not sure.

Except two pics of Euphorbia, all others belong to Phytolacca

I did send 2 pictures not meant for this email – i resend the pictures for consideration. The first 4 are of a plant with cylindrical stem while the latter 3 are of a plant with a flattened stem.
Attachments (7)  

Superb images.
Pl. check with images at—z/p/phytolaccaceae/phytolacca/phytolacca-acinosa

Thank you all.
Good to know it is edible cooked tho water has to be thrown away to remove toxins. It was growing just above our camping site. The Manimahesh trails have many edible plants as we found later since the dhabas used wild leafy vegetables and wild coriander/celery in the food we got to eat. We even went on a saag gathering walk with one of the cooks to pick some 15 different varieties of leafy vegetables for dinner.


from Ritterhude, Germany- July’10; Pahalgam on June 20, 2010; higher Himalaya in Uttarakhand- Aug’10?;

Phytolacca acinosa from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Phytolacca acinosa? from Ritterhude – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude:  2949m.
Date: 20 August 2021
Habit : Wild 


Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Juphal, Dolpa,  Nepal
Altitude:  2400m.
Date: 22 June 1022

Habit : Wild 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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