Pimpinella pruatjan (Indonesia)

Pimpinella pruatjan Molk., Pl. Jungh. 97 1851. (syn: Anisometros alpina (Zoll. & Mor.) Hassk.; Carum panatjan (Hassk.) Baill.; Heterachaena alpina Zoll. & Mor.; Pimpinella leeuwenii H. Wolff; Pimpinella panatjan (Hassk.) Mirb. ex Rosenth.);  

Java as per Catalogue of Life;



Pimpinella pruatjan: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Could you help me to explain the reasons why Pimpinella pruatjan is unresolved. I send you the dried root of the plant. 

Thanks, Pudji ji.
The explanation as per The Plant List as to why names are stated as Unresolved is given below: 


Unresolved Name

Unresolved names are those to which it is not yet possible to assign a Status of either ‘Accepted’ or ‘Synonym’. For an explanation of how names were assigned a status please refer to How The Plant List was Created. Unresolved names fall into two sub-classes:

Unassessed names

for which there is no evidence within any of the contributing data sources that the status of this name had been evaluated by the data owners. None had recorded that it was either ‘accepted’ or a ‘synonym’. None had recorded that they had attempted such an evaluation. Since, by definition, a name is accepted by the publishing author at the time of publication, it could be argued that all names are putatively Accepted until such time as they are demonstrated to be Synonyms.

Unplaced names

for which the data source supplying that record indicated positively that the data owners had sought to resolve its status and not been able to come to a conclusion so as to place it either in synonymy or as the accepted name of a new species. This is often the case if the name has insufficient description and no herbarium specimens are known or where one or more nomenclatural acts are required to provide the accepted name for which the unplaced name would be a synonym.

Among Unresolved names, Unassessed names are much more numerous than Unplaced names.

It is also important to note that in a small number of cases the status ‘Unresolved’ was assigned to a name record during creation of The Plant List despite a taxonomic opinion having been recorded in the contributing data source. This occurs where to have followed this opinion would have conflicted with opinions recorded elsewhere in other data sources. To follow both would have resulted in inconsistencies within the working list of plants. In such cases:

  • the status of the record on this website is indicated with an ‘*’ to indicate that it derives from the procedures used to build The Plant List and
  • the original status of the name (as recorded in the source database) is indicated on the details page for that name.

For each name with Status of ‘Unresolved’ The Plant List aims to provide:


To avoid this, you can check Catalogue of Life, which do not make any such assignment.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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