Pimpinella diversifolia ?;
MS June, 2017/03 Pimpinella diversifolia (?) for id/confirmation : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Location : Reiek, Mizoram Can you send close up images of leaves & fruits as I am not sure while comparing with images at Pimpinella diversifolia DC.due to lack of details ? Sir, this is another images. Sorry ! I don’nt have close up images of leaves & fruits. Tetrataenium burmanicum (Kurz) Manden. ?? Syn : Heracleum burmanicum Kurz What are the species found there? Heracleum burmanicum & H.candicans are recorded in Mizoram Pl. post high resolution images. This is already discussed and placed at Pimpinella diversifolia ? I have doubt about this ! |
Pimpinella diversifolia ?
Updated on December 24, 2024