Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei C. B. Cl. (Syn: Pleocaulus ritchei (C. B. Cl.) Bremek.) as per Catalogue of Life;
¿ plee-oh-KAW-lus ? — from the Greek pleos (many) and kaulos (stem) RICH-ee-eye — named for Dr. Ritchie, collector of plants in Belgaon . commonly known in Marathi as: माळ कारवी mal karvi, टोपली कारवी topli karvi . Endemic to: northern Western Ghats (of India) .. Ellipsoid pollen with septate bands and bracteolate flowers Grows in low clumps with softly hairy leaves. Inflorescence terminal with blue flowers. Differs from closely related genera within the Strobilanthus group by having ellipsoid pollen with septate bands and bracteolate flowers
Flowering period: August – October, however after a period of 9 -13 years
Undershrubs; stems erect, quadrangular, usually hairy. Leaves sessile or nearly so, 2-3 long, nearly as broad as long, ovate, lineolate and hairy above, nearly glabrous except on the nerves which are bristly beneath, apex acute, base rounded or often cordate. Flowers purple in strobiliform, axillary and terminal, pedunculate or subsessile, 2-8 cm long spikes, often 3 together at tops of branches. Capsules c 1 cm long, linear, oblong, acute, glabrous or with a few, minute, glandular hair at the top. Seeds c 0.25 cm across, suboricular, hygroscopically brown hairy all over,
Monotypic species close to other genera of Strobilanthus group but has a distinct low-tufted growth pattern and bracteolate flowers
Insect- pollinated
System: Terrestrial, Hill tops in high rainfall areas. Habitat: Slopes and plateaus at altitudes above 800 m ASL along the crestline of Northern Western Ghats.
(Attributions- Dr. Aparna Watve, Biome Conservation Foundation, Pune, India from India Biodiversity Portal )
Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1154 :: Pleocaulus ritchiei: Kas plateau … about 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India 19 OCT 07 & 28 SEP 08
Pleocaulus ritchiei (C.B.Clarke) Bremek. … (family: Acanthaceae) ¿ plee-oh-KAW-lus ? — from the Greek pleos (many) and kaulos (stem)
RICH-ee-eye — named for Dr. Ritchie, collector of plants in Belgaon commonly known in Marathi as: माळ कारवी mal karvi, टोपली कारवी topli karvi Endemic to: northern Western Ghats (of India) References: Flowers of India • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar Kas week : Pleocaulus ritchei SMP: very nice.. looks like acres and acres of this blue… It must be really good sight to see these meadows. Kas weej:: PKA41:: Pleocaulus ritchiei: . Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pleocaulus ritchiei :: Kas :: PKA-MAR50/50: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Pleocaulus ritchiei (Family: Acanthaceae).
Local name: Topli Karvy. .
Kas week: PKA51:– Concluding post- Kas plateau: The plant with flowers in the foreground is Impatiens lawii; the wide bushy plant with serrated leaves is Pleocaulus ritchiei. now that I know the id, googled and your picture at FOI came up
what a lovely flower color intrigued that its also a strobilanthes…. GOI mentions Strobilanthes sessilis, Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchiei of Barleria family, can believe it seeing the buds… by the way FOI page was on the topmost position, … Flowers of India KAS Week DS_051012_02 Karvi I: Pleocaulus ritchiei as per thread KAS Week DS_051012_03 Karvi II: Pleocaulus ritchiei as per thread Pleocaulus ritchiei topli karvi : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. While driving near Loanavala , Mulshi Got this beautifull Topli karvi on roadside
Pleocaulus ritchiei
Acanthaceae sp for ID?- PKA-March-38 : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4). Pleocaulis sessiloides (Cl.) Bren is reported from coorg area, B. ritchei is considered as a variety of P. sessiloides. Could you pl. give the source refrence of your observation ? Yes it Pleocaulus ritchei.. topali karavi in marathi It is Rungia species? No …, it is not Rungia sp for sure!! ANAUG57 Acanthaceae for ID- Strobilanthus sp.? : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Thadiyandamol, Western Ghats 30th August, 2014 Strobilanthes kunthiana (?) : 6 posts by 5 authors. 2 images.
Please confirm if it is Strobilanthes kunthiana or Neelakurunji. Spotted them during a drive to Kemmengundi (Karnataka). The bloom just started. If my identification is right, in a month whole hill will be covered by them. It seems Strobilanthus kunthianus It is not Strobilanthes kunthiana. This is most probably Strobilanthes sessilis Nees var ritchiei C.B. Clarke Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pleocaulus ritchei :: Satara :: ARKMAR-15/27 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)
Attached are pictures of Pleocaulus ritchei captured at various places in Satara in October 2014. . Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pleocaulus ritchei :: Sinhagad :: ARKMAR-14/26 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Pleocaulus ritchei captured at Sinhagad near Pune in August 2014. Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pleocaulus ritchiei :: Kas plateau & Tung fort :: DVMAR87/98 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 6 images.
Pleocaulus ritchiei (C.B.Clarke) Bremek.
on Kas plateau on October 19, 2007
on Kas plateau on September 28, 2008
at Tung fort on July 31, 2011 ANMAR19/40 Strobilanthes sessilis : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9)
Family: Acanthaceae … Most of the posts so far in efi seems to be of Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei,
is your post is of var. sessilis ?
There is also appears to be some confusion regarding its taxonomy. Hope somebody clarifies it. …, the ID I have provided is the same as I received once before from this group itself so I agree with the ID you have provided now. Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Pleocaulus ritchiei :: Kas plateau:: NSJ-MAR-30: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Pleocaulus ritchiei from Kas plateau. Mass flowering was observed in year 2008. great pictures
TSPDEC2015-16-189: Images of Strobilanthes sessilis var.ritchei : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7) It is my pleasure to share few images of Strobilanthes sessilis var. retchei (Acanthaceae) Ref: /species/a—l/a/acanthaceae/strobilanthes/pleocaulus-ritchiei Low clumps with soft hairy leaves- Erect, quadrangular and hairy stem-Leaves sessile or nearly so,apex acute, leaf base rounded or cordate-Flowers purple, axillary and terminal. Habit: Under shrub Habitat: Montane forest amidst grass Sighting: Mullaianagiri-Kemmangundi, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700 msl Date:19-08-2014, 21-09-2014, 04-10-2014 and 01-08-2015
Pleocaulis ritchiei : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
250910 SB01 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei—for validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Appears to be correct ID but let us wait for expert opinion. Can you submit close up of the side view of the flower ? These are all the photos I have but these were in the shape of mounds. May I request you to pl. post original of the first image. Attaching original photos. unlike a series of mounds this was one of the few. Hope this helps These are not high resolution images- so difficult to see the details. Already in validated list and seems ok.
Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Pleocaulus ritchei ?? :: Chikmagalur :: PKA-MAR65/65: : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Plant reminded me of Pleocaulus ritchei (Family: Acanthaceae). efi page on Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei syn. Pleocaulus ritchei Does not seem to be Pleocaulus ritchiei, though not sure. Wonderful find … !! This has already been listed as Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei !
location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:shrub?
height:about 2 ft. some plectranthus may be? I am afraid, as it is difficult to say even the genus name based on vegetative specimen photos. But it doesn’t look any Plectranthus members! Well … may be right
at first glance i had thought it was the dwarf variety of kalanchoe pinnata … pathorkuchi in bangla i had several of these in my garden, cuttings were from a world class botanist curated herbal garden… but those leaves are never this hirsute only other thing i can remember was various plectranthus i have had the fortune to grow from seedlings over the years, some scented, other not… some bushy some trailing some make small mounds on the ground some long trails in a hanging basket… we still need to look at the lamiaceae family i think some knowledgeable botanist / taxonomist needs to look at this pictures set. I would like to know too…. Coleus amboinicus Lour. ?? I think looks different from Plectranthus amboinicus Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Plectranthus as per these images Difficult to ID with these images ! Might be Teucrium Could this be Topli Karvy (Pleocaulus rithchiei) Yes, I think so . Strobilanthes sessilis var ritchei from below Mullayanagiri-GS22022022-4: 3 very high res. images.
Strobilanthes sessilis var ritchei photographed from below Mullayanagiri, Karnataka, 26-9-2015.
Topli Karvi – indiantreepix | Google Groups
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Strobilanthes sessilis var. ritchei
Updated on December 24, 2024