Pluchea sagittalis (Introduced)

Pluchea sagittalis (Lam.) Cabrera, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 3: 36 (1949) (syn: Conyza brasiliensis Steetz ; Conyza quitoc (DC.) Peterm. ; Conyza sagittalis Lam.; Gnaphalium suaveolens Vell. ; Placus suaveolens Baill. ; Pluchea quitoc DC. ; Pluchea suaveolens (Vell.) Kuntze ; Pluchea tweediei Hook. & Arn. ex Baker);
Trinidad to S. Tropical America: Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, Florida, Paraguay, Trinidad-Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela as per POWO;

Pluchea sagittalis for addition to Database:: NS June 2023: 4 high res. images.

Here is a new addition to our database, and specially significant to me for two reasons:
1. It is being shared from a locality I love the most, my parental place.
2. The pics are almost earliest pics, if not the first 100, through my recent camera.
I know I am bit inactive here, I am pleased to share this.. if anyone can throw light on its distribution in India, it will be great..
I hope the identification is okay..

A very good find.
But I could not find any details of it being reported from India or nearby areas.
Has it been published earlier from India?

You can further check

I could not find any published article pertaining to this taxon, from India..

this looks like Erigeron bonariensis, or something close to it.

It is quite distinct from Erigeron bonariensis, in every is aromatic, with winged stem, wider lance-like leaves, larger heads etc.

Oh I see…

How about Laggera alata, although the heads do looks different?

Looks different as per images at

At least not listed in BSI document (Mao & Dash, 2020, Flowering Plants of India An Annotated Checklist) by this name or any other synonym mentioned in POWO.

Pl see this link:
Or search in this database for distribution:
Probably not known in Old World !





POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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