Polygonum aviculare L., Sp. Pl. 362 1753. (Syn: Avicularia vulgaris Didr.; Centinodium axillare Montandon; Polygonum aequale subsp. oedocarpum Lindm.; Polygonum agreste SUMNER; Polygonum aphyllum Krock.; Polygonum araraticum Kom.; Polygonum aviculare var. angustissimum Meisn. ……; Polygonum berteroi Phil.; Polygonum centinodum Lam.; Polygonum erectum Roth; Polygonum ganderbalense Munshi & Javeid; Polygonum heterophyllum Lindm. ……; Polygonum monspeliense Thiéb.-Bern. ex Pers.; Polygonum neglectum Besser; Polygonum planum Skvortsov; Polygonum polyneuron Franch. & Sav.; Polygonum procumbens Gilib. [Invalid]; Polygonum prostratum Skvortsov; Polygonum retinerve Vorosch.; Polygonum rubescens Small; Polygonum scythicum Klokov; Polygonum striatum K. Koch; Polygonum uruguense H. Gross); ID request- Ladakh plant–231011-PKA3: Yes…This plant looks like P. aviculare to me too. . Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum aviculare at Zinzingbar -PKA16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Seen this prostrate herb at “Zinzingbar”. . Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum ariculare from Kashmir-GSMAY54 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Polygonum aviculare L. Ascending to erect plants with strongly dimorphic leaves, those on branches much shorter that those on main stems, perianth cleft more than half and nut 2.5-3 mm long, often slightly projecting from perianth. Photographed from Srinagar, Kashmir To me also it looks like P. aviculare! Thanks for sharing sir! Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum sp. from Kashmir for ID-GSMAY56 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Plant looks different from both Polygonum arenastrum and P. aviculare, please identify. Photographed from Srinagar, Kashmir I think P. aviculare … has identified it as Polygonum aviculare subsp. heterophyllum Polygonum aviculare ABSEP2016/09 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. This small plant was just above Triund. The light was not good at that time and I managed only poor photos. I think this is Common Knotgrass. Please advise. Polygonum aviculare—Common Knotgrass Triund, HP 2850m approx. 03-04 September 2016
Is it Polygonum aviculare ?: 5 images. I guess the ID is correct ! Yes it is P. aviculare. Yes, appears close to images at Would like to add the following information : Kashmiri name of P.avinculare is “Drab”. Walter R Lawrence in his book “The Valley of Kashmir” (page 72) has made the following remark.” Drab (Polygonum sp.) is eaten boiled with milk.” I tasted the leaves and found that they were not bitter. Thus the assertion that the herb “rau dang” (literally bitter herb} of Vietnam is P.avinculare is wrong. Rau dang most probably is Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) which is bitter as rightly asserted by a supplier on his website. With the easy availability of commercially cultivated vegetables Drab is no longer used as a food in Kashmir. . References: POWO |
Polygonum aviculare
Updated on December 24, 2024