Polygonum chaturbhujanum

Polygonum chaturbhujanum K.C. Mohan, Annales Botanici Fennici, 61(1):25-28 (2024);
India (MP,  Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan) as per efi thread;
Common name: Tiny-Flower Knotweed

Polygonum chaturbhujanum: 59 images.
Reporting this new species ..Polygonum chaturbhujanum.
I have been recording this species in Surat since 2017 . I had posted in Indian Flora facebook group many times since, on whatsapp too. Don’t remember whether posted in our group or not. Polygonum plebeium was suggested as possible id. About a month ago Dr. Rahul Sharma suggested this id.

Perusal of older posts in facebook (Indian Flora) tells us that it has been reported from many locations in MP as well as  Maharashtra , Bhavnagar Banaskantha and  Surat in Gujarat and also from Rajasthan. 
A prostrate herb similar to Polygonum plebeium but having much smaller flowers borne on a long  floral axis arising from leaf axils ….leaf/bracts on floral axis are smaller than on main stem. Ochrea are ending up in long hairy appendages giving the plant a very hairy appearance.
Habitat is dried caked bed of water logged pieces of land or a shallow pond . I tried to locate it in a deeper pond bed but could not find it.

Resized images follow.

Congrats, Rakesh ji.

Pl. check if the following are matching?:
ID Request- 190512-PKA1
Id of a herb from Bilaspur
Polygonum plebeium R.Br. ? (mixed thread)

No, I do not have a copy of paper ….a google search shows the link and abstract only …abstract talks about key findings which were very encouraging…. I tried sci-hub but paper is not yet there.
What clinched the id was an image search with keyword Polygonum chaturbhujanum…. results threw up the images used in the very same paper and it was an absolute match. I have been following this herb since 2017 …I am absolutely sure.

All three are Polygonum chaturbhujanum.

Id of a herb from Bilaspur: 2 high res. images.
Request for id of a carpet forming herb from Bilaspur. Photographed in April 2022.

Please check Acanthaceae !

Or Polygonaceae?

This may be some Polygonum species as per earlier discussions at Polygonum species?- Ambazari lake, Nagpur, Maharashtra
May be … takes a fresh look or suggest something else.

to me it looks like Polygonum sps

This is Rotala L. since there are no detailed morphological literature with me of the species this should be Rotala illecebroides Koehne most common in Nagpur.

I have been able to get clearer close up image of the plant which may perhaps help in confirming the identity.

Polygonum plebeium R. Br.


Polygonum paronychioides C.A.Mey. ??

No. I have to check the following suggestion:
This is Rotala L. since there are no detailed morphological literature with me of the species this should be Rotala illecebroides Koehne most common in Nagpur.

To me looks different from Rotala illecebroides as per POWO specimen and GBIF Specimens- one
I tried checking all the species of Rotala listed in Flora of Peninsular India, but could not go close to the posted plant.
Still remains a mystery plant.

It is Rotala indica (Wild.) Koehne

These flowers are pentamerous. Rotala indica has 4 petals.

Then please check it in the group Rotala densiflora, Rotala rosea group but the habit not seemingly match with that group. Both of these species are not the condensed growth as that seen in the photographs. First of all check whether it belongs to family Lythraceae and the genus Rotala. Because certain other genus that mimic Rotala also seen in marshy places like Rotula aquatica. If still it belongs to Rotala it may be a new species.

The flowers are not consistent with Lythraceae.

Please see the many morphological variations of Polygonum plebeium in eflora. One earlier post stands out as being very similar to this one:
I think this plant is Polygonum plebeium as Saroj ji has suggested.

But …, who is an Expert on Polygonaceae, do not think so.

I could not find comments from … in this post.
I wonder if the additional close up photo sent by … has been seen by all members as it doesn’t appear at the beginning.
Sending a link

To me also it appears close to images at Polygonum plebeium, which is a very variable species.

It is Polygonum chaturbhujanum (a new species) as per discussions and confirmation at
Polygonum chaturbhujanum
New species of Polygonum chaturbhujanum



ID Request- 190512-PKA1:
Seen this small prostrate herb near a lake at Nagpur.
Date/Time: 03-05-2012 / 07:30AM
Location: Ambazari lake, Nagpur
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild

what’s the scale? ie how large is each of these green units?
carpeting, moss like spread, not that i am suggesting the diagnosis

Looks like some species of Cyanotis they I cannot say for sure

Looks like an acanthaceae member. Possibly lepidagathis sp.

Lepidagathis species so far in efi

Lepidagathis hamiltoniana Wall. ??

I think flowers look different from images at Lepidagathis hamiltoniana Wall.

Polygonum paronychioides C.A. Mey ???

I think looks different from images at Polygonum paronychioides

Does not look like Polygonum paronychioides to me.

Reminds me of Nelsonia canescens, but not sure.

Looks different from images at Nelsonia canescens

Staurogyne glauca??, it looks stunted

Can it be a polygonaceae member?

Does not look like a Polygonaceae member to me.

It’s Polygonum

Recently discussed these Photos with … his opinion is that this is species of polygonum and plant do not show any characters of Genus Lepidagathis

May I request you for high resolution images, so that we can crack id of this Polygonum species, as suggested by …

Unfortunately I am not able to find the high resolution images as requested. Will get back to you once i trace it..

This has been identified as Rotala indica (Wild.) Koehne as per Id of a herb from Bilaspur

Finally taking it as Polygonum plebeium, which is a very variable species as per further discussions at Id of a herb from Bilaspur

I am still not convinced. Shall wait for others’ opinions.

It is Polygonum chaturbhujanum (a new species) as per discussions and confirmation at
Polygonum chaturbhujanum
New species of Polygonum chaturbhujanum


Polygonum plebeium R.Br. ? (mixed thread): 3 high resolution images.
Plz identify?
Loc- Kota Rajasthan

Polygonum plebeium R.Br.

I agree with …

I find leaves a bit different from those at Polygonum plebeium and Polygonum effusum
Is the id OK?


Here also leaves and flowers look a bit different.
Maybe … can throw more light in the matter.

But aren’t both same as per the links I have sent ?

Not as per … and POWO.

It is Polygonum chaturbhujanum (a new species) as per discussions and confirmation at
Polygonum chaturbhujanum
New species of Polygonum chaturbhujanum


New species of Polygonum chaturbhujanum:

May I request you to pl. confirm or otherwise, if the following are matching with Polygonum chaturbhujanum?:

Yes, It may be P.chaturbhujanum (ID-190512-PKA1) which is collected from Ambazari, Nagpur.

Posted in 2012, 2020, 2022: published as a new species in 2024:

Prashant Awale ji (2012), Sonu Kumar ji (2020) and Bala Subramaniam ji (2022) had posted this plant (as per details at ID Request- 190512-PKA1Id of a herb from Bilaspur and Polygonum plebeium R.Br. ? (mixed thread)), which has now been published as a new species as per
Polygonum chaturbhujanum (Polygonaceae), a New Species from Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra, India– Chandramohan Kolagani, Prabhu Nath Shukla, Ravivarma Dudiapala-  Annales Botanici Fennici, 61(1):25-28 (2024);

Pl. see complete details at
Congratulations to Prashant ji, Sonu ji and Bala ji.

Significant achievement, Congratulations Prashant ji, Sonu ji and Bala ji.

https://bioone.org/journals/annales-botanici-fennici/volume-61/ issue-1/085.061.0104/Polygonum-chaturbhujanum-Polygonaceae-a-New-Species -from-Pench-Tiger-Reserve/10.5735/085.061.0104.short

Many thanks for sharing this interesting species. I am yet to see the paper.

Hearty congratulations to dear Prashant, Sonu ji and Bala ji.


Congratulations for the team 👏

many congratulations





Catalogue of Life  Flowers of India
Polygonum chaturbhujanum (Polygonaceae), a New Species from Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra, IndiaChandramohan KolaganiPrabhu Nath ShuklaRavivarma Dudiapala (Abstract: Polygonum chaturbhujanum K.C. Mohan sp. nova (Polygonaceae) is described and illustrated from an island in the Totladoh Reservoir, Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra, India. It morphologically resembles P. effusumP. paronychioides and P. plebeium, but differs from them in having smaller leaves (5–7 mm long); shorter ochreae (2.0–2.5 mm long); inflorescence of dense terminal spikes at the end of the branches; bracts smaller than cauline leaves; perianth lobes emarginate with an apical mucro; smaller ovary (0.5 mm long); and achenes with short beak.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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