Polygonum paronychioides

Polygonum paronychioides C.A. Mey., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 11: 356 356 1838. (Syn: Polygonum englerianum H. Gross; Polygonum himalayense H. Gross; Polygonum lemannianum Meisn.; Polygonum meyeri Steud.; Polygonum mezianum H. Gross; Polygonum mucronatum Royle ex Bab.);
E. Turkey to Central Asia and W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, North Caucasus, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Fuzzy Knotweed


ID request-21102010-PKA2:
This is one more herb from Chatadu (11200 ft altitude approx.).

Date/time: 29-09-2010 / 12:05PM
Location: Chatadu (Himachal Pradesh)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

– Had seen this plant, but could not make out. I thought some species of Polygonum, or some member of Ericaceae.

– I think this one is Polygonum paronychiodes

– I wonder if it is P. paronychioides because the leaf size in your plant looking much bigger than the normal leaf size of P. paronychioides. A/c to Fl. Pakistan, it is 10 (-12) mm long in P. paronychioides, whereas 10-25mm long in P. afghanicum, a very closely allied species. You can check for the TYPE specimen at the virtual herbarium of New york Botanical Garden (http://sciweb.nybg.org/lists/polygonaceae.html)
   P.S.: There is an ambiguity in the key and description of P. paronychioides in Fl. Pakistan. Leaf size 10 (-12) in key, whereas 7.5-15 mm in description.
   Further, I am unable to see the ochrea characters in your photographs which are also deciding. Therefore, I would request you to please check your specimens thoroughly once again. It could be P. afghanicum, a new record for India.

– seems likely to be Polygonum paronychioides.

Polygonum paronychiodes should be the right answer. See this illustration:

Polygonum paronychioides: Seen this prostrate herb at “Zinzingbar”.
Family: Polygonaceae
Bot. name:
Polygonum paronychioides
Date/Time: 12-09-2011 / 10:50 AM
Location: Zinzingbar, (Manali- Leh Route), Lahul- Spiti, Himachal Pradesh
Altitude: Approx: 14100ft.
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb.

Nice pictures of one of the many Polygonaceae members found from the region.
I was wondering the reason for the name paronychioides.
In medicine there is a word paronychia : referring to infection around the finger nail.
Latin parōnychia, from Greek parōnukhiā : para-, around; see para-1 + onux, onukh-, nail; see nogh- in Indo-European roots.
Any relation with this….?

There is a genus of Family Caryophyllaceae named Paronychia, also known as nailwort and gets its name from the disease of the fingernails which it was once thought to cure.
Specific epithet paronychioides in Polygonum (as well as Alternanthera) gets its name from being Paronychia like in habit.


Polygoncaeae Fortnight Polygonum pliebium from Chitkul in Kinnaur Dist. of HP : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Shot from Chitkul in Kinnaur Distt at 3600m looks like Polygonum plebium\

This is definitely not Polygonum plebeium.
Presence of lanceolate bracts longer than the perianth points to Polygonum paronychioides C.A. Mey.
You can also check with these links:

Thanks for the upload.

Thanks … for correct ID of this plant.


Seen this prostrate herb  at “Zinzingbar”.
Family: Polygonaceae
Bot. name:  Polygonum paronychioides

Date/Time: 12-09-2011 / 10:50 AM
Location: Zinzingbar, (Manali- Leh Route), Lahul- Spiti, Himachal Pradesh
Altitude: Approx: 14100ft.

Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Herb.

beautiful herb indeed…yet to see this…


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum paronychioides at Chatadu -PKA15: : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2).

Bot. name: Polygonum paronychioides
Family: Polygonaceae
Date/time: 29-09-2010 / 12:05PM
Location: Chatadu (Himachal Pradesh), (11200 ft altitude approx.).

Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Plant of cold desert area.


Polygonum paronychioides — en-route Dras, J&K- July-PKA-22 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Polygonum paronychioides (Family: Polygonaceae) photographed en-route Dras (J&K).
Altitude: Approx: 11000 ft.

Wah!!! Superb!!!


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Prostrate plant for ID :: ARK2022-132: 3 high res. images,

This was at Namika la (a pass on the Srinagar Kargil route) at 3700 mt. ASL in August 2022.
Requested to please ID

Polygonum sp

I hope Polygonum paronychioides

This looks like Polygonum paronychioides.

I also agree as per images at Polygonum paronychioides C.A. Mey.


POWO  Flowers of India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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