Polygonum recumbens

Polygonum recumbens Royle ex Bab., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 18: 116 116 1838. (Syn: Polygonum mirajabii Chaudhri);
NE. Pakistan to Central Himalaya: Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Creeping Knotweed • Hindi: Oglya jhar
A small perennial herb barely growing more than 15 cm, forming patches along roadside. stems erect, woody at base with obovate leaves narrowed towards base, about 1.5-2 cm long, about 1-1.2 mm broad, rounded or acute at apex, leaves spirally arranged and closely spaced; flowers white ca 1.2-1.5 mm across, white in clusters in leaf axils.

This species was photographed from Mussoorie Chakrata Road near Baratkhai.
A small perennial herb barely growing more than 15 cm, forming patches along roadside. stems erect, woody at base with obovate leaves narrowed towards base, about 1.5-2 cm long, about 1-1.2 mm broad, rounded or acute at apex, leaves spirally arranged and closely spaced; flowers white ca 1.2-1.5 mm across, white in clusters in leaf axils.
Similar plant uploaded at Flowers of India identified as Polygonum filicaule, but perhaps not correctly identified. P. filicaule is a very delicate plant with straw-like stems, very distant leaves smaller leaves.

Could this be Polygonum recumbens ?  I had also spotted the similar plant on the Road side on the way to Rohtang from Manali. I will post the same in seperate post to avoid mix up.

From description of Flora Simlensis it seems to be P recumbens as suggested by …

Yes … Polygonum recumbens is the closest choice though mine uploaded on FOI is a an ascending plant with longer stems and much more acute leaves than my above Chakrata plant. Let us see further. May be … can help.

Sir I am sharing my pics and Description from Flora simlensis

Yes! This looks like P. recumbens to me too.

What about plant as FOI as P. ficicaule, as I mentioned earlier.?

Polygonum filicaule Wall. ex Meisn. is now known as Koenigia nepalensis D. Don. K. nepalensis is a very delicate and different plant. I have collected this from Himachal Pradesh which I’ll upload tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am not able to open the Flowersofindia site here in Korea for the last few days. Therefore, not able to see the picture uploaded there.
Anyway, in my view, the plant uploaded by you and …. is definitely Polygonum recumbens Royle ex Bab.


Flora of Chakrata: Polygonum? for id from the area 2011:
This small herb was shot from nearby Chakrata, hope this is some Polygonum…id help please….

Any chance of Polygonum avicularehttp://redbuttecanyon.net/trees/p_aviculare.html ???

Yes … is right! This is Polygonum recumbens.

Polygonum recumbens Royle ex Bab. is a frequent perennial herb in temperate and subalpine areas of Uttarakhand.
Shot near Dhanachuli, Bhimtal area (Naini Tal) of Uttarakhand.

Yes. Polygonum recumbens Royle ex Bab. – Bishalyakarni of Ramayana, a very useful herb for healing of wounds.

P. recumbens from me too. Thanks for sharing!

This herb was recorded from Chakrata.. I hope this is Poygonum recumbens..
Please validate..

Yes! Correctly identified as P. recumbens!


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum recumbens from Chakrata-GSMAY58 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Polygonum recumbens, photographed along Mussoorie Chakrata road, near Chakrata.


onaceae Fortnight: Polygonum sp. for ID from Deovan, Chakrata -GSMAY66 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3),.
Polygonum sp. photographed from Deovan herbal garden in Chakrata. Pl. help in ID.

To me this looks like Polygonum recumbens only.. assuming that the ochrea is hyaline.
The closest ally would be P. cognatum which is characterized by having longer petioles not the case here.
Comments are welcome.


This one is long pending with me.. I am not sure about the genus even..
as this is without inflorescence, this is more difficult to decide for me..
With this, I close my postings this fortnight.. 

Most probably Polygonum recumbens.


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Polygonum recumbens from Manali-GSMAY59 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Polygonum recumbens, photographed from Manali

Yes! thanks for sharing sir!



Another Polygonum sp. ABSEP2016/36 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
The tiny flowers were hidden under the leaf canopy. Is it another Polygonum species? Please advise
Mcleodganj-Triund, HP 2300m and above 10-11 September 2016

I feel you (or somebody else?) have recently posted close up f its flowers, which was properly identified.

Polygonum recumbens to me


Polygonum recumbens Royle ex Bab.: 6 very high res. images.
Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude: 2230m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild


POWO  Flowers of India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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