Premna coriacea C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 5: 573 1888. (syn: Gumira coriacea (C.B.Clarke) Kuntze); . Plant for ID 4 SMP 30May 2010 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 14 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4) Large tree in Amboli for ID.
I think the leaves are opposite and not alternate as written wrongly earlier. Could it be a Viburnum species?! Most probably Viburnum acuminatum (Caprifoliaceae). Please check following characters. This is Premna coriacea C.B.Cl. of family Verbenaceae. It is an extensive climber found occasionally in dense forests of Western ghats. But …, in his description, said that it is a Tree! That is why I think it is not Premna. Even i think the posted photos is of Premna coriacea, it is a straggling climber. Thanks everybody for going into great research work. IMG 9453 is not available! Attaching the remaining image IMG_9453. id pl.: medium height tree, seen at the foot of Tel -baila, a twin rock wall, 40 kms away west of Lonavala. – This is Premna coriacea C.B.Clarke from Verbenaceae, it is an extensive climber, many times resembles like a tree. Premna coriacea C.B.Clarke SN April 34 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3). Premna coriacea C.B.Clarke; Fam: Verbenaceae, epiphytic woody climber from Aruttupaarai area, Gudalur, Ooty, Tamilnadu; altitude will be around 1200m
Premna species?? Place: Koppa (Chikmagalur District,Western ghats, Karnataka), 750m above MSL Habit: It’s a large & woody Twinner.. found to have grown on very large trees.. often confused with Schefflera spp..from far Leaves: Simple, Opposite Decussate Inflorescence: Corymb This appears to be a parasitic plant that strangles large trees. You find the roots penetrating into the stem of large trees and ultimately destroying the large tree. Premna parasitica, perhaps. Thank You … & … for giving its identification.. .
Premna coriacea? Yes, appears close as per images at . References: |
Premna coriacea
Updated on December 24, 2024