Premna mollissima Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 286 1821. (Syn: Gumira mollissima (Roth) Kuntze; Premna latifolia Roxb.; Premna latifolia var. gamblei Haines; Premna latifolia var. henryi D.Naras. ex A.Rajendran & P.Daniel; Premna latifolia var. mollissima (Roth) C.B.Clarke in J.D.Hooker, Premna latifolia var. mucronata (Roxb.) C.B.Clarke; Premna latifolia var. viburnoides C.B.Clarke; Premna mucronata Roxb.; Premna viburnoides Wall. ex Schauer; Premna viburnoides Wall.); . Trees, to 8 m high, bark greyish-white. Leaves simple, opposite, estipulate; petiole 20-35 mm, slender, pubescent; lamina 4-10 x 2-5 cm, ovate or elliptic ovate, base rounded, truncate or cordate, apex acuminate, margin entire or serrate, puberulent above and glabrous below, membranous; lateral nerves 4-6 pairs, slender, pinnate, prominent, raised beneath; intercostae scalariform, obscure. Flowers bisexual, greenish-white, in terminal corymbose cymes to 7 cm long; calyx 1.5 mm, obscurely 2 lipped, upper lip 2 and lower lip 3 lobed cupular; corolla 4 mm across, tube 2 mm, densely villous inside, lobes ovate, obtuse; stamens 4, inserted in the middle of the tube, exserted, didynamous; filaments 2 and 3 mm; anthers 0.5 mm; ovary 1 mm, superior, 4 ovuled; style 4.5 mm, linear; stigma shortly bifid. Fruit a drupe, 4 mm across, globose, black; seeds oblong. Flowering and fruiting: November-February Dry deciduous forests India and Bangladesh Shrub for id 151209MK3 : Attachments (4). 8 posts by 4 authors. Please validate this Verbenaceae member. Leaves have oil glands; locally abundant. Locality: scrub forest near river-Moyar in Satyamangalam forest division Date: 08 Dec 2009 Premna latifolia var….? (Verbenaceae). Could this be Premna latifolia Rozb. var. latifolia ? this plant is Premna latifolia Roxburgh. but the leaf base is cuneate hence Premna latifolia var. cuneata.
Plant for identification-4 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) It is found in a deciduous thorny shrub forest near nagarjuna sagar. Please identify I think it is Premna sp. ID of this Premna sp. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 1 mb each. Pl help me to id the attached Premna sp. It is a medium sized tree. Leaves are pubescent. Found in the Dry deciduous forest. Pl. check Pl. check with images at Premna odorata Blanco as per comparative images at Premna To me appears close. It is Premna latifolia; very common here. Swamy/New series/ID/29 – ID of the plant Premna sps.: 6 images. I am attaching herewith the plant photographed by one of my friends in Chennai. Premna sps. P.mollisima. Please confirm the ID/ suggest a new ID. Yes, it’s Premna mollissima sir, |
Premna mollissima
Updated on December 24, 2024