Premna serratifolia L., Mant. Pl. 2: 253 1771. (Syn: Citharexylum paniculatum Poir. [Illegitimate]; Cornutia corymbosa Burm.f.; Gumira abbreviata (Miq.) Kuntze; Gumira attenuata (R.Br.) Kuntze; Gumira integrifolia Hassk. [Illegitimate]; Gumira laevigata (Miq.) Kuntze; Gumira opulifolia (Miq.) Kuntze; Gumira truncata (Turcz.) Kuntze; Premna abbreviata Miq.; Premna angustior (C.B.Clarke) Ridl.; Premna attenuata R.Br.; Premna benthamiana Domin; Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.) Schauer [Illegitimate] ..; Premna gaudichaudii Schauer; Premna glabra A.Gray ex Maxim.; Premna glycycocca F.Muell.; Premna guillauminii var. serrata Moldenke; Premna hircina Wall.; Premna integrifolia Willd. [Illegitimate]; Premna integrifolia L. [Illegitimate]; Premna integrifolia var. angustior C.B.Clarke ..; Premna laevigata Miq.; Premna littoralis King & Gamble; Premna media R.Br.; Premna obtusifolia R.Br. ..; Premna opulifolia Miq.; Premna ovata R.Br.; Premna sambucina Wall. ex Schauer; Premna serratifolia var. minor (Ridl.) A.Rajendran & P.Daniel; Premna spinosa Roxb.; Premna subcordata Turcz.; Premna tahitensis var. rapensis F.Br. .; Premna truncata Turcz.; Scrophularioides arborea G.Forst. [Invalid]); . Aldabra; Andaman Is.; Assam; Bangladesh; Bismarck Archipelago; Borneo; Cambodia; Caroline Is.; Chagos Archipelago; China Southeast; Christmas I.; Cocos (Keeling) Is.; Comoros; Cook Is.; Fiji; Gilbert Is.; Hainan; India; Jawa; Kenya; Laccadive Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Line Is.; Madagascar; Malaya; Maldives; Maluku; Marianas; Marquesas; Marshall Is.; Mauritius; Mozambique; Mozambique Channel I; Nansei-shoto; Nauru; New Caledonia; New Guinea; Nicobar Is.; Niue; Northern Territory; Philippines; Pitcairn Is.; Queensland; Rodrigues; Runion; Samoa; Santa Cruz Is.; Seychelles; Society Is.; Solomon Is.; South China Sea; Sri Lanka; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Taiwan; Tanzania; Thailand; Tonga; Tuamotu; Tubuai Is.; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Vietnam; Western Australia as per Catalogue of Life; . PREM-na — from the Greek premnon (stump of a tree), referring to the dwarf stature of one species ser-at-ih-FOH-lee-uh — margins of foliage are toothed like a saw . commonly known as: headache tree, spinous fire brand teak • Bengali: ganiari • Gujarati: મોટી અરણી moti arani •Hindi: अरणी arani • Kannada: ಅಗ್ನಿಮನ್ಥ agnimantha • Malayalam: appel • Marathi: अरणि arani, रानटाकळी ranatakali •Sanskrit: अग्निमन्थ agni-mantha, अरणि arani • Tamil: பசுமுன்னை pacu-munnai, முன்னை munnai • Telugu: భైరవి bhairavi ; . E. Africa, W. Indian Ocean, Trop. & Subtrop. Asia to Pacific as per WCSP; . This tree was spotted by a salt water creek in Devgad, Konkan, MH in May 2017. The flowers were fragrant (a mild balm like smell), the leaves too had a slight smell, but pleasing. It was identified as Premna latifolia in the facebook group. Please confirm. The images are of Premna serratifolia. The leaves are very variable. Premna serratifolia -in Chennai: This Premna serratifolia has just started to bloom. Last year it had many butterflies hovering over its flowers. A Butterfly tree: – It looks like Premna species. One has to check the characters ( leaves, flowers etc.) to arrive at the species. What is ithe colour of the flowers. Whitish, greenish or greenish white flowers? What type of drupe : globose, sub globose or abovoid? -It is a species of Premna. Most likely P. tomentosa!! -The fruits are spherical like small marbles. There were no flowers when I managed to photograph the tree. Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Premna serratifolia :: Sindhudurg :: DVMAY85/85 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 6 images. Premna serratifolia L. … also placed in Verbenaceae at Sindhudurg on July 10, 2011
Premna (Agnimanth) an important medicinal plant, also used in Dushmoolas in Ayurveda, mainly found at coastal region.. here i doubt in synonyms,, please also check in state floras or Indian floras to confirm that they are altogether different plant or synonyms.. SYMBIOSIS : 212: Attaching an image Common Crow butterfly on the flowers of Premna integrifolia. So far I have recorded 26 species of butterflies on this flower. I have recorded 30 species of butterfly on Premna jalpaiguriana flowers. Is there any thing special in Premna Sp? SYMBIOSIS : 219: Attaching an image of Common Bird-wing butterfly on the flowers of Premna integrifolia.With wing span 140-170 mm it is one of the largest in the country. SYMBIOSIS : 247: Attaching an image on which there are two butterflies (MALAYAN and COMMON PIERROT) on the flowers of Premna integrifolia. It is interesting to note that so far I have 38 species of butterfly on this particular species of tree. SYMBIOSIS : 257: Agnimantha of ayurvedic medicine, a very important part of the repertoire for its anti-inflammatory properties
Looks like a Premna sp. ofcourse… to me also Premna. Thanks both of you. Is it Premna integrifolia Yes, it looks like Premna integrifolia. Check the identity using descriptions in various floras. Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 27JAN17 : AK-9 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Premna serratifolia, L. <=> Headache Tree Small Tree For ID : Tiny White Flowers : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 140413 : AK-1 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. Seen at Lalbagh, Bangalore on 18/3/13. A small tree in bloom with tiny white flowers. Id please. Seems to be a Premna sp. Thanks for a possible id. Will check it out. May be Premna serratifolia L. as per other threads from Lalbagh, Banglore: ID for this plant please : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 5 authors. Place is siddara betta, which is 95 kms north to bangalore. 10 kms near to koratagere a small town. Premna serratifolia L. Fam: Verbinaceae; Agnimandha, Agree with … thank you all for the reply, i have a doubt does it smell bad just by touching it. may be like toxic. The crushed leaves of Premna serratifolia stink for sure. In several sources, the smell of the crushed leaves has been compared to that of cat’s urine. I’ve come across a specimen that emits a foul odour in close proximity, no touch involved. thank you sir i hope this is that specimen ID Request 200614SG: 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3). Please help identify this tree 25-30ft Photo taken on 15June14 at Mohol, Maharashtra. Premna sp Premna corymbosa 1. Calyx seems to be – 1) one lip subentire and 2) the other lip 2-toothed – 2. Nerves 4 pair I think this is Premna integrifolia L. A similar looking tree (or large climber) is P. coriacea Clarke, but with different calyx. I got this plant from a nursery at Nashik stating it to be Premna integrifolia (Agnimantha). Kindly confirm whether is is same.. Flora of Madh: Premna serratifolia L. – Leaves, Flowers, Fruit : VG-MAY-03: 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) Premna serratifolia is one of the shrubs that prosper on the rocky terrain atop Madh Hill. Sharing some images of the leaves, buds, flowers, and the fresh green fruit. The leaf margin is either toothed [1st pic] or entire [2nd pic]. This polymorphic species was documented as Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.) Rottl. by Santapau & Shah in their published enumeration of the flora of Madh (1969). A thorough investigation into the taxonomy, nomenclature & synonymy of this plant was published in the paper ‘A taxonomic revision of the genus Premna L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia‘ by Ahmad Abid Munir in 1984 (attached herewith); I have used the name Premna serratifolia L. based on the same. Photographed today (4.5.15) morning on Madh Hill (North Mumbai). Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae ::Premna obtusifolia :: SMPMAY30/30 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
This tree is not common here… I could this see in flowers only recently .. Please validate the id, I hope this is Premna serratifolia… nice to see the flower close up is the stem of this premna hollow? i wonder. 27072017BHAR1- 2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attached another picture with unripened fruit. Attachments (1) This particular photograph [42c54094-bed4-40de-a50e-ea917cd98f34.jpg] is of a Premna sp. [Lamiaceae / ex-Verbenaceae]. ……….. Mostly matches with Premna serratifolia. Fwd: MS/07/2017/3 : ID of a plant. : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Thanks, … To me appears more close to images at Premna serratifolia rather than those at Premna corymbosa Thanks … for your help. I have taken the ID as Premna serratifolia only. It looks like Premna mollissima Roth Thanks, … I am doubtful as per images at /species/a—l/l/lamiaceae/premna/premna-mollissima Shrub for identification :: 240614MK :: June003 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). Please help me in identifying this shrub. Is this any Boraginaceae? Leaf: up to 10 cm long Fruit: 0.8 cm across Habitat: deciduous forest Place: Megamalai WLS, Theni dist., TN Alt.: 700 m asl looking like Premna sp Yes, Premna corymbosa. It looks like Premna serratifolia Premna serratifolia : 7 posts by 4 authors. 1 image. Please take a look at edges of leaves, serrati folia means saw like edges. But this species leaves are not saw like. Is this correct picture of Premna serratifolia? May not be… Please see the attached pics of what I suppose to be Premna serratifolia… 2 images. Thanks … Seems correct. Please inform location and flowering season/fruiting season of the plant you posted if possible. Do local people call it Agnimantha? Please provide link regarding the plant you posted if possible. Please provide correct botanical name of the plant which i have posted if possible. Pl. check Thanks … Getting confused because of etymological meaing as- Serratifolia is derived from the Latin serratus meaning ‘saw’ and folius meaning ‘leaf”. The pictures in /species/a—l/l/lamiaceae/premna/premna-serratifolia shows leaves which are having smooth edges. Can we get kind of information why is it called Serratifolia, and in which context we say it as Serratifolia? Sorry for the trouble. Just trying to understand context. Or after drying, these leaves are very hard or something? Because it is called Agnimantha, must be something about it. Searched on web, but not getting answer. You are correct about the epithet: sair-rat-ih-FOH-lee-uh or ser-at-ih-FOH-lee-uh — margins of foliage are toothed like a saw … Dave’s Botanary Your link had all the answers. Please forgive as did not realize that there are multiple threads archived in the I did see first one only of latifolia and repeated the question again, as did not realized how the archived system is. This issue is over. Cordia dichotoma FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 05 MAY 18 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: May 5, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Cordia sp. Dear friends, I think this must be Cordia dichotoma. The flowers look relatively much smaller than what I remember seeing earlier. Please validate. This is not Cordia. I had visited this plant today. My friend there pointed out that the plant looks like a scandent climbing shrub, and suggested Premna. Will post pictures here soon. Thanks, …, I was also apprehending that, but waited to say anything till I have a detailed look. To me looks closer to images at Premna serratifolia L. Fwd: SYMBIOSIS 1161 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Location : Chera Deep, Saint Martin Island, Bangladesh Fruiting : November Photo taken : Nov, 2018 Premna serratifolia ?? Thanks, …, for the id. To me also appear close to images at Premna serratifolia L. as per comparative images at Premna SYMBIOSIS : 1442 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Tailed Jay butterfly, visiting flowers of Premna integrifolia. . Premna serratifolia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Cultivated in a private nursery JSP. Chennai TN August Thanks for sharing sir, we have too this sp., . Seems like Premna : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) Location – Mumbai (Salvi Garden, Thane). Date – May 2018 Identified by … . Regarding identification of the species collected from Khurda Odisha on Aug 24:5: 6 high res. images. Premna serratifolia ! . References: |
Premna serratifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024