Pterocarpus indicus f. echinatus (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)

Pterocarpus indicus f. echinatus (Pers.) Rojo, Phanerog. Monogr. 5: 46 46 1972. (Syn: Echinodiscus echinatus Miq.); 
Native: Malesia: Indonesia – Celebes, – Moluccas; Philippines – Luzon as per GRIN;


Treed of Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA – Pterocarpus indicus f. echinatus, Willd. <=> Prickly Padauk Tree: Prickly Padauk is a semi-deciduous tree attaining a height of 50 ft or more with a spreading crown and dark foliage. The branches have a tendency to droop. Leaves is are pinnate, 8-10 in long. Leaflets are alternately arranged along the leaf spine, 3-4 in long and 2-2.5 in wide, egg-shaped, with a tip pointed or notched, and base rounded. Orange yellow flowers are borne in racemes, 1-2 in each axil of the leaves. Sepal cup is short, 5-toothed. Petals composed of a wrinkled standard petal, the remainder form the keel. Fruit is a pod about an inch in diameter. The single seed is in the centre, surrounded by a wrinkled membrane which enables it to parachute when it is detached. The genus name Pterocarpus means, having winged seeds. The tree is a beautiful sight when in full bloom, but the beauty is short-lived as the flowers fall very rapidly and carpet the ground. The species Pterocarpus indicus is divided into two forms: P. indicus forma indicus and P. indicus forma echinatus. They are distinguished by spines on the seed-bearing part of the fruit of P. indicus forma echinatus. The Padauk is believed to be indigenous to the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, and Andeman Islands in India. The spiny form is believed to be not native to India. Flowering: June-August

very nice
wiki tells us a popular parking lot tree wonder why

Updated on December 24, 2024

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