Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Syn: Lingoum marsupium (Roxb.) Kuntze; Pterocarpus bilobus G.Don; Pterocarpus marsupium var. acuminata Prain [Spelling variant]; Pterocarpus marsupium f. acuminata (Prain) Prain; Pterocarpus marsupium f. acuta Prain; Pterocarpus marsupium f. biloba (Roxb. ex G. Don) Prain; Pterocarpus marsupium subsp. marsupium );
ter-oh-KAR-pus — from the Greek pteron (wing) and karpos (fruit)
¿ mar-sue-PEE-um ? — from Latin, for a pouch or a bag . commonly known as: East Indian kino, Indian kino, Malabar kino • Bengali: পিয়াল গাছ piyala gacha • Gujarati: બીયો biyo • Hindi: बिया biya, विजयसार vijaysaar • Kannada: ಹೊನ್ನೆಮರ honnemara • Konkani: असण asan • Malayalam: വേങ്ങ veenga • Marathi: बिबी bibi, बिजा bija, बिवळा or बिंवळा bivala, पालेआसण paale-asan, पापडी papdi • Nepalese: बिजयसार bijaysar, बिजयशाल bijayashal, वन्धूकपुष्प vandhuk pushp • Oriya: bijja, piyasalo, ପିତଶାଳକ • Sanskrit: असनः asanah, बन्धूकपुष्पः bandhukapushpa, जीवकः jivakah, महासर्जकः mahasarjakah, पीतसालकः pitasalakah, प्रियकः priyakah • Tamil: அசனாமிர்த asanaamrta, உதிரவேங்கை utira-venkai, வேங்கை venkai • Telugu: వేగి vegi • Urdu: bijasar, dam-ul-akhwain . Native to: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka . As per efi thread : 1a Leaflets 5-7, rarely 3, elliptic-oblong; wings of pods broader …….. 1. P. marsupium 1b Leaflets always 3, broadly ovate-suborbicular; wings of pods narrower …… 2. P. santalinus . India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Bihar ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Orissa; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Madagascar (I); Nepal (N) ; Sri Lanka (N); Taiwan (I) as per ILDIS; . 121011-MS – 52-Pterocarpus species – ID requested.: Pterocarpus marsupium. Called as ‘Vaengai’ வேங்கை in Tamil. I think its Kannada name is ‘Honne mara’
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Pterocarpus marsupium in northern Western :
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. ter-oh-KAR-pus — from the Greek pteron (wing) and karpos (fruit)
¿ mar-sue-PEE-um ? — from Latin, for a pouch or a bag Dec 26, 2007 … (planted) at Esselworld, Mumbai
commonly known as: East Indian kino, Indian kino, Malabar kino • Bengali: পিয়াল গাছ piyala gacha • Gujarati: બીયો biyo • Hindi: बिया biya, विजयसार vijaysaar • Kannada: ಹೊನ್ನೆಮರ honnemara • Konkani: असण asan • Malayalam: വേങ്ങ veenga • Marathi: बिबी bibi, बिजा bija, बिवळा or बिंवळा bivala, पालेआसण paale-asan, पापडी papdi • Nepalese: बिजयसार bijaysar, बिजयशाल bijayashal, वन्धूकपुष्प vandhuk pushp • Oriya: bijja, piyasalo, ପିତଶାଳକ • Sanskrit: असनः asanah, बन्धूकपुष्पः bandhukapushpa, जीवकः jivakah, महासर्जकः mahasarjakah, पीतसालकः pitasalakah, प्रियकः priyakah • Tamil: அசனாமிர்த asanaamrta, உதிரவேங்கை utira-venkai, வேங்கை venkai • Telugu: వేగి vegi • Urdu: bijasar, dam-ul-akhwain Native to: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka some views: May 2, 2008 … near Kamshet, Maharashtra Since my childhood I came across and ate these fruits but was never able to locate or see the tree. We used to call it as ‘paisa’. Thanks for showing me the tree.
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Trees : Pterocarpus marsupium:
Pterocarpus marsupium Observed on Mhatoba Tekdi 21 Oct 2011. Pune Maharashtra. Please validate Beeja; Bibla बीजा बिबळा Adding my picture of wooden glass prepared from specially treated Beeja tree for Diabetes patients. These wooden glasses once prepared, are used for many purposes along with Diabetes treatment. The Traditional Healers smear the mixture of herbs in form of paste in inner wall of this glass and then the youths interested in “Penis Enlargement” treatments are instructed to put the “member” inside the glass for different durations.
Beeja plays many amazing roles from young age to old age. Nepali Name : बिजय साल Bijaya Saal Name of the species: Pterocarpus marsupium
Place of collection:Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa
Altitude:230 m above msl
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Dry deciduous to moist deciduous forests Thanks … For showing this fresh bright and healthy specimen with a lot of flowers in the inflorescence Pterocarpus marsupium:
Have plenty of Bibla [Pterocarpus marsupium] and Asana [Bridelia sp.] trees on my property at Shahapur. Sending photogrphs of the bark and leaves of Bibla for comparison. Alagarkoilflora 10062012 TBN 3 FOR ID:
Greetings from Madurai.! Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date : 03/06/2012
Location :Alagarkoil hill ranges above Silambar valley
Altitude :1700 ft
Habitat :wild
Habit :tree
Height :20 ft
Leaves ?emarginate/obcordate
Flowers :not seen
Fruits :as seen Pl. find the attached file contain flower of Pterocarpus marsupium, (the Indian Kino Tree)
Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti (640 MSL) Coimbatore Dist.,
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Tree
Nearly 30 plants planted in the garden. First flowering was noticed during October, 2011 (nearly after 14 years) Sharing the images of the Fruit of Pterocarpus marsupium from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore.
In conservation Status it is listed as Threatened (Vulnerable category). Yes… now I can relax… never having seen the flowers, I was not sure what they were…but the fruits I have seen in herbarium specimen… and that confirms it for me… and as a curiosity I had bought a glass / mug made of the wood that khadi bhandar was selling a few years ago… useful they claimed in diabetes…. . Indian trees producing a circular samara : 2 posts by 2 authors. Bibla [Pterocarpus marsupium] for one.
It looks like Centrolobium sp., probably C. paraense, family Leguminosae. Please look for huge prickly winged fruits > 8 cm. Isn’t it Pterocarpus marsupium? Yes, looks like Pterocarpus marsupium, would be nice to look at the winged seeds for additional confirmation. I didn’t notice any fruit on the trees with flowers this time. Pterocarpus marsupium Fabaceae
. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Pterocarpus marsupium :: Kamshet & Mumbai :: DVOCT105 : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.
at Kamshet on May 2, 2008
at EsselWorld on December 26, 2007 Another masterpiece. It is my pleasure to share few images of Pterocarpus marsupium (Fabaceae)
Habit: Medium-Large tree
Habitat: Moist and Dry deciduous forests.
Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl and 800 msl respectively
Date: 22-08-2014, 06-03-2015 and 02-011-2015 Nice pictures. Pterocarpus indicus FOR VALIDATION :: Lalbagh Botanical Gardens :: 19 FEB 2017 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore
Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl
Pterocarpus ¿ indicus ? … (family: Fabaceae)
Dear friends, Please help in validating this tree to be Pterocarpus indicus. There are 3 pterocarpus in Lalbagh
The one may this – i am not sure from the picture, i am guessing from the location
Name Indian Kino Tree
Type Tree
Family Fabaceae
Sub Family Faboideae
Genus Pterocarpus
Species marsupium
Authority Roxb.
Thanks very much … for your guess; I am convinced!
difference between two Pterocarpus species found in mysore : 5 correct images. 2 posts by 2 authors. “”one” is P.santalinus. Key charecter is the axillary flowers.
“two” is P.marsupium. Key character is flowers (panicle) are terminal.
Flora at my farm in Hyderabad – Please ID this tree – P.marsupium or P.santalinus – efloraofindia | Google Groups .
Pterocarpus marsupium and Pterocarpus angolensis.
These two species have same description. One is found in India another is found in Afrika.
By any chance are they synonyms?
I would like to share a news in Marathi daily. As per POWO, both are different: . ![]() ![]() Fabaceae: Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.: 2 images- 1 high res. location/date (both): Tikariya village, Jabalpur Distr., October 1994 .
Pterocarpus marsupium
Updated on December 24, 2024