Rhus chinensis


Tree for ID/ABDEC02 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)

This tree is in autumn foliage. While there are several young ones, the one I photographed was about 15 feet tall with a well-spread canopy. The leaves grow on a drooping stalk in opposite pairs and the stalk in between the pairs has a narrow leaf like structure. Please advise.

Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1750m approx.
03 December, 2014

reminds me of winged Sumac rhus coppalinna, of mid-atlantic and SE usa but I don’t know if it grows in india
only one I can think of is Rhus chinensis

Rhus javanica Syn: R. semialata ?

Thank you … …, yours and …. hunch seems correct. I found Rhus javanica var chinensis online to be the closest.

kindly check the plant either Rhus parviflora or Rhus coriaria

two you mentioned … first one leaflet shape is very different
second one does not even have winged rachis
so not them, that sent me on a wild goose chase….

Please check Rhus semialata

Thank you … If I understand correctly Rhus semialata is another name for Rhus chinensis or Rhus javanica var. chinensis. … also agree with this ID.

Rhus chinensis ABJAN01/03 : 3 posts by 2 authors.
I had first spotted this tree in December 2014 and filed some photos here. Krishan Lal ji, Ushadi and Narain Singh ji had helped identify it as Rhus chinensis. I had found a branch fallen off the tree in August 2015 and had photographed some details to share here but didn’t get the time to do so.
I had found a bunch of galls and had photographed them. Doing a little research I found out that these galls are common on Rhus species are prized in Chinese medicine for their astringent, antidiarrheal and antibacterial properties. They are also used to stop bleeding and reduce scarring from scrapes and cuts.
The galls are caused by an aphid called Melaphis chinensis which is a resident on Rhus trees.
Col. Collett in Flora Simlensis (p. 105) mentions this tree by its old name R. semialata and notes that galls on this tree ‘are used in the manufacture of ink and in native medicine’. Dr Narain Singh mentions another Rhus species R. succedenia (p.578, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of H.P.) and gives the local name for galls as ‘titre’.
Rhus chinensisChinese sumac
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
26 August 2015 and 03 December 2014
9 images.

what a nice complete story. loved the opened galls and fall foliage but intrigued : last two pictures esp. the last. what are these
my first knee jerk response was that these are some insect- exoskeletons, but do midges have them in some stage of their life cycle? or are these tiny seeds??? but the white fuzzy powdery stuff around them matches whats inside the galls.
so I am not sure, may be some etymologists among our would know… or … would know who to write to …
my funny bone was tickled too, they (flat things in last two pictures). remind me of the troglodytes (or some such things) that they showed as first emerging from a newly formed planet in one of the star trek movies…  (Star Trek III think) and these and such life forms in quick succession  progressed to new Spock… advanced humanoid species from planet Vulcan.. Have you seen these movies? any way,  wonderful stuff. That’s why I missed you

Thank you …. I need to watch Star Trek again, this sounds exciting!
The last two pictures show the living aphids. I didn’t bring any home that time to look under the microscope (I should have). I will do so at the next opportunity and share the results. I could not find any photo of this aphid online but found its new bionominal here;

SK225DEC07-2016:ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)
Location: Chobhar Height, Kathmandur , Nepal
Altitude:  4600 ft.
Date: 15 Septemberr 2016

Please check for Rhus chinensis (Anacardiaceae).
R.chinensis in eFI.

Thank you …

Rhus chinensis Mill. (accepted name)
Rhus javanica Miller ( Synonym)
Nepali Names : भकि अमिलो Bhaki Amilo / चुक अमिलो Chuk Amilo / दुधे भलायो Dudhe Bhalaayo  / भङ्गिल Bhangil

it would be presentable if flower images are included in the main mage of the efi site.

ID OK ?  I have some confusion about its ID and Syn. of R. javanica and chinensis, however, now accepted as

Brucea javanica (L.) Merr.
1 book screenshot image.

This is Rhus chinensis Mill.
Synonym – Rhus javanica var. chinensis (Mill.) T.Yamaz.
Rhus javanica L. in Sp. Pl.: 265 (1753) is actually a totally different plant from Simaroubaceae currently accepted as Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. having  no distribution in Western & Central Himalayas.

That means it has got no distribution in Nepal, is it ?

Enclosing screen shots from the latest book.
2 screenshot images.

The  distribution of this sp. is already well known from Nepal.
The last three synonyms mentioned here actually refer to R. chinensis. In the book you are referring to it is just a nomenclature error, this plant is quite common throughout the Himalayas.
Also see on gbif & POWO https://www.gbif.org/species/3190553

Actually I have checked all these. So Rhus javanica Mill., Rhus javanica L., Rhus chinensis Mill are the same and the

accepted name is Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. ??

Rhus javanica L. is the basionym of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. while Rhus javanica var. chinensis (Mill.) T.Yamaz. is a synonym of Rhus chinensis Mill.

There seems to be no valid record of B. javanica from Nepal based on GBIF & POWO unlike R. chinensis which is a common species across the Himalayas.
In the book images you shared the authors have made mistake in putting correct accepted name perhaps due to lack of proper investigation as the synonym they mentioned i.e. Rhus amela D.Don is actually a synonym of R. chinensis, so they mingled two different plant names. https://powo.science.kew.org/names:70375-1


SK1542 27 Oct 2018 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 650 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Date: 6 September, 2018
Elevation:6800 ft.
Habit : Wild

Anacardiaceae – rhus sp?

Looks like Rhus! Yes.

Ok …

Rhus chinensis Mill. ??

Looks different. Pl. check other species you posted earlier and identified from the same family.

On deeper checking, you seems to be right as per images at Rhus chinensis Mill. 

It is correctly identified as Rhus chinensis Mill.


Rhus punjabensis Stewart ex Brandis: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Shivapuri National Park, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 30 September 2023
Altitude:  1925m.
Habitat : Wild

This is Rhus chinensis Mill. as we can see winged petioles,c learly dentate leaf margins and fresh fruits in late September. While in R. punjabensis leaf margin is mostly entire and it flowers around early-mid summer and mature fruits fall by September.

Thank you … So this sp. can have red fruiting also !
However, I could not find its distribution records for Nepal !

Yes, fruit (drupe) in this sp. is globose, slightly compressed and turns red with maturity.
This species is quite common throughout the temperate Himalayas and is also known from Nepal. Rhus javanica var. chinensis (Mill.) T.Yamaz. is a homotypic synonym of R. chinensis Mill.

However, this is not included in the books published by the Government of Nepal and the latest book from the Botanists of Nepal !

Updated on December 24, 2024

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