Rubus assamensis Focke, 197 1874. (syn: Rubus bahanensis Hand.-Mazz.; Rubus qinglongensis Q.H.Chen & T.L.Xu; Rubus sepalanthus Focke); . Common name: Assam Raspberry • Assamese: Soh-chiria, Soh-nybal . China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan), Tibet, NE-India, NE-Burma (Chin, Kachin), Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life; . Plants from Northeast Tour 2017- Rosaceae Shrub for id- Shillong : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Can it be Rubus paniculatus? Most likely to be Rubus assamensis. These are without petals. Other characters that are observable seem to suggest it. Thanks a lot …, yes, it matches with Rubus assamensis, I hope it is new addition to eFI.. .
Altitude : ca.1,650 m. Date : 03-10-2018 Habit : Climbing shrub Habitat : Wild This looks like Rubus paniculatus Sm. Looks like Rubus sp… Leaves doesn’t matched to R. paniculatus indeed looks like R. pedunclosus Fruit color OK ? Yes sir mature fruits turned black.. but the number of berries in the ettario seems few …. By the way does it have distribution in Mizoram ?? I think more closer to images and details at Rubus assamensis
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Rubus assamensis
Updated on December 24, 2024