Sedum species- Mizoram

MS Dec,2018/05 Sedum sp. for Id : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Tan, Mizoram
Date : 06-12-2018
Habit : Epiphytic herb 
Habitat : Wild

Pl. check comparative images at

However, I could not find a match. What are the species reported from your area?

Closest I can go is Sedum rupestre L., a cultivated species.
I checked all the species mentioned in Flora of Bhutan as per details at Sedum, but could not find any closer species.

On further checking all the listed species in BSI Flora of India checklist, I found it close to Sedum holei Raym.-Hamet as per GBIF specimen- one (notings on the specimen plate say petals and filaments yellow and anthers orange). However, POWO gives distribution from Kashmir to Nepal. 


MS Dec,2018/06 Dedum sp. (acre?) for ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Tan, Mizoram
Date : 06-12-2018
Habit : Herb, growing on rocks
Habitat : Wild

Sedum sp.?

Pl. check comparative images at–-l/cl/crassulaceae/sedum
What are the species reported from your area?  

Sedum griffithii & S.striatum are recorded in Mizoram

Sorry !! Sedum striatum is not included. Only Sedum griffithii is recorded in Mizoram

Closest I can go is Sedum rupestre L., a cultivated species.
I checked all the species mentioned in Flora of Bhutan as per details at Sedum, but could not find any closer species.

On further checking all the listed species in BSI Flora of India checklist, I found it close to Sedum holei Raym.-Hamet as per GBIF specimen- one (notings on the specimen plate say petals and filaments yellow and anthers orange). However, POWO gives distribution from Kashmir to Nepal. 


MS Oct, 2018/09 Sedum sp. ? for Id : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Tan-tlang, Mizoram
Date : 05-10-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Pl. check at

Looks different from comparative images at Sedum
What are the species reported from your area ?

If the bigger leaves do not belong to the main plant, it could be Sedum I guess.

Sedum griffithii is reported in Mizoram

this is not it

Agree with …

perhaps not an asiatic group? Mediterranean group pf sedum, needs to be explored

It does not match with images at Rosularia adenotricha subsp. adenotricha
Any other species ?
You can also check from Sedum (species already not there in efi site) and tell.

Sedum multicaule, Wall. may also occur in Mizoram

Closest I can go is Sedum rupestre L., a cultivated species.
I checked all the species mentioned in Flora of Bhutan as per details at Sedum, but could not find any closer species.

What was the size of the herb?
Or it may be the same as your other posts from Mizoram like one at MS Oct, 2018/09 Sedum sp. ? for Id

Yes, same size

How much ? 50 cm long?

Up to 50 cm long I think.


MS Oct, 2019/11 Sedum sp. for Id.: 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Mawmrang, Mizoram
Altitude ca 1,700 m.
Habit : Herb (terrestial or epiphytic)
Habitat : Wild

Yes, it appears to be same.
Hi, …, Any other species occurring in your area other than Sedum griffithii ?

Only Sedum griffithii is recorded in Mizoram


As per Flora of Bhutan,
4. Plants with stout creeping or suberect rhizomes 3—30mm thick; flowering stems arising from axils of brownish scale leaves at rhizome apex … 4. Rhodiola
+ Plants with slender rhizomes not more than 2mm thick. without scale leaves, or plants without rhizomes ….. 5. Sedum
So, it may be Rhodiola species.
Pl. check keys at Rhodiola.
Also what are the species reported from your area?

Not recorded sir

Found/Recorded only Sedum griffithii in Mizoram

On further checking all the listed species in BSI Flora of India checklist, I found it close to Sedum holei Raym.-Hamet as per GBIF specimen- one (notings on the specimen plate say petals and filaments yellow and anthers orange). However, POWO gives distribution from Kashmir to Nepal.

Also checklisted all listed species of Rhodiola as per BSI Checklist of India, but unable to find any id.


MS, Jan.,2022/01 Sedum sp. ? for id.: 1 very high res. image.
Location : Mawmrang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca. 1,600 m
Date : 08-11-2019
Habit : Epiphytic or lithophytic herb ?
Habitat : Wild

Closest I can go is Sedum rupestre L., a cultivated species.

I checked all the species mentioned in Flora of Bhutan as per details at Sedum, but could not find any closer species.

I further checked other species as per BSI Checklist of India.

Another possibility comes out to be Sedum przewalskii Maxim. as per POWO specimen- one and Flora of China.
But I am still doubtful.

What was the size of the herb?

Or it may be the same as your other posts from Mizoram like one at MS Oct, 2018/09 Sedum sp. ? for Id

Yes, same size

How much ? 50 cm long?

Sorry ! I did not measure sir. 50 – 70 cm long I think.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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