Sesbania sesban var. bicolor

Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (Wight & Arn.) F.W.Andrews (syn: Sesbania aegyptiaca var. bicolor Wight & Arn.; Sesbania atropurpurea Taub.);
India; also cultivated in tropics (from GRIN); 
Brazil (U); China (N); Yunnan ; India (N);  Mauritius (I) as per ILDIS;




This is a tall and much branched species of Sesbania, differing in colour as well as size of flowers..
Was recorded from Panipat..please give your opinion about the id..!!

Sesbania species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Very interesting Sesbania, eager to know ID; thanks … for sharing.

possibly Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (Wight & Arn.) F.W.Andrews.

This is a form of Sesbania sesban var. bicolor

Flora of Panipat: Sesbania sesban from Sodhapur:

Sharing pics of Sesbania sesban
This small size tree shot from a field in village Sodhapur. I think cultivated on little farm house in that field similar to Sesbania sesban except flower colors.
may be a cutivar with different color
pls validate

Flower size??. Sesbania grandiflora also looks similar but has flowers longer than 6 cm as against less than 3 cm long in Sesbania sesban.

About 2 cm Sir. S grandiflora is different Sir I have uploaded that earlier

I think it is Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (Wight & Arn.) F.W.Andrews as per images herein.

I attach herewith the specimens of Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (Wight & Arn.) F.W.Andrews

It was observed in Palladam, Tirupur Dist, Tamilnadu on 19-07-15
The unopened flowers look like purplish black. Calyx and standard are purplish black, wings and keel partly purplish black or red; corolla standard callus blunt at apex.
The other characters appear to be of that of Yellow flower Sesbania sesban.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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