Sesbania uliginosa

Sesbania uliginosa Sweet (Syn: Aeschynomene uliginosa Roxb.); 
Bangladesh (N) ; India (N) ; Bihar; Orissa ; West Bengal ; Myanmar (N) as per ILDIS ;





Hooghly today – Aeschynomene indica L. : Attachments (7 + 4). 5 posts by 2 authors.

This seems to be Aeschynomene indica L., growing in a ditch.

Can this not be a Sesbania??

Without pod it’s hard for me to tell if it can be Sesbania or Aeschynomene. Of the five species of Sesbania in eFI, i think this is none of them. Moreover, leaves & leaflets are much smaller in this plant than any Sesbania known to me (3 species). I am not sure if it can be a sixth species of Sesbania.

This is not –
  • Sesbania aegyptiaca Pers. or its varieties [ syn. S. sesban (L). Merr.] = a small tree, leaflets 20 pairs max. (25 pairs FoP)
  • S. paludosa Prain. [ syn. S. javanica Miq.] = a tall marsh plant with tree like stems; leaflets 1″ or more long
  • S. cannabina Pers. = annual, very tall slender stem, leaflets 1″ or longer; corolla banner/standard purple dotted on outside
  • S. aculeata Pers. = prickly undershrub; red/violet dotted standard
  • S. uliginosa Sweet = I am not sure about it; FI informs keel purple
  • S. grandiflora Pers. – tree, flowers big
“Bengal Plants” do not have any more Sesbania.

You must have received the last mail I have sent you minutes ago. I drafted that mail about a fortnight ago, but i didn’t send.
May i ask you How or Why did you suspect that this species in this thread could be Sesbania?
I am attaching update today. It is not Aeschynomene indica L.
I think it is Aeschynomene uliginosa Roxb., the current accepted name of which is Sesbania uliginosa Sweet, as per The Plant List.

Sesbania ? ID from Hooghly 30/10/12 sk1:

Found this straggling herb in an uncultivated moist land where i found the “ornamental malvaceae“.
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : herb, growing diagonally, about 2.5 feet high; leaflets 30 pairs, rachis about 12 cm; pods about 8.5 cm; seeds many
Date : 29/10/12, 9.50 a.m.
Place : Hooghly

Appear close to images at Sesbania uliginosa Sweet   

Updated on December 24, 2024

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