Silene baccifera (L.) Roth , Tent. Fl. Germ. 1: 192 1788. (Syn: Cucubalus baccatus Gueldenst. ex Ledeb.; Cucubalus baccifer L.; Cucubalus baccifer var. angustifolius L.H.Zhou; Cucubalus baccifer var. cavalerieri H.Lév.; Cucubalus baccifer var. japonicus Miq.; Cucubalus divaricatus Clairv.; Cucubalus horizontalis Moench; Cucubalus japonicus (Miq.) Vorosch.; Lychnanthos scandens C.C.Gmel. (Unresolved); Lychnanthos volubilis S.G.Gmel. (Unresolved); Lychnis baccifera (L.) Scop.; Scribaea baccifera (L.) Schur; Scribaea cucubalus Borkh. (Unresolved); Scribaea divaricata P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. (Unresolved); Silene baccifera var. japonicus (Miq.) H. Ohashi & H. Nakai; Silene fissa Salisb. (Unresolved));
. Plant from Kashmir: yes for sure Caryophyllaceae Week: Silene baccifera (syn: Cucubalus baccifer) from Kashmir: . Cucubalus baccifer from Kashmir: common names: Berry catchfly
Prostrate or ascending perennial herb with ovate-lanceolate opposite leaves, hairy on both surfaces, ciliate along margin; flowers nodding, 1-3; calyx green, inlated in fruit; petals greenish white, bifid at tip; fruit somewhat fleshy, up to 12 mm across, emerging from calyx, finally dry, brwnish-red.
Photographed from Pahalgam, Kahmir, growing in shaded places among shrubs and rocks.
SK 2995 27 September 2021: 8 very high res. images. To me it appears like some Silene species. Silene baccifera (L.) Roth ??
Silene baccifera (syn: Cucubalus baccifer)
. References:
Silene baccifera
Updated on December 24, 2024