Simarouba glauca (Introduced)

Simarouba glauca DC. (syn: Quassia simarouba L. fil.; Simarouba officinalis DC.) as per Catalogue of Life;
Bahamas, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Florida, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua as per POWO;
USA (Florida), Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador,
Panama, Belize
as per Catalogue of Life;
Simarouba, oil tree, paradise tree or aceituno, Dysentary bark, Lakshmitaru;

Simarouba glauca is a species of flowering tree that is native to Florida in the United States, southern Florida, South America, and the Lesser Antilles.

Common names include Paradise Tree, Aceituno, and Bitterwood.[1]
Its seeds produce an edible oil. The tree is well suited for warm, humid, tropical regions. Its cultivation depends on rainfall distribution, water holding capacity of the soil and sub-soil moisture. It is suited for temperature range of 10 to 40 °C (50 to 104 °F). It can grow at elevations from sea level to 1,000 m (3,300 ft). It grows 40 to 50 ft (12 to 15 m) tall and has a span of 25 to 30 ft (7.6 to 9.1 m).
It bears yellow flowers and oval elongated purple colored fleshy fruits.
It can be propagated from seeds, grafting and tissue culture technology. Fruits are collected in the month of April / May, when they are ripe and then dried in sun for about a week. Skin is separated and seeds are grown in plastic bags to produce saplings. Saplings 2 to 3 months old can be transplanted to a plantation.
The tree forms a well-developed root system and dense evergreen canopy that efficiently checks soil erosion, supports soil microbial life, and improves groundwater position. Besides converting solar energy into biochemical energy all round the year, it checks overheating of the soil surface all through the year and particularly during summer. Large scale planting in wastelands facilitates wasteland reclamation, converts the accumulated atmospheric carbon dioxide into oxygen and contributes to the reduction of Green house effect or Global warming.[2] It is believed that the leaves and roots of this plant has an ability to fight against cancer cells.[3]
(From Wikipedia on 6.5.14)


Request for ID :160511 : AK-1:
Pictures taken here at Muscat, Oman on the 13th of May, 2011. A small, specially planted tree in the gardens surrounding Muscat Palace.
Fruits were looking very similar to Black Olives. Missed out seeing the flowers.

Yes…, it is Simarouba glauca, the oil seed tree or Laxmi Taru.

I think it is a favorite tree of Sri Sri Ravishankar ji.


Trees of Bangalore – RA – Simarouba glauca – Paradise Tree:

The tree starts flowering and fruiting at about three years of age. Flowering is annual beginning in December and continuing up to February. The tree starts bearing when they are 4-6 years old and reach stability in production of another 4-5 years. The droplets (blackish purple in pink genotypes and brownish yellow in green genotypes) are ready for harvest by March/April. Season and duration of reproductive phenoperiods vary according to location and climate. Individual fruits have a development and ripening period of 1-2 months. Fruit is ellipsoid drupe, 2 – 2.5 cm long, with thin hard cuticle and juicy fruit pulp.

First I saw two near Kairali niketan school in indiranagar, and two in national games village.
Two beautiful trees are in Lalbagh.


Request Tree ID 46: Bangalore – RA:
Indiranagar, Bangalore

Paradise tree (Simarouba glauca), I think.

I will verify it with some more googling, I am not able to find the flowers in the web.
When I google it I got this
The native paradise tree is more useful than Google and easy to grow.

There is a (low res.) flower picture here

Thanks for identifying it, I am pretty sure its the same tree.
The leaves are beautiful when seeing it naked eyes.

You will find some snaps of Simarouba glauca from the link provided below. Close-up of the  flower is also there, which confirms me of the identity of this plant as provided by

Thanks … for showing female flower. … picture is of a male plant!


Plz id this tree: pa23 – 2nov2012:
Plz id this small tree in Mumbai region. It is around 10 – 12 feet height, flowers and fruits not seen.

Is this the Simarouba sp.?

Please check Simarouba glauca

Yes I too think this might be Simarouba glauca


Laxmi Taru Tree:
I thought this will be interesting to our tree friends. Any body has any idea where I can get seeds of this tree in Mumbai? Please see the link.

Cassia like leaves:  Attachments (3). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this tree.
Clicked from Chandigarh. found a few small trees. i am not sure whether it is a small tree of shrub even. always found it growing in private gardens and to a height of approx. 10 feet or less (minimum 7 feet approx.).
the leaves are almost always in 6 pairs.
leaves are very leathery and first appearance gives an impression to be belonging to Cassia. though it may not even be closely related.
no flowers or fruits or any other structure was found.

A guess…. Could be Simarouba glauca.

… guess seems to go in right direction..
There are good chances of this being Simarouba glauca..

I agree with … id, too.

Images by tspkumar


TSPNOV2015-92-135: Images of Simarouba glauca (Simaroubaceae) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Simarouba glauca  (Simaroubaceae 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 900 msl 

Date: 29-06-2014, 03-02-2015 and 09-02-2015

yes. laxmitaru. planted in 100 of hectares in many states in sothern indian states. nice to see this new import thriving

Yes …,….recently employed in planting in degraded areas with poor soils.

Excellent flower and fruit pics, thanks …

Simarouba glauca submission : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)- around 550 kb each.
Simarouba glauca
Paradise tree/ Dysentery-bark/ Lakshmi taru
Family – Simaroubaceae
It is an important oil seed yielding tree species.
Photographed in cultivation at TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Dated – 9January2019

Pls help in identifying this plant 02 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 mb each.
I think this plant will become a big tree.

Pl check for Simarouba glauca.



Sri Sri Ravishankar and his foundation is encouraging the planting of Simarouba glauca and has named it as Lakshmi taru.
What are the benefits of the tree to justify such a name? Is it really useful or just a hype?

Any idea for ID ? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb.
Kumily, Kerala (900m), january 2019.
Idea for family ?

Seems to be Simarouba glauca.

yes, seems to be Simarouba glauca.

MS/2/2020/2 – ID of the tree : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)
Kindly identify the tree  :  
Date/Time-  Feb  2020
Location-Place, Bangalore : IIHR
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild  :  Institute premises
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb : Tree 
Leaves : Alternate, compound, imparipinnate. , 5 to 8 pairs
Height/Length- 15 ft
Flower – minute, white

Can you check for Simarouba glauca?
It looks close.

yes this is Simarouba glauca

Thanks for your quick response & the ID. In fact, ID in my mind was the same. My doubt is cleared.

I think … is correct
Small Tree for ID : Bangalore : 29OCT20 : AK-51 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
A young, cultivated tree seen near a lake.
Seems to be Simarouba glauca.
Experts please validate.

Yes. The ID is correct.

Simarouba glauca


Drupe from Salem: 2 images.
Kindly tell me the name of species found in Salem Tamilnadu

Simarouba glauca

Could be. But photographs are flashy. Hence it is difficult to ID
But it looks like a species of Oleaceae (Olive species) also. Better photographs are needed for ID.

I agree with …


Request for photos of the flowers of Simarouba glauca.:
I  am in need of the photographs of the flowers of Simarouba glauca.. If  any of our friends have got good photos, kindly send me for my personal use and oblige.

You yourself have posted at MS/2/2020/2 – ID of the tree

Thanks a lot for tracing out my postings which I did not ! Rather I had forgotten. I took the photos in IIHR Bangalore.
In this species wide range of variations are observed in floral characteristics such as male, female and andromonoecious forms i.e. having hermaphrodite flowers on several branches of the same tree; and therefore considered as polygamo-dioecious. In my photos it is difficult to point out these differentiation. Suppose any body has got better closeup of the flowers like male, female and andromonoecious forms may please post.

Pl. check at Simarouba glauca (Introduced)

Again thanks a lot … I will inform you if I need any photos and get your permission,


Tree ID, please: 3 images.
Please help m ID this tree. Saw this in Doddajala area, Bangalore

This is Simarouba glauca (paradise tree) .”Lakshmi Taru‘ in Kannada.



Simarouba glauca for validation: 2 high res. images.
Request for validation of Simarouba glauca cultivated in Bilaspur. Photographed in February, 2023.

Yes, appears close to images at


Updated on December 24, 2024