Sisymbrium loeselii L., Cent. Pl. I 18 1755. (Syn: Crucifera loeselii E.H.L.Krause; Erysimum loeselii (L.) Farw.; Erysimum loeselii (L.) Rupr.; Hesperis loeselii (L.) Kuntze; Leptocarpaea loeselii (L.) DC.; Nasturtium loeselii (L.) E.H.L. Krause; Nasturtium loeselium (L.) Krause; Norta loeselii (L.) Rydb.; Sisymbrium decipiens Bunge; Sisymbrium glabratum Stapf ex O.E. Schulz; Sisymbrium loeselii var. brevicarpum C.H. An; Sisymbrium turcomanicum Litv.; Turritis loeselii (L.) R. Br.); . London False-rocket; . Common name: London false rocket Tall annual herb reaching 1 m or more, somewhat hispid in lower part; basal and lower leaves long petiolate, lyrate-pinnatipartite with large triangular-hastate lobe and lateral smaller lobes, upper leaves sucessivel smaller with shorter petioles, uppermost subsessile; Flowers bright yellow, 6-8 mm across, in up to 40 cm long raceme; pedicel 8-12 mm long, petals 5-8 mm long; siliqua 20-40 mm long, linear-subcylindrical,, 1 mm broad. Very common in Kashmir valley on roadsides, wastelands and field borders. Sisymbrium loeselii is valued in Kashmir for the medicinal properties of its seeds . Its vernacular name is “Tsari Lashij”. It is included by Walter Lawrence in the list of most important indigenous medicines of Kashmir in his book “The Valley of Kashmir” (Chap IV, p76.) where its action is described as an antiperiodic. A few decades back its seed would fetch a good price among local dealers of herbal medicine. .
Brassicaceae Week: Sisymbrium irio from Paddar Valley J&K: Bot. name: Sisymbrium irio Location: Paddar Valley J&K Altitude: 3800 meters any closer pics of the leaf and flower, by any chance? I hope Sisymbrium loeselii Thanks a lot for correction Sir
Sisymbrium irio L. ! In Sisymbrium irio (from a Wiki article) the upper leaves are linear and younger pods overtop the flowers but this does not seem to be so from the photographs. I wonder if this could be some other species. Incidentally this plant is called “Dand Hak” in Kashmiri literally meaning “Greens for cattle” i.e. wild. A public domain photo attached (attribution:By ZooFari – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, shows both features i.e. linear leaves and young pods overtopping the flowers Yes, appears close to images of Sisymbrium loeselii L. at I too agree with S.loselli Sisymbrium loeselii is common in Kashmir and is called “Tsari Lashij” meaning “sparrows broom” because of its dainty habit. It is well known for its medicinal uses. The photos posted by … appear to be of another plant called “Dand Hak” meaning “Greens for Cattle” because of its robust habit. It is not reputed to be medicinally important. I have also attached a photo of a small “Dand Hak” plant. In “Dand Hak” the leaves are much more deeply lobed than in S . loeselii. Please see attached photos comparing the two side by side. In “Dand Hak” the stem has denser and bigger hairs than in S. loeselii. Please see attached photos comparing the two side by side. Whether it is a variety of S.loeselii or a different species is beyond my competence to opine on. Perhaps … who has published papers from Botany Department of Kashmir University in his early career could guide us in this matter. 3 images To me both appear to be the same species. Maybe … can clarify further. Maybe they are two varieties of same species but different enough to have different local names Yes it is S. loeselli .
Yes, nice upload
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Sisymbrium loeselii
Updated on December 24, 2024