Solanum chrysotrichum (Introduced)

Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl., Linnaea 19(1): 304–305 1847. (syn: Solanum pluviale Standl.; Solanum torvum var. pleiotomum C.Y. Wu & S.C. Huang; Solanum truncatum Standl. & C.V. Morton);
Mexico to Central America: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua, Panamá; Introduced into: Canary Is., China Southeast, Malawi, Peru, Rwanda, Taiwan, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
Common name: Giant Devil’s Fig


Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl. Fam: Solanaceae
Available Bangalore and Thaly area
closely related to Solanum torvum but the leaf lobes are bigger and deep

I think the pictures posted by … at efi thread also belongs to this species.
What do you think, …?

Yes I think sir.

Yes we had discussion about this plant earlier also. Can any one dig out the differences from S. hispidum with which it has been often confused?. Most net pictures show blue flowers but I dis not find this in the description. Perhaps differences in size is major feature.

Perhaps it is more crucial to know differences between S. chrysotrichum and S. hispidum (now known as S. asperoplanatum, since Flora of Tamil Nadu records former (as updated on out website) whereas Flora of China, most of our plants being common with them records former.

Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum chrysotrichum???? from Pathankot-GSFEB15/17 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
This plant was photographed from Pathankot, earlier identified as S. chrysotrichum (as most specimens identified as S. hispidum, have been corrected as S. hispidum in several Floras. Till we find crucial differences between the two. I stand with this statement of mine given on plant uploaded by …
“Perhaps it is more crucial to know differences between S. chrysotrichum and S. hispidum (now known as S. asperoplanatum, since Flora of Tamil Nadu records former (as updated on out website) whereas Flora of China, most of our plants being common with them records former.” 

This spinous, tomentose shrub with large & divided leaves and numerous flowers was shot from Chakrata area..
Can this be Solanum chrysotrichum ?

Yes .., although we have still to find how to exclude S. hispidum.

This is tough for me to know what are the key differences between S. chrysotrichum and C. hispidum, please suggest proper id for this shrub, densely tomentose and armed with recurved spines. These pics were recorded from Karnal along a water channel..
S. hispidum ??

If … meant Solanum hispidum Pers. this is not the species as per available herbarium in the net.

It is a truth that several plants reported in reputed Floras as S. hispidum actually belong to S. chrysotrichum.
But then S. hirsutum is now considered as synonym of Solanum asperolanatum Ruiz & Pav.
The identity of our plant can be resolved only after we know differences between S. chrysotrichum Schldt. and Solanum asperolanatum Ruiz & Pav. (syn: S. hispidum Pers.). 

What I have learned from studying 2 or 3 herbarium found in the net, and thereby of very little value if not none, is that in S. asperolanatum (i) sepals are not much extended as in chrysotrichum, both in buds and in fruits (ii) fruiting peduncle is not much clavate as in chrysotrichum, of course guessed simply based on
Please tell me if anywhere I went wrong.

Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl.SN 15March 07 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl, very common shrub throughout Yercaud; good example for the domination of invaded species. in full bloom with bright white flower bunches.

Seems to be getting very common at several places. I found it in Pathankot, … in Dehradun and Karnal. But the question remains, since plant had earlier been confused with S. hispidum Pers, (even some South Indian Floras Reported S. hispidum)  now known Solanum asperolanatum Ruiz & Pav., we have to find differences between the two to fix our species.


Solanaceae Fortnight:: Solanum shrub for id-NS Feb 40/40 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This rusty shrub was shot from Dehradun, is this Solanum chrysotrichum ?

It looks like the plant in the thread.
If the accepted name for the proper ID is the point of concern the paper at
Two herbaria at
and may also help.
It appears to me in S. asperolanatum Ruiz & Pav., sepals are not so much extended as can be seen in those pictures submitted to our group in different threads. Moreover, fruiting pedicel also not that much clavate as can be seen in … post.


Solanum torvum :: Yercaud :: 25 JAN 18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
Yercaud … (literally, lake forest), Tamil Nadu
… an untended place in town … Date: January 25, 2018 … Altitude: about 1,623 m (5324 feet) asl
Solanum torvum Sw. … (family: Solanaceae)

Looks different to me, Solanum chrysotrichum?

Thanks very much for pointing to the correct ID, … I agree it has to be Solanum chrysotrichum … I was confused.


ID of some Solanaceae members and an unidentified plant!:
The sol5 and sol6 pictures are unidentified and even I suspect whether it belongs to Solanaceae.  I would be happy to obtain identification of nearly 3 types of species attached along with this post.

Sol3 and Sol4 appear to be Solanum Torvum to me
. The others, it is difficult to identify in the absence of fruits.

Sol3 and Sol4 appears to be of Solanum chrysotrichum Schltdl.


Solanum chrysotrichum from Pathankot-GS02052022-4: 8 very high res. images.
Solanum chrysotrichum photographed from Pathankot, 5-11-2014


Updated on December 24, 2024

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