Solanum hovei Dunal, Prodr. 13(1): 311 (1852) (syn: Solanum intermedium Dunal);
Solanum hovei Dunal is endemic to India and occurs primarily along the Western Ghats in the states of Maharashtra, Goa, and Gujarat on plateaus and in open areas, at elevations as high as ca. 1100 meters as per solanaceaesource;
As per efi thread:
Solanum hovei is a member of a group of species identified in the molecular analyses of Aubriot et al. (2016a) as the ‘S. violaceum group’. It is morphologically similar to the sympatric and widespread S. violaceum but differs from it in having leaves with more sparsely pubescent adaxial surfaces and cuneate (rather than acute or truncate) bases. The pedicels of S. hovei are strongly deflexed in fruit, while those of S. violaceum are spreading. Solanum multiflorum of western India also has strongly deflexed pedicels, but they are shorter, and the leaves are densely pubescent with longer trichomes.
Solanum violaceum differs from S. hovei in having recurved cauline prickles, broadly elliptic to ovate leaves, sinuate to more deeply lobed leaf margins, rounded to subcordate leaf bases, and erect fruiting pedicels. In contrast, S. hovei has predominantly straight cauline prickles, rhombic to subelliptic leaves, shallowly triangular-lobed leaf margins, acute to short-attenuate leaf bases, and often recurved fruiting pedicels.
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India
Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal … (family: Solanaceae)
las-ee-oh-KAR-pum — woolly fruit … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Indian nightshade, poison berry, wild Indian brinjal • Assamese: তিতা-ভেকুৰি tita-bhekuri • Gujarati: ઊભી ભોંય રિંગણી ubhi bhoy ringani • Hindi: बरहट्टा barhatta, कोलसा kolsa • Kannada: ಕಿರಿಯ ಗುಳ kiriya gula • Manipuri: leipungkhangga • Marathi: चिंचुरडी chinchurdi, लालकांगोणी lalkangoni • Mizo: maihrem, samtawkte • Nepalese: बिहिँ bihi • Oriya: tutuguno • Sanskrit: बृहती brihati, क्षुद्रभण्टाकी kshudrabhantaaki, प्रचोदिनी prachodini, स्वादुपाका svadupaka, वार्ताकी vaartaaki • Tamil: சிறுவழுதுணை ciru-valutunai, கரிமுள்ளி kari-mulli, நாய்முள்ளி nay-mulli • Telugu: తెల్లములక tellamulaka, వార్తాకి vartaki • Tibetan: bri ha ti
Native to: s China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia; cultivated in tropical Asia
References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • ENVIS – FRLHT • DDSA
… Good shot…………
Solanum violaceum Ortega ssp. violaceum: Armed undershrubs, up to 1.5 m tall; branches minutely stellate-hairy on young parts, glabrate when mature. Leaves 5-12 x 4-7 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, sinuately to deeply lobed, base rounded or unequal, apex subacute, sparsely stellate-hairy above, stellate-woolly beneath, prickly on the nerves; petiole to 2.5 cm long. Flowers bluish-violet in extra-axillary racemes; peduncle c. 4 cm long; pedicel to 8 mm long. Calyx cupular; lobes 5, c. 5 mm long, triangular, prickly. Corolla c. 2 cm across, campanulate. Stamens 5; anthers c. 5 mm long. Ovary c. 2 x 2 mm, globose; stigma acute. Berry 0.8-1.3 cm across, globose; orange yellow when ripe.
I think … is right, it should be S. violaceum with broad-based prickles and purple-violet flowers
Why not Solanum anguivi? which is reported from KAS
The plant often gone under the name Solanum indicum in Indian Floras has now been understood as several species. One such is S. anguivi which has again white flowers with purple veins on outside and more important there are numerous berries in a bunch.
ID of the posted plant is suggested as Solanum hovei Dunal at iNaturalist.
solanaceaesource gives quite a detailed inf.
Pl. check with this also and confirm.
Deb (1979) relegated S. hovei to the synonymy of the widespread and highly variable Solanum violaceum (as S. indicum). Solanum violaceum differs from S. hovei in having recurved cauline prickles, broadly elliptic to ovate leaves, sinuate to more deeply lobed leaf margins, rounded to subcordate leaf bases, and erect fruiting pedicels. In contrast, S. hovei has predominantly straight cauline prickles, rhombic to subelliptic leaves, shallowly triangular-lobed leaf margins, acute to short-attenuate leaf bases, and often recurved fruiting pedicels.
Any more feedback, …, based on detailed differences between the two as given?
actually I was not at desk for some time. Now returning home.
As far as the points you have asked me to consider, I am afraid I will be to analyze them.
“I identified this as S. hovei rather than S. violaceum based on the information in this Phytokeys research article. They include a photo of S. hovei and the following discussion under the section for S. hovei:
“Solanum hovei is a member of a group of species identified in the molecular analyses of Aubriot et al. (2016a) as the ‘S. violaceum group’. It is morphologically similar to the sympatric and widespread S. violaceum but differs from it in having leaves with more sparsely pubescent adaxial surfaces and cuneate (rather than acute or truncate) bases. The pedicels of S. hovei are strongly deflexed in fruit, while those of S. violaceum are spreading. Solanum multiflorum of western India also has strongly deflexed pedicels, but they are shorter, and the leaves are densely pubescent with longer trichomes.
Sen Gupta (1964) suggested S. hovei was a rare plant in the Western Ghats, but the number of recent collections in local herbaria suggest otherwise. It is probable that S. hovei was largely confused with S. violaceum in herbaria (usually identified as S. indicum).”
The leaf shape, type of stem prickles and deflexed fruiting pedicels of this plant indicate S. hovei in my opinion.
There’s also this under the section for S. violaceum:
“Solanum violaceum is sympatric with its close relatives S. deflexicarpum of southern China, S. hovei, and S. multiflorum, the latter two endemic to India. All of these species have strongly deflexed pedicels in fruit, while those of S. violaceum are broadly spreading and usually longer.”
S. violaceum for comparison, with differently shaped leaf bases and spreading fruiting pedicels. Its stems are either unarmed or armed with (usually) curved prickles.
And as discussed in your link, S. lasiocarpum is a different plant with broader leaves, white flowers, and pubescent fruits”
Plant for id – Solanaceae:
Please id this Solanaceous plant taken near Nandhi hills, Bangalore
Looks like Solanum tarvum , but cannot confirm as the foliage is not clearly visible. Send good photographs if you have.
This could be Solanum anguivi (= S. indicum).
Please check with Solanum violaceum ssp. violaceum
Yes it is S. violaceum am not sure/known about the ssp.
It is not unusual. since some variant (ssp. multiflorum (Clarke) Mathews,) has been described under the species the original S. violaceum gets automatically named as S. violaceum Ortega ssp. violaceum (an autonym).
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Kindly comment on whether the conditions mentioned in the key are very rigid or some kind of variation may be observed in nature.
I also think close to images at Solanum violaceum
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
![]() |
KAS Week DS_021012_04 Solanum:
Flowers of Solanum from Kas 22nd Sep 2012. Full id please .
… looks similar to Solanum violaceum Ortega ssp. violaceum in my post at efi thread
Let us wait for comments.
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
![]() |
Solanaceae Fortnight :: Solanum violaceum :: Kas plateau :: DVFEB29/37 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Solanum violaceum Ortega
at Kas plateau on October 19, 2007
Very good photographs …
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Please ID this Solanum species seen in the Aarey forest in November 2016 – white flowers and orange red globose berries.
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
mulsi taluka, pune dist. above lonavala, apprx 3000ft.; Yana, Uttara Jannada Forest path, Oct 2010; |
Solanum ID Request | 24Nov2010AR01 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
identification – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Solanum anguivi
This is commonly observed in western ghats post monsoon.
This picture is from Amboli.
I think this should be Solanum violaceum
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum

Lonavala, MH :: Solanaceae member for ID :: ARK2021-040: 3 high res. images.
Requested to please provide ID.
Appears to be some Solanum
To me appears close to images at Solanum violaceum
But I am unable to confirm without leaves.
Pl. check.
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
28.8.10- Chiplun, Maharastra;
Solanum Species seen growing wild by the roadside, with Purple stems, flower & thorns.
Id please.
Solanum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)
Could this be Solanum melongena var. insanum?
This is just a suggested id.
It is difficult to guess without info on stem character (woody or herbaceous).
Fruit image ??
There were no fruits when the pictures were taken.
My pictures are matching with … post from Amboli.
Which post ? I am unable to find.
… post under Solanum violaceae.
I think different from Solanum violaceum
… also thinks this could be Solanum violaceum.
I think closer to images at Solanum violaceum Ortega
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
sharing pics of Solanum lasiocarpum:
Sharing pics of Solanum lasiocarpum. Kindly validate.
It is not Solanum lasiocarpum.
In S. lasiocarpum (Syn: S. ferox) fruit is large and densely hispid.
Solanum violaceum Ortega as per identification no281012sn1
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Solanum lasiocarpum__sharing my picture:
Sharing pic of Indian Nightshade. Correct me if wrong.
Looking at the size of the mature fruits (to me they don’t appear more than 1 cm here) I don’t think it is S. lasiocarpum. Young fruits and flowers with better view of leaves should help.
Solanum violaceum Ortega as per identification no281012sn1
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
identification no281012sn1:
Please tell me which Solanum is this? taken at mulshi, Pune
Could be stunted form of S. torvum.
Leaves much smaller, but shape is not clear
Yes I always felt it is a stunted species
Please check
Difficult to conclude
S. torvum has white flowers, S. violaceum usually blue-purple fruiting pedicel is erect and calyx reflexed in S. violaceum (Fl. China), here they are turned down and calyx appressed.
prickles on calyx are unusual for S. torvum as is orange fruit.
To me appears close to images at Solanum violaceum Ortega
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
common by roadside in Amboli and even on road from Kolhapur to Amboli (Jul 2008). |
I think looks close to images at Solanum violaceum Ortega
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Solanum sp. seen at Radhanagari WLS, Maharashtra.
Requesting ID..
Very prickly !! Solanum anguivi ??
Interesting upload
efi page on Solanum anguivi
I think looks close to images at Solanum violaceum Ortega
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Solanum virginianum from Satara
Not S. virginianum
Could be S. violaceum
efi page on Solanum violaceum
Yes, this is not Solanum virginianum L.
I also think looks close to images at Solanum violaceum Ortega. as suggested by …
Taking it as Solanum hovei as per discussions and differences at Kas Week :: DV :: 19 OCT 07 – 1120 :: Solanum lasiocarpum
Solanum hovei Dunal :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV212: 7 images.
solanaceaesource POWO Catalogue of Life iNaturalist Flora of peninsular India Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post India Biodiversity Portal Phytokeys research article and photo of S. hovei
A Note on the Occurrence of Solanum Hovei Dunal in India K. C. Sahni , H. B. Naithani (1975)