Solanum diphyllum (Introduced)

Solanum diphyllum L., Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 184. 1753.;
Mexico to Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua; Introduced into: Bahamas, China South-Central, Dominican Republic, Florida, India, Philippines, Taiwan, Texas, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Shrubs, up to 2 m tall, branches erect, younger slightly angled from decurrent leaf bases, older cylindrical. Leaves in unequal pairs; larger leaf elliptic to oblong, 4-10 cm long, 2-3.5 cm broad, margin entire, apex rounded, base attenuate and ducurrent on petiole and stem, petiole up to 1.5 cm long, winged by leaf bases; smaller leaf  almost rounded, 1.5-3 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, subsessile, entire. Inflorescence leaf opposed, scorpoid, 3-10 flowered., often subumbellate; peduncle unbranched, 3-11 mm long, with conspicuous pedicel scars later on. Pedicel 5-12 mm long, erect in fruit. Calyx constricted at base and just below the lobes, 2-2.5 mm long, the lobes deltoid, 1 mm long, ciliolate, 3-4 mm in fruit. Corolla white, 4-6 mm across, lobed 3/4 way; filaments short; anthers, 1-1.5 mm long. Ovary glabrous, style 3-4 mm long. Berry orange, globose, slightly 2-lobed, 7-12 mm across. Seeds yellow or tan, reniform-discoid, 2-3 mm across, margins thickened.
Native of North and South America, cultivated and naturalised elsewhere mainly in tropics and subtropics.
Flowers April-August, fruits May-October (in Delhi)
Photographs and Discussion:

Submission of Solanum diphyllum L.: 8 images- 5 high res.
Here, I am attaching the detail macro photographs of Solanum diphyllum. Hope this photographs will helps in field identification.

Yes. the ID is correct. Nice photographs.

Solanaceae Week: Solanum diphyllum from Delhi:
Solanum diphyllum L., Sp. Pl. 184, 1753
Shrubs, up to 2 m tall, branches erect, younger slightly angled from decurrent leaf bases, older cylindrical. Leaves in unequal pairs; larger leaf elliptic to oblong, 4-10 cm long, 2-3.5 cm broad, margin entire, apex rounded, base attenuate and ducurrent on petiole and stem, petiole up to 1.5 cm long, winged by leaf bases; smaller leaf  almost rounded, 1.5-3 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, subsessile, entire. Inflorescence leaf opposed, scorpoid, 3-10 flowered., often subumbellate; peduncle unbranched, 3-11 mm long, with conspicuous pedicel scars later on. Pedicel 5-12 mm long, erect in fruit. Calyx constricted at base and just below the lobes, 2-2.5 mm long, the lobes deltoid, 1 mm long, ciliolate, 3-4 mm in fruit. Corolla white, 4-6 mm across, lobed 3/4 way; filaments short; anthers, 1-1.5 mm long. Ovary glabrous, style 3-4 mm long. Berry orange, globose, slightly 2-lobed, 7-12 mm across. Seeds yellow or tan, reniform-discoid, 2-3 mm across, margins thickened.
Native of North and South America, cultivated and naturalised elsewhere mainly in tropics and subtropics.
Flowers April-August, fruits May-October (in Delhi)
The plant is planted in Delhi at some places. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi and Old Delhi Ridge.


Family: Solanaceae
Bot. name:
Solanum diphyllum
Common name:
Two leaf Nightshade

– The leaf morphology came out great in this snap


ID confirmation MS040411 -26 – Solanaceae week.:
I am attaching a photographs of  a herb with fruits and flowers, supposed


Plant Id needed:
Please identify this plant.
Plant photographed
at Koregaon park,Pune
Dated- 3rd July 2011.

I hope Solanum diphyllum, note unequal pairs of leaves


Is this Solanum diphyllum:
This Shrub was photographed at Osho Garden, Koregaon park, Pune. Date- 03/07/2011

I am attaching the photographs of a wild shrub on the banks of a shrub.
Photographs taken on 21.3.12

I hope Solanum diphyllum


ID No. 261212 MS 92- ID requested for Solanum species:
In continuation of my earlier mail I am sending 2 more photographs. The species has been tentatively been identified as Solanum diphyllum by …

Yes the flowers make it sure, Solanum diphyllum

The flowers I thought looked morphologically similar to flowers of Solanum americanum which I saw in the wild but those were much smaller in size and rest of the plant is totally different
Date/Time-Oct 2011
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Private garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb I think as it was potted
Height/Length- about 2 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- flowers face down white with yellow centre flower petals everted back
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- green berry

Solanum diphyllum, a shrub


30072013 BRS 494 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation.

Date: 30.07.2013
Location : Adyar, Chennai
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Herb/

Is this Solanum diphyllum?

This is a species of Solanum.

Seems to be Solanum diphyllum.

Please check the  earlier postings by me  on Solanum diphyllum.
The ID has been confirmed by …
Link  : efi thread one and two           


efloraofindia: For ID 271112SP2 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

Please help me to identify this flower.
Location –
Date: January 11

Seems Solanum diphyllum (Two leaf nightshade)….. I may be wrong.

Solanum diphyllum from me too.


Pls ID-Cochin-121114RT.Nov-5 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).

Pls ID.

Solanum diphyllum

Solanum diphyllum

Solanum diphyllum L., Sp. Pl. 184, 1753
Shrubs, up to 2 m tall, branches erect, younger slightly angled from decurrent leaf bases, older cylindrical. Leaves in unequal pairs; larger leaf elliptic to oblong, 4-10 cm long, 2-3.5 cm broad, margin entire, apex rounded, base attenuate and ducurrent on petiole and stem, petiole up to 1.5 cm long, winged by leaf bases; smaller leaf almost rounded, 1.5-3 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, subsessile, entire. Inflorescence leaf opposed, scorpoid, 3-10 flowered., often subumbellate; peduncle unbranched, 3-11 mm long, with conspicuous pedicel scars later on. Pedicel 5-12 mm long, erect in fruit. Calyx constricted at base and just below the lobes, 2-2.5 mm long, the lobes deltoid, 1 mm long, ciliolate, 3-4 mm in fruit. Corolla white, 4-6 mm across, lobed 3/4 way; filaments short; anthers, 1-1.5 mm long. Ovary glabrous, style 3-4 mm long. Berry orange, globose, slightly 2-lobed, 7-12 mm across. Seeds yellow or tan, reniform-discoid, 2-3 mm across, margins thickened.
Native of North and South America, cultivated and naturalised elsewhere mainly in tropics and subtropics.
Flowers April-August, fruits May-October (in Delhi)
The plant is planted in Delhi at some places. Photographed from Herbal Garden, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi and Old Delhi Ridge.

Solanum diphyllum L.
at Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan on May 15, 2010 

Solanaceae Week: Solanum diphyllum PKFEB07/07 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Please find Solanum diphyllum L.

Solanaceae Fortnight :: Solanum diphyllum :: Mumbai :: ARKFEB-20/26 :  1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5).
Attached are pictures of Solanum diphyllum captured at Mumbai in September 2012.

Solanaceae Fortnight :: Solanum diphyllum?? :: Mumbai :: PKA-FEB01/01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Could this be Solanum diphyllum?? 

I cannot think of anything else but Solanum diphyllum, as you proposed.. nice pics!!

yes love that second small leaf, almost as if god created that as an after thought, wonder why… what’s the purpose?


Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanum diphyllum. at Mumbai : PKA-FEB42/42: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Solanum diphyllum. at Mumbai.

Solanaceae Fortnight::Solanum pseudocapsicum Feb 15-NSJ-08 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Jerusalem CherrySolanum pseudocapsicum

To me this is more like Solanum diphyllum, I can be wrong..

Yes S. dihyllum 

yes S. diphyllumspelling typo above
please correct in your files if needed


Solanaceae Fortnight : Solanum diphyllum : MNP,Mumbai : 26FEB15 : AK-35 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)
Commonly known as Twoleaf Nightshade from MNP, Mumbai.

ID request 010715SG : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Requesting ID of roadside bush 2-3’ ht. Photo taken on 28June at Thane.

I think Solanum diphyllum


SK740 19 SEP-2017:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Location:  Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden,
                 Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft. 

Solanum diphyllum, an exotic species.

Thank you …! Solanum diphyllum L.

Solanum diphyllum L. : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8)  
Location : Pokhara, Nepal
Date : 8 August 2017
Elevation : 2600 ft.

Is it wild there …? 

It is not listed in Nepal. It was in the street side in the base of a big tree. May be planted !

We have in many places in and around Chennai. It could be planted and spread to other locations.

Please help identify.. : 6 posts by 4 authors. 4 images.
Growing in Mumbai.
Has tiny white flowers and these yellow berries.

looks like Solanum diphyllum to me.

Yes …, This is Solanum diphyllum. Recently … posted the same from Indian Botanic Garden.

Solanum diphyllum :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 08 APR 18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane
Date: April 8, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl
Solanum diphyllum  L.  

Beautiful photographs. ID is correct.

Solanum diphyllum L. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong 
Date: 2 November 2018
Elevation: 1300 ft.
Habit : Wild


Maharahtra Nature Park-Mumbai- July’09?; 30.8.2009- At- Smiriti van(Jaipur);  in Vrindavan Garden (March 13, 2010); May 15, 2010 at 3.46pm IST: Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan; 17th of May, 2007: Mumbai; SEEPZ- Oct’10?;

For identification – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Request for ID : 090810-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
DV :: 15MAY10 – 0346 :: VJBU – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Maisuru Flora 1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Request for ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups
ID(dkb-8) – efloraofindia | Google Groups


ID request of this plant. : 25 posts by 8 authors. 2 images.
Id requested for this plant from Nagaon, Maharashtra.

I think some Solanum species.

It appears to be Solanum pseudocapsicum.

If it is a herb, it is Solanum nigrum; pod or calyx not clear

Solanum diphyllum L.

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me looks different from images at Solanum diphyllum & Solanum nigrum
Looks close as per images at Solanum pseudocapsicum
When were pictures clicked ?

yes …, the leaf and flower are close to S. pseudocapsicum

It was captured on Feb 6th 2019

Pair of big and small leaf can be seen ……….Solanum diphyllum

Thanks a lot. yes there are a pair of leaves; at upper nodes they are seen; I agree with you

its leaves are wider than i remember in house plant once popular as Jerusalem cherry or S. pseudocapsicum. also this seems to have a variation in leaves sizes as … mentioned. look at S diphyllum as a strong possibility. oh, i just saw … opinion. okay then

Thank you one and all for your valuable suggestions in identifying the plant.
For better comparison, I am herewith attaching some of the photos from my collection that may be useful.
Photos 1 & 2: Solanum pseudocapsicum
Place: Sirumalai Hills, Dindigul Dist., TN.
Approx. 1100 masl
DoP: 07-08-2014
Photos 3, 4 & 5: Solanum diphyllum.
Place: Shervaroyan Hills, Salem Dist., TN. 
Approx. 1200 masl
DoP: Photos 3 &4: 30-11-2012; Photo 5: 15.12.2013.
Attachments (5) – around 650 kb each.

I will go with … id of Solanum pseudocapsicum

you mean . there is so much variation in the leaf size? then the photographer must document it properly, eh??

It didn’t occur to my friend that such variation of leaf was to be documented when the photo was taken. I see that leaf size variation are very common Solanum diphyllum. But not in
Solanum pseudocapsicum. Is it an identification feature? Will document it properly when visiting the location again.

ok but … first two pictures are showing leaf size variation alright but his leaves have wrinkly edges? our current specimen has fresh lush green smooth edged leaves, even though it seems some size variation could be present. i am floored. someone who has a large collection of this S. pseudocapsicum photos please show us

here is the picture from this paper –

Any similarity to the link ?
Solanum diphyllum L.

Thank you. S diphyllum with distinct small leaf accompanying as in this paper is not the problem. we have these growing in lower ganges delta as weeds sometimes. it is the s. pseudocapsicum leaves ….. the question. also no rush

Photographs of the flowers and fruits are essential. The photos of flowers are not clear.

It is S. diphyllum

On further checking, I will go with Solanum diphyllum L., as per images and details herein.

I too agree with you



Fruit for Id – ID24062022SH1:

Fruit for id pl.
Location -Mumbai (My home garden)- This plant has grown automatically in my garden.
Date – November 2019

Solanum diphyllum L.

Yes. Solanum diphyllum.


Plant ID: 2 images.
Need help to ID this plant.
Seen in Bhopal, 18/8/2023.

Solanum diphyllum L. !


Solanaceae: Solanum sp.: 1 high res. image.
Identify the Solanum sp.
Collected from a medicinal garden near paderu

Solanum diphyllum L.




Updated on December 24, 2024

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