Solanum laxum (Introduced)

Solanum laxum Spreng., Syst. veg. 1:682. 1824 (“1825”) (syn: (=) Solanum boerhaaviifolium Sendtn.; (=) Solanum jasminoides Paxton) as per GRIN;
SE. & S. Brazil to NE. Argentina: Argentina Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Paraguay, Uruguay; Introduced into: Azores, Bolivia, Brazil West-Central, Canary Is., Cape Provinces, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, New South Wales, Pakistan, Peru, Queensland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
Jasmine nightshade, Potato Vine, Morok lei (Manipuri);
Woody climber with without prickles; leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, 4-8 cm long; flowers white or tinged bluish, in extra-axillary paniculate cymes; calyx lobes obtuse; corolla lobes spreading.


Climber from Shillong.
Bot. name: Solanum jasminoides
Family: Solanaceae
Habitat: Garden
Plant Habit: Climber

– Here are mine from Manali, Photographed in October, 2009


Solanum laxum, Potato Vine Flowers:
Wanted to share this pretty shot of Potato Vine Flowers, Solanum laxum
considering that we are celebrating Solanaceae week. Was photographed in Auckland, New Zealand on 21 December, 2009. Cultivated garden climber.

Yes…, formerly S. jasminoides

Flora of Chakrta: Solanum laxum from Hotel Himalayan Paradise Tiger Fall Road Chakrata:
Solanum laxum from Hotel Himalayan Paradise Tiger Fall Road Chakrata
Cutivated along the way to Hotel
Called as Potato vine

Yes..potatoe vines. jasiminoides is how I know it…
Very popular in california gardens.. even NYBG arboretum grew it for a few years in the conservatory…
never seen any fruits though inside the glass house… no appropriate pollinators I guess….
MY QUESTION: does this plant fruit in the northern climes , and being out in the open?


Solanum jasminoides Paxt., Mag. Bot. 8. t. 5. 1841.
Woody climber with without prickles; leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, 4-8 cm long; flowers white or tinged bluish, in extra-axillary paniculate cymes; calyx lobes obtuse; corolla lobes spreading.

Photographed from Chakrata


Solanaceae Fortnight::Solanum jasminoides Feb-15 NSJ-13 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Solanum jasminoides from Kalimpong (Apr 09)

Yes …


Climber from Shillong.
Bot. name: Solanum jasminoides
Family: Solanaceae
Habitat: Garden
Plant Habit: Climber

we know it as potato vine
grows abundantly in mid and lower pacific coast line along oregon and california all over esp. Napa valley
i surmised that it loves the manure rich well drained soil and some heat
never seen any fruits though
I wondered how did it travel/propagate so widely???
does anyone know???
very nice

Solanaceae Fortnight:: The Climbing Solanum from Pelling-NS Feb 43/43 : 1 post by 1 author.
These pics belong to a cultivated species, seen at several places on hill stations, but the present pics were recorded from Pelling, Sikkim..
Solanum jasminoides


Solanaceae Fortnight : Solanum laxum : Kandy,Sri Lanka : 25FEB15 : AK-29 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Commonly known as Potato Vine, seen in Kandy.

Flower for Id-ID23102015SH3 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Old picture of flower for Id pl.
Location – Chakrata, Uttarakhand.
Date- 05.10.2009

Habitat –Wild

potato vine. did the flowers have a faint scent?

Thanks for the identification. Sorry, but I don’t remember distinctly now about the fragrance.

Is there any purple/lavender variety in potato vine ?

some south american ones have nice light purple shades mixing in the white. that’s what we used to run into, occasionally, in california napa valley but that was before digital era i dont have pictures handy

SK572 16 JUN-2017:ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Location:  Gopaldhara, Darjeeling, India 
Date: 20 May  2017
Altitude: 6000 ft 

Solanum laxum Spreng. [Solanaceae].



Updated on December 24, 2024

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