Solanum robustum (Introduced)

Solanum robustum H.L.Wendl., Flora 27: 784 1844. (Syn: Solanum alatum Seem. & Schmidt; Solanum concepcionis Chodat & Hassl.; Solanum concepcionis var. robustius Chodat; Solanum concepcionis var. typicum Chodat; Solanum euracanthum Dunal; Solanum robustum var. concepcionis (Chodat & Hassl.) Hassl.; Solanum robustum f. decurrens Hassl.; Solanum robustum var. laxepilosum Hassl.; Solanum robustum f. rupestre Hassl.; Solanum robustum f. typicum Hassl.);
NE-Brazil (Ceara, Bahia), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), S-Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa Prov., Misiones), Paraguay (Alto Parana, Bocqueron, Cordillera, Guaira, Itapua, Misiones, Neembucu, Paraguari, Presidente Hayes, San Pedro), Canary Isl. (I) (Tenerife (I), Gran Canaria (I)), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I), Tanzania (I), Hawaii (I) (East Maui (I) (Kailua Gulch) (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Notes: Western Ghats, Evergreen Forests as per India Biodiversity Portal;
Common name: Shrubby Nightshade

Solanum robustum H.L. Wendl. SN 317 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild brownish shrub from Nilgiri area of Tamilnadu, Fruits larger than Solanum torvum


Solanum shrub for ID :: Nilgiris :: JUL2018 MK006 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7)- around 300 kb each.
Please help in ID of this Solanum sp. Whole plant is densely pubescent. The plant is often spotted as a weed on roadsides in the high altitudes of Tamilnadu (above 2000 m asl)
Earlier in 2013, I have posted ID of the same plant I think; the ID is yet to be resolved.
Habitat: edge of a pine plantation / near road
Date: 8 November 2017
Place: Pykara, Nilgiris, TN
Altitude: 2205 m asl

what is the rust like granular stuff on the picture numbers 5 and 6?

Looks like the plant is infected. Can you post any photos of  healthy plant, if available.

they are dense mats of hair

Solanum robustum H.L. Wendl.

Thanks, … for the id.

To me also appear close at images and as per references at Solanum robustum

Thank you … The plant is frequently seen along forest edges and roadsides in Nilgiris.


Nilgiris :: Solanum weed for identification :: 211213MK003 : 14 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (8).

Please help me in identifying this large thorny shrub from Solanum.
Leaf was as large as 25 cm long,
Habitat: roadside weed
Date: 12 Dec 2013
Place: Kothagiri town,
Alt.: c. 2000 m asl

I hope Solanum torvum

Yes, should be S. torvum

I remember collecting similar plant in Bangalore and identifying it as Solanum hispidum.
There is confusion over the nomenclature of this group of species: S. hispidum – S. asperolanatum – S. chrysotrichum.
The posted plant could turn to be a species different from the above. But to me it doesn’t look like S. torvum, mainly due to the reddish brown glandular hairs (?) on young parts and fruits, winged stems, nature of leaves and fruits etc. More pictures and details may help confirm the species.

I too collected this species and still remained unidentified

That is interesting. What a coincidence. I photographed this plant last year growing along roadside in Pathankot near J & K-Punjab border. I had identified it as S. chrysotrichum, and came to know that it has often been confused and reported as S. hispidum. I was even prepared to incorporate this in our website key, but deferred it to check whether species has been reported from India or not. I think typical specimens of S. hispidum have blue flowers.
No wonder S. torvum, S. hispidum and S. chrysotrichum form a close species complex.

A link to show how often S. chrysotrichum has been confused with S. hispidum. … and …, may we try to find real differences between the two species. Both I find (and I had seen this in Pathankot plant) are much larger and taller than S. torvum, S. hispidum being the largest of the three.

One more link

Any one having access to JSTOR may help

Solanum torvum (=S.erianthum) have entire lanceolate leaves and plant do not have spines on any parts. Seems more closer to S.hispidum. BUT as … has pointed out nomeclature is ambiguous.

Solanum erianthum D. Don and S. torvum Sw. are totally different species, former without prickles and latter with distinct broad based prickles
S. torvum is a smaller shrub barely taller than 2 m, whereas S. erianthum is frequently a tree.

Now I understand that the plant I referred here is S.erianthum. I somehow (wrongly) considered S.erianthum a synonym of S.torvum.
Thank you Sir for correction.

Solanum robustum as per images and details herein and as per another thread.

The three species have been much confused, and still confused at various websites. I have photographed all three, and from various sources this is conclusion:

1. Solanum hispidum would commonly have blue flowers with larger flowers which are blue in colour with spreading much broader corolla lobes.
2. S. chrysotrichum has white flowers large to very large leaves (usually 9-35 cm long) with several to numerous (seven to thirteen) moderately deep to very deep lobes. Its relatively large white flowers (30-40 mm across) have relatively large sepals (7-10 mm long). The dense star-shaped (i.e. stellate) hairs on its new growth are reddish in colour.
3.  Solanum torvum also with white flowers  has moderately large leaves (usually 5-21 cm long) with several (about seven) slight to moderately deep lobes. Its relatively small white flowers (up to 25 mm across) have small sepals (3-4 mm long). The dense star-shaped (i.e. stellate) hairs on its new growth are whitish or yellowish in colour. 
Here are my images of three species
Attachments (3)

S. erianthum does not have lobed leaves, sepals are much smaller, and ovary densely hairy.
Attachments (3)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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