Solanum trilobatum L., Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunsten 5: 1 Art. 4: 26 1 1790. (syn: Solanum acetosifolium Lam.; Solanum canaranum Miq.; Solanum canaranum Miq. ex C.B.Clarke; Solanum fuscum B.Heyne ex Wall.; Solanum maingayi Kuntze; Solanum prostratum Raeusch.; Solanum sarmentosum Nees);
. India, Sri Lanka, Indo-China to Peninsula Malaysia: India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam as per POWO; .
Common name: Purple Fruited Pea Eggplant, Thai nightshade • Marathi: mothiringnee, thoodalam • Tamil: Tuduvalai, Nittidam, Sandunayattan, Surai • Malayalam: tutavalam, putharichunda, putricunta, puttacunta, tudavalam • Telugu: alarkapatramu, kondavuchinta, mullamusti • Kannada: Kakamunji, Ambusondeballi • Oriya: bryhoti • Sanskrit: achuda, agnidamani, agnidamini, alarka, vallikantakarika
. A slender prickly scrambling shrub, prickles curved, broad-based, yellowish and numerous along the stems, otherwise almost glabrous. Leaves rounded-ovate in outline, obtusely 3-5-lobed, 2-7 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, glabrous or slightly stellate, with a few prickles along the petiole and midrib. Inflorescences extra-axillary, peduncle short, 3-9-flowered; pedicels 1-2 cm long, widely divergent. Calyx 3 mm long, with narrow teeth, sparsely stellate. Corolla 12-16 mm long, deeply lobed, stellate-pubescent outside, purple, reflexed; stamens protruding, anthers 7 mm long, yellow. Fruits globose, c.15 mm diam., scarlet. Seeds compressed, 3 mm diam. Flowering and fruiting: January-August
Dry deciduous forests
– To me it looks like Solanum trilobatum. – I was trying to find best match other than S. wendlandii (which has deeply dissected leaves, especially lower), a woody climber with curved prickles and purple flowers. I think you have hit the right choice. I hope it is an – Yes, I agree with … Armed undershrub, leaves not exceeding 5 cm, petioles and pedicels prickly would be S. trilobatum. – S. trilobatum (Thoodhuvelai in Tamil) is a popular medicinal plant used mainly for the treatment of breathing troubles. Leaves are also used as vegetable. – Not undershrub, rather a woody climber or scandent shrub as can be made out from … – It was wild at Edermundi island in Krishna WS in A.P. ID confirmation MS040411 -24 – ID requested- Solanum species.: – Yes, it is S. trilobatum. ‘Thoodhuvelai‘ in Tamil. ID no. 060411-RV 1:
I had seen this climber near Thol lake, about 20 km away from Ahemedabad in the last week of December, 2010. It seems to me from Solanaceae family….. it would be nice if some one can Identify it. – Yes Solanum trilobatum .
Solanum : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. 25/07/2013
Anakaputhur, South Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Armed climbing shrub over hedges.
Leaves edible, made in to chutney, dried herb used in indian medicine. Solanaceae Week: Solanum trilobatum PKFEB19/19: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
please find Solanum trilobatum L. thorny bush for identification, GNK-SEP15-02: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
I found this one in Marudam Farm School in Thiruvannmalai, Tamilnadu. Height of the plant is 3-4 feet. People here say that it is Medicinal plant but i don’t know for what they will use it. Nice pictures … Looks like Solanum trilobatum called Thootdhuvalai தூதுவளை in Thamizh.
. Chilika lake, December 2021 :: Solanum for validation :: ARK2022-038: 4 images. This was clicked at Rajhans island near Behrampura on the banks of the Chilika lake, Odisha in December 2021.
Based on efi and FoI pics, guessing this to be Solanum trilobatum. Requested to please validate. For me the ID looks correct. Yes it’s Solanum trilobatum . |
Solanum trilobatum
Updated on December 24, 2024