Solanum villosum ? ; Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild Location: Dhaka City Flowering: June Solanum sp…? Could be S. villosum subsp. mineatum but fruits (ripe) are necessary for identification.
Solanaceae Fortnight:: Solanum for id Darjeeling-NS Feb 46/46 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) This herb was recorded from Llyods Botanical Garden, Darjeeling, of course not cultivated.. Please suggest where this should be placed, S. americanum or S. villosum, tentatively I see this closer to S. villosum, though no fruits were seen.. efi page on Solanum villosum Photography is visually very pleasing. But doesn’t carry enough information that suggests the species can be only one of the proposed two. Solanaceae Fortnight : Solanum For ID : Muscat : 26FEB15 : AK-38 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Seen growing wild in a farm. No fruits when the picture was taken. Kindly id. Solanum villosum ????
Solanum villosum ?
Updated on December 24, 2024