Spermacoce pusilla Wall., Fl. Ind. 1: 379 1820. (Syn. Bigelovia pusilla (Wall.) Spreng.; Borreria gracilis Miq. ex Hook.f.; Borreria kleinii (Steud.) Walp.; Borreria lasiocarpa Walp.; Borreria pusilla (Wall.) DC.; Borreria rosea (Sivar. & Manilal) Sivar.; Borreria roxburghiana Walp.; Borreria stricta var. rosea Sivar. & Manilal; Spermacoce filina Wall. [Invalid]; Spermacoce gardneri Wall. [Invalid]; Spermacoce kleinii Steud.; Spermacoce triandra Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don); . Indian Subcontinent to S. China and Philippines as per WCSP; . Angola; Benin; Borneo; Burkina; Burundi; Cameroon; Central African Repu; Chad; China South-Central; China Southeast; Congo; East Himalaya; Ethiopia; Gabon; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Hainan; India; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Liberia; Madagascar; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicobar Is.; Nigeria; Pakistan; Philippines; Rwanda; Senegal; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Sumatera; Taiwan; Tanzania; Thailand; Uganda; Vietnam; West Himalaya; Zambia; Zare as per Catalogue of life; . sperm-a-KOH-see — seed point, referring to the capsule being surrounded by calyx points pus-ILL-uh — insignificant (or weak) . commonly known as: tiny false buttonweed • Hindi: सफेद फूली safed phooli • Marathi: तारकादळ tarakadal • Telugu: చుక్కకాడ tsukka-kada . Native to: tropical Africa, India, Sri Lanka . S. ocymoides has narrowly winged stem, elliptic leaves, hairy corolla tube and inserted stamens. S. pusilla has 4 angled stem, linear leaves, glabrous corolla tube and exserted stamens. . ID Request 050913SG-A : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Help ID of following herb in wild, 2-3ft ht, leaves with mild aromatic smell, photographed on 05Sep13 at Dhavlas. This is Spermacoce pusilla. My photographs of this are available at this link SGNP, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKSEP-07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Kanheri Caves, SGNP in Aug 2014. There was a suggestion on the Indian flora facebook group that this is Richardia scabra… Kindly validate. efloraofindia:”For Id” is this Spermacoce pusilla at Talegaon Dabhade :August 2015: MR-01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Talegaon Dabhade Pune August 2015 Requesting to Id this wild plant with tiny white flowers. is it Spermacoce pusilla? Affirmative. Now called Borreira pusilla. Please check this link Thank you for validating, also thank you for the link of very nice pics posted by you. efloraofindia:”For Id” wild herb is this Spermacoce species? at Talegaon Dabhade :Sep 2015: MR-03 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Talegaon Dabhade Pune Sep 2015 Requesting to Id this wild herb. is it Spermacoce species? Spermacoce species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Spermacoce species as suggested by … But unable to pinpoint the species. From the lanceolate – leaves it seems to be S. pusilla
SK191NOV10-2016:ID : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Pilot Baba Ashram, Bhaktapur , Nepal Altitude: 5500 ft. Date: 26 September 2016 Attachments (1) Pl. check Rubiaceae – Spermacoce species ? It looks like Spermacoce pusilla except for the calyx color, which is usually green. I guess matching with Spermacoce pusilla Wall. (accepted name). Borreria pusilla (Wall.) DC. (synonym) Some confusion still remains regarding correct ID as image Pl. check my images at Operation Spermacoce- Spermacoce pusilla? I guess first 4 sets of images are matching and hope my images are too S. pusilla. ID KANNUR 47 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 MB. Please identify this herb from a hillock of Kannur District of Kerala. collected in September. Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/l/lamiaceae/leucas It is Spermacoce pusilla Wall., ID Requested : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB. I request the ID of the plant attached: Location: Shervaroyan Hills, Salem Dist., Tamil Nadu. Alt.: ca. 1000 m asl. Habit: Erect herb. Some Spermacoce species. Pl. check with species in efi at Species pages have images. It is Spermacoce pusilla of Rubiaceae It resembles Spermacoce pusilla Wall. Plant for ID 26 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image. Looks like Spermacoce pusilla (Tarakadal). See details from Indiantreepix Database. I have some doubts still about the ID Request For ID 060909 VR – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 images. I think this is Spermacoce pusilla (Rubiaceae family). Yes it is Spermacoce pusilla. Pusilla, pusillum, pusillus in Latin means tiny/very small (L.) [poo-SIL-l’] PLANT FOR ID SMP21/8/2008 This should be Diamond Flower (Oldenlandia corymbosa)- FOI On carefully studying various answers the plant appears to be Spermacoce pusilla …, you are right. It is Spermacoce pusilla indeed! FOI ID(ID-DKB164) – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image. Looks like Leucas aspera It is different. Its Spermacocae I think it’s Spermacoce ocymoides as per Indiantreepix Database: Now I feel that species in this thread has to be Spermacoce pusilla & not Spermacoce ocymoides:. FOI link for Spermacoce pusilla is below: Rubiacea species of Kachchh, Gujarat ?????????? – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 1 image. please help me Spermacoce pusilla from Rubiaceae. MAKA in Marathi माका I don’t know yet any plant called as Maka, Marathi माका, other than Eclipta alba … me too am skeptical about the name maka … any reference possible … ? OR somebody may please validate. Sorry I was under the wrong impression that it is Maka. In fact Eclipta belonging to family Asteraceae is the true Maka which was in my mind. Anyway this herb does look like Spermacoce pusilla isn’t it? … to me it looks rather Spermacoce ocymoides. I agree with … id: Spermacoce pusilla, owing to its narrow oblong leaves. S. ocymoides will have broad ovate-elliptic leaves and more number of flowers per inflorescence. There has been a lot of confusion regarding Spermacoce in past few days, without any concrete result so far. In view feel that everybody has a re-look at Spermacoce species & post them one by one to sort out the confusion. I am posting one here myself. My photos seems to differ a bit (also there is lot of similarities) from … photos at FOI & Flickr as per links below: I have an apprehension that these (… pictures) may have been taken at different time or place & may be of different species. I also have the feeling that in Shrikant ji’s book relationship between Spermacoce pusilla & Spermacoce ocymoides has not been properly explained. Is there any relation with Spermacoce prostrata, as per pictures at link: Among my photos of S. pusilla at Flickr one of them at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/2855532251/ looks different from S. pusilla and has caused the confusion. It could be S. ocymoides … letting the description stay as it is for today as S. pusilla — tomorrow will change it to S. ocymoides. This is my picture of Spermacoce pusilla. Posted earlier on the group. Id from pictures is likely to lead to such confusions and that is part of the exercise. Specimens would sort out this, yet please see if this key helps. S. ocymoides has narrowly winged stem, elliptic leaves, hairy corolla tube and inserted stamens. S. pusilla has 4 angled stem, linear leaves, glabrous corolla tube and exserted stamens. Another S. articularis also occurs in Maharashtra but its key is not based on visible field characters. Hope I am not adding to the confusion Common name: Tiny False Buttonweed Hindi : सफेद फूली Marathi : तारकादळ Family: Rubiaceae 2 images. Details of two pictures of … at FOI are as: “They were at different places: The genera Spermacoce and Borreria are real nightmare for the taxonomists over ages. very nice pics, esp close up of bluish white teeny tiny flowers… is it medicinal ? cant remember? Dr.S.M.Almeida & Dr.M.R.Almeida’s new publication ‘Handbook of Diseases and their Herbal Remedies in Maharashtra’ in 2 volumes lists the medicinal uses of B.auricularia, B.hispida & B.verticillata but unfortunately makes no mention of B.pusilla. Knoxia spp for id from Pipalkoti Small herb shot from near roadside are pipalkoti to me it looks more like Spermacoce pusilla. pl. check. http://www.flickr.com/photos/udaytadphale/5824260096/, Thanks … for correct id . Rubiaceae Week : Spermacoce pusilla Pune: Spermacoce pusilla A small common herb seen everywhere (Pune).
Rubiaceae Week :: Spermacoce pusilla in Thane and Mumbai: Spermacoce pusilla Wall. sperm-a-KOH-see — seed point, referring to the capsule being surrounded by calyx points pus-ILL-uh — insignificant (or weak) Jul 25, 2010 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: tiny false buttonweed • Hindi: सफेद फूली safed phooli • Marathi: तारकादळ tarakadal • Telugu: చుక్కకాడ tsukka-kada Native to: tropical Africa, India, Sri Lanka References: Flowers of India • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Jul 25, 2010 … at Vaghbil, Thane, Maharashtra Jul 21, 2008 … at Goregaon, Mumbai Rubiaceae Week: Knoxia sp from Morni Hills: 6 images. Knoxia sp from Morni Hills Can this small wild herb be Knoxia sumatrensis pls validate Efi site link for this species: /species/m—z/r/rubiaceae/knoxia/knoxia-sumatrensis It doesn’t look like Knoxia to me. It may be Spermacoce verticillata. May I request you to pl. validate it as per your thread. Thanks … But neither of the posts seem to be Spermacoce verticillata. I think it should be Spermacoce pusilla Wall. as per comparative images at Spermacoce and as per keys at Flora of China Location: Bindhabasini Indra Daha, Kathmandu Altitude: 1732 m. Date: 18 August 2019 Habit : Wild Attachments (4)- 1 mb or more. . ID requested: Rubiaceae: 3 images.| Spermacoce pusilla . Wild Plant for ID : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 19SEP21 : AK – 022: 3 images. Wild plants seen at the base of Borgad yesterday (18.9.21) Spermacoce pusilla Wall. ! Yes . Spermacoce pusilla Wall.: 5 very high res. images. . Spermacoce pusilla Wall.: 2 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 728 m. Date: 12 August 2021 Habit : Wild . Spermacoce pusilla Wall.: 4 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal Altitude: 728 m. Date: 12 August 2021 Habit : Wild . Spermacoce pusilla Wall. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jul 25, 2010 · 10:16 AM IST: 2 images. Yes from me. Seen in many places especially near the tank bund near by.. . Spermacoce pusilla Wall. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jul 25, 2010 · 10:27 AM IST: 1 image. . Spermacoce pusilla Wall. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Aug 26, 2007 · JUN23 DV339: 1 image. . Spermacoce pusilla Wall.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Lele, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 07 September 2024 Elevation: 1464m. Habitat : Wild . References: |
Spermacoce pusilla
Updated on December 24, 2024