Stachys floccosa

Stachys floccosa Benth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. 739 1835.;
Stachys floccosa Benth.,
erect stout plant, obtusely angled, densely covered with sift white wool; leaves ovate-oblong to ovate-cordate, up to 10 cm long, lower petiolate, upper sessile; flowers in sessile axillary clusters, nearly 1.5 cm long and up to 8 mm broad, pink; calyx spine-tipped; corolla tube longer than calyx.
Photographed from Gulmarg in Kashmir, growing along hedges.

I finally understood this plant group…… this is our own home grown… stachys … as the lamb’s ear we grew in colder climes in north america…a very useful herb for healing external and internal wounds… since the time
of early chistianity… .

Seen this herb at Sankaracharya Hill, Srinagar.
Stem was hairy, flowers pinkish in colour in whorls.
I think this could be Stachys sericea?
Family: Lamiaceae
Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 12:40PM
Habitat: Wild.

I hope Stachys floccosa

Yes …, It does look like Stachys floccosa.
Have a look at this link..

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Stachys floccosa from Banihal, Kashmir-GSMAY107/110 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Stachys floccosa Benth., Lab. Gen. et Sp. 739. 1835.
Perennial herb differentiated by its white lanate stems and under surface of leaves; flowers pale pink to purple, 10-12 mm long.
Photographed from Banihal, Kashmir

Lamiaceae for ID ABMAY01/10 : 7 posts by 5 authors.
Near the same stream where I found the dead nettle, I found this similar looking plant.
Is it closely related to the
Lamium sp.? Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
15 May 2016

This is a Stachys sp..

Thank you once again … Stachys floccosa, perhaps? 

I think matches with images at Stachys floccosa
Thanks, … for beautiful pictures.

II could not think of this as lamb’s ear group. there are more hairs on the stem than on the leaves. if this is indeed Stachys, then what is it? I have not found an answer in my stuff. will have to wait till … see it


Chamba Higher altitude – id al130811:
This one seems to be some king of Stachys.. but then I could be wrong ..
looking for your advice..

Location Chamba
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 10-12 inches

Appears to be as Stachys floccosa Benth. as per images herein.

Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae-Stachys sericea:
This is one more herb from Manali – Hampta Pass region.
Bot. name: Stachys sericea.
Family: Lamiaceae
Location: Near Cheeka (On the way to hampta Pass), Altitude: approx 10000 ft
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit herb

You may be having two different species here
One (1312, 1315) with few spreading hairs on stem, longer corolla tube, lighter flower colour ……… Stachys sericea
One (1328, 1229) with densely woolly stems, broader corolla, darker flower colour and shorter corolla tube …… S. floccosa
Watch my S. sericea from Manali and S. floccosa from Kadhmir, uploading

Kalatope id al190511a:
Location Kalatope, chamba
Altitude 2000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 2 feet

Could be Stachys sericea.

Yes .. is right. Stachys sericea, though initially I was reluctant because posterior (upper) pair of stamens appears longer (a character of Nepeta), but lower lip is characteristic.

Appears to be as Stachys floccosa Benth. as per images herein.


Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Stachy sericea from Kullu:
Stachys sericea, a much slender plant than S. floccosa, with much less dense silky hairs on stem and leaves, smaller flowers often lighter coloured in
the lower lip.
Photographed from Kullu.

I feel more closer to images at Stachys floccosa arther than those at Stachys melissifolia (syn: Stachys sericea Wall. ex Benth.)

Stachys sericea, a much slender plant than S. floccosa, with much less dense silky hairs on stem and leaves, smaller flowers often lighter coloured in the lower lip.
Photographed from Kullu.

I feel more closer to images at Stachys floccosa arther than those at Stachys melissifolia (syn: Stachys sericea Wall. ex Benth.)

SK 3026 08 October 2021: 2 very high res. images.
Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2308m
Date: 17 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Nepeta…. ???

Please check for Stachys…

Yes, it is Stachys floccosa Benth. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Stachys

It has got no distribution in Nepal according to POWO, BIF, CoL and Book on Karnali as well
but looks matching. Could it be some other Stachys ?

Stachys sericea Wall. ex Benth. has got distribution in Nepal according to Book on Karnali as well.

Looks different to me.

As it is found in Western Himalayas, it can be expected in Western Nepal.

If that happens it would be new for Nepal !


Stachys melissifolia Benth.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Date: 25 August 2021
Altitude: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild

I think more closer to images at Stachys floccosa

Initially, I thought it as you have suggested but since it has got no distribution for Nepal and some difference in inflorescence bunch and leaf shape I guessed accordingly.


Stachys for ID from Kashmir-GS23052023-1: 4 high res. images.
Please help with the ID of this Stachys species,
Growing on Parimal Hill, Srinagar, Kashmir, alt. 1700 m. clicked on July 8, 2011,
leaves look similar to S. floccosa but flowers are deep pink especially o

n the lower lip, upper nearly whitish. 

I shall go for Stachys floccosa Benth. !

Yes, as per images at


Updated on December 24, 2024

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