Strobilanthes andamanensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. n.s., 2: 237 1941.;
Strobilanthes scaber from South Andaman : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Strobilanthes scaber from South Andaman– confirmation please
Persumably Strobilanthes andamensis Bor, endemic to the Andamans. I compared the specimen with the images of isotype of Strobilanthes andamanensis at Kew and found different from it. The isotype of Strobilanthes andamanensis at Kew (K000883177) received from Forest Research Institute, Dehradun (No.9052) has been later identified as S. glandulosus. Strobilanthes glandulosa (sensu Anderson & Kurz) is an illegitimate later homonym of Strobilanthes glandulosa Blume. The correct name for this Andaman species is therefore Strobilanthes andamensis Bor We would like to reexamine the specimen from Andaman Islands. This yellow-flowered Strobilanthes is not identical with Strobilanthes glandulosus Kurz, pl examine the number of ovules per ovary locule. Is it 6 per locule? Pl see this link—l/a/acanthaceae/strobilanthes/strobilanthes-andamanensis
This yellow flowered species is quite distinct from Strobilanthes andamensis (= S.glandulosus T.And.). Pl circulate it again for id This plant belongs to the yellow-flowered “Sericocalyx” group of Strobilanthes, which consists of a small cluster of species including Strobilanthes scabra, S. phyllostachya, S. flava, S. andamensis (=S. glandulosa sensu Kurz, non Blume), S. crispa and a few others from Indonesia and SE Asia. The only native species on the Andamans is S. andamanensis. S. scabra and S. crispa are sometimes cultivated and the former seems to be naturalized in South India – it is native to and apparently endemic to the Bengal plains with Silhet as its type location. Its occurrence on the Andaman Islands is, therefore, unlikely unless it has been introduced and found near human settlements. To identify the plant in the photo reliably I would need to see an image of the INSIDE of the calyx to see if the silky hairs characteristic of some species in this group are present. It would also be useful to confirm whether bracteoles are present or absent as also the number of seeds in the capsule as this can be important. S. andamanensis has characterically crenate-repand leaves and is reported to have a 2-seeded capsule. S. scabra has the calyx silky haired on the inside, a 4-seeded capsule and entire leaves. More information about its habitat would also be useful.
yellow flowers for id mm1 1522013: (4 images) erect plant with glossy leaves flowers were about 1cm across
would really appreciate an id
a few plants were growing along the forested edge
at the top of mount harriet
last week of december Strobilanthes glandulosus Many thanks for this information
I couldn’t find very much information about this species on the net or images for that matter
Whatever little I did hinted at blue flowers
I would really appreciate if you could give me some more information or description Beautiful Shots … I agree with Strobilanthes glandulosus Correct name may be Strobilanthes glandulosa Kurz as per given efi site link. Is it also Strobilanthes andamanensis as per determination in another thread for the Andaman plant?
It looks like Strobilanthes andamensis – it is the only yellow-flowered Strobilanthes (Sericocalyx group) known from the Andamans. In India there are only two other species in this complex – S. cabra from the Bengal-Bihar plains ans S. phyllostachya from extreme eastern India. Some of these have been cultivated in South India.
. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 (unresolved) |
Strobilanthes andamanensis
Updated on December 23, 2024