Strobilanthes angustifrons C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 4: 466 1884. (syn: Goldfussia acuminata Shakya; Goldfussia edgeworthiana Nees; Pteracanthus angustifrons (C.B.Clarke) Bremek. (Unresolved)); .
Please compare with this: again thaks for providing a valuble information. After going through the paper I think my plant is not Strobilanthes glutinosus. I have one more plant which looks very similar to Strobilanthes glutinosus, I will post it saperately. I think my this plant may be Strobilathes capitata or S pentastemonoides. Any expert comment from your side. Please have a look ! It looks like Strobilanthes capitata. Please Check. Yes, it looks close. I hope there will be some comments from … ! I think it looks different from both S.glutinosus as well as from S.capitata. THis is neither Strobilanthes capitata nor S. glutinosa. I think it may be Stribilanthes angustifrons C.B. Clarke which is a poorly known species. Do you have other photos?
Thanks for these. I think these are first good photos of Strobilanthes angustifrons which I have seen. . Fwd: One More population from Jammu & Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Here is one more population I need your help in fixing. Photographed from Kud at alt of around 1800 m near KUD along Jammu and Kashmir Highway. I had sent this mail to Dr. Wood. Here is his reply I am not sure about this. I think it might be Strobilanthes angustifrons which often has flowers in opposite pairs becoming clustered near the tips. It seems to fit this. This is from the same area as … plant from Patni top. I am not too sure whether they are same.
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Strobilanthes angustifrons
Updated on December 24, 2024