Strobilanthes auriculata Nees in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 86. 1832. (Syn: Perilepta auriculata (Nees) Bremekamp; P. edgeworthiana (Nees) Bremekamp; P. siamensis (C. B. Clarke) Bremekamp; Strobilanthes auriculata var. edgworthiana (Nees) C. B. Clarke; S. auriculata var. siamensis C. B. Clarke; S. edgeworthiana Nees; S. siamensis C. B. Clarke.) as per Flora of China ; . Strobilanthes auriculatus Nees (syn: Justicia auriculata Wall. ex Nees; Perilepta amplectens (Nees) Bremek.; Perilepta auriculata (Nees) Bremek.; Perilepta edgeworthiana (Nees) Bremek.; Perilepta plumulosa (Nees) Bremek.; Perilepta venusta (Craib) Bremek.; Ruellia amplectens Wall. ex Nees; Ruellia auriculata Wall.; Strobilanthes amplectens Nees; Strobilanthes auriculata var. bracteolata C. B. Clarke; Strobilanthes auriculatus var. edgeworthianus (Nees) C. B. Cl.; Strobilanthes auriculatus var. plumulosa Nees; Strobilanthes edgeworthianus Nees; Strobilanthes plumulosus Nees; Strobilanthes trichophorus C. E. C. Fischer; Strobilanthes venustus Craib) as per Catalogue of Life; . China (Yunnan, Guangxi), India (C-, E-, N- & NE-India, Subtropical Himalayas, Upper Gangetic Plains), Vietnam, Myanmar [Burma] (widespread), Nepal, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life; . Eared Leaf Strobilanthes • Hindi: Kapur mingar, Pandai • Manipuri: Koutruk lei • Mizo: Ramting • Tamil: Chinna kurinji, Ankaravalli; . Hairy looking blue flower for Id : Attachments (2). 14 posts by 7 authors. I have seen this flower growing in the creeks of the dried river bed & close to the nallah in MP. It grows up to 2 to 2.5 ft in a creeping way but the flower always upwards, it grows from March till April. I am pretty sure that it is not nilgonda. … some species of Strobilanthes ? Thanks for the reply. I went through net & all I could find close is in the unidentified flower list & it is named koutruk lei in flowersofindia. I have no idea what it is ? Please help!!! …………looks like Perilepta auriculata from Acanthaceae Thanks for trying but it did not match. I went through The flowers of India & I found it in the list of unidentified flowers. Would you please help me identify it. Thanks … I have little more information regarding the flower. In the flowersofindia this flower is unidentified & in the details it says that it flowers once in nine years which could be true but I have been seeing it flowering for two to three years in the same spot & it is exactly the same flower shown in the unidentified pics. of flowersofindia. The plant in the attached photo is Strobilanthes quadrifaria (Wall. ex Nees) belonging to the family Acanthaceae. In the Flowers of India site it has been put under the unidentifies section calling it “Kortuk Lei” in Manipuri. The flower at FOI, named Koutruk Lei, has proved to be really difficult to identify, simply because not much was known to us apart from this poor quality picture taken at a flower show, where the claim about the long flowering period was mentioned (has not been verified). Dimple’s plant looks to me the same as what we have – so I am happy to have clear photographs and more info on it. I was very excited at first, to know that this has been identified. However, in your description, the flowers are 2-2.8 cm long, and the bracts are 2 cm long, lanceshaped. So, the bracts are nearly as long as the flowers. On the other hand, in Dimple’s pics, the bracts (forming spikes of overlapping green bracts) are much smaller than the flowers, and are roundish or heart-shaped in shape. I am attaching a drawing of Strobilanthes quadrifaria for comparison. So, to me it appears that this should be some other species of Strobilanthes. I should also mention that the genus Strobilanthes has many species with long gaps between flowering – Kurinji and Karvy are two well-known examples. Here is the reply which i had received from Mr J.R.I. wood (John Wood), Oxford. I hope it will be Strobilanthes auriculatus and not S auriculata. The correct name is indeed Strobilanthes auriculata, according to International Plant Names Index. Strobilanthes auriculatus is not anaccepted name.
Dehra Dun 31st October 2014 Excellent set of photographs.. Fwd: [itpmods:12788] Distribution : 8 posts by 3 authors. Distribution of strobilanthus auriculata plant in india Catalogue of Life gives its range as below: China (Yunnan, Guangxi), India (C-, E-, N- & NE-India, Subtropical Himalayas, Upper Gangetic Plains), Vietnam, Myanmar [Burma] (widespread), Nepal, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh And what about distrbution in himachal pardesh As it says, Northern India, it should be available. Strobilanthes auriculata is present in Himachal Pradesh, i have seen its plants during flowering (in February) in Hamirpur district and Sarkaghat region of Mandi district. Can u plz help me to find out altitude variation in districts of himachal, where it occurs? It used to occur in Sarkaghat area of H.P. (seen 10-12 years ago). It is locally known as कपूर मिंजर। People used to put the viscous exudate of the inflorescence in their eyes for various ailments
This plant is collected from some hills of Himachal Pradesh, India during the months of January. 1) Which family does the plant belongs to: Labiatae or Acanthaceae?? 2) Is it Elsholtzia strobilanthes??? I have attached one pic of plant collected by us and another similar pic collected from internet. Please help with the identification of the plant. Hope you’re right …, It’s Acanthaceae member only Elsholtzia sp. I showed the dried plant samples to few botany experts, but they could not tell much about the plant. When the seeds were split open, they showed presence of jaculator like structures separating seeds in the fruit. Now, jaculators are present in Acanthaceae only. But the plant in morphology shows similarity to Elsholtzia which is from Lamiaceae. Are there any member in Lamiaceae which has jaculators as an exception?? Sorry, sir Ji, I am thinking Elsholtzia belongs to Acanthaceae member, but not correct, it belongs to Lamiaceae, Kindly help to confirm 1) whether the plant is Elsholtzia strobilifera (picture attached, species name corrected) 2) and whether it belongs to Acanthaceae or Lamiaceae??? Thanks, … It does not look like Elsholtzia strobilifera or any other species as per comparative images at Elsholtzia Looks something like Phyllodium from Fabaceae (Leguminosae) While collecting plant, one/two flower was there. Flower was : fused corolla, tubular, pentamerous, bilabiate, violet coloured flower. That is why i suspected it to be from Acanthaceae or Labiatae. Attachments (1) With this image it may be from Campanulaceae It is Strobilanthes auriculata. Acanthaceae Unique Strobilanthes ! I think matches with images at Strobilanthes auriculata Thanks a lot for correctly identifying this endemic rare plant of the Genus – Strobilanthes of Acanthaceae. After almost a year, now i got the correct identification for this plant. I could predict that a further sub-species level classification may be needed after thorough study of this plant, since this plant pictures are different from previously reported ones. Can we have good resolution photograph.. Leaves and the spikes seem like Strobilanthes, but spikes lack clarity.. pic is too low resolution. If any other close up of flower bud or open flower will help … I e-mailed all pictures of the plant to Dr. YS Bedi, IIIM, Jammu where this plant sample is deposited as Herbaria. He has confirmed the plant sample as Strobilanthes auriculata. I collected this species in Jan, 2019 from Kangra district. However, i couldnot find any plant growing in that region in Jan-2020. It is possible that this plant is monocarpic and flowers after many years as in case of Strobilanthes kunthiana in Nilgiri hills, Kerala flowers after 12 years. I thank all from E-floraindia in helping me with the identification. We have records of the following Strobilanthes from Himachal 1. S. tomentosa 2. S. violifolia 3. S. wallichii 4. S. attenuata 5. S. angustifrons 6. S. bracteata 7. S. pentstemonoides dalhousiana 8 S. glutinosa 9. S. pavala 10. S. crossandra but, this species is densely spicate (bracteate/strobilate) similar to S. auriculata.. and very hairy. there is a species S. rufescens from NE India.. I have not seen many Strobilanthes You may ask our expert Mr. JRI Wood, Attachments (1) Almost certainly Strobilanthes auriculata but distinctive leaves not present This is definitely Strobilanthes auriculata. Note sessile, auriculate leaves as well as typical inflorescence. Thanks for final confirmation from Dr. Wood. I could find the mention of this plant in the book “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Himachal Pradesh” by Dr. N.S. Chauhan as “Kapur minjar” in Shahpur area of Kangra district only. I found it on one hill in Shahpur area but nowhere else. The picture of harbaria sample from IIIM is attached. I am thankful to E-floraindia for the vast repository of plant pictures and taxonomy experts. Attachments (2) U.N. Kanjilal in his ‘Forest Flora of the Chakrata, Dehra Dun and Saharanpur Forest Divisions’ does not talk about this Strobilanthes flowering in long intervals, he mentions its Flowering period to be Nov.- March, however eflora of China says it is known to be pliestesial in some parts of its range. Hope this clarifies your doubt. Very little is reliably known about flowering patterns in Strobilanthes. I think your observation that S. auriculata is sometimes annual flowering and sometimes not is probably correct. Certainly this seems to be true of S. atropurpurea. This is well-known to be monocarpic in the western Himalayas but it is clearly annul flowering further east. Regular field observations over many years combined with cultivation of plants from different regions and populations would help to clarify the situation. Anecdotally the monocarpic habit seems to be associated with a woody growth where several years are needed to reach maturity. My impression is that S. auriculata is not really shrubby so I would expect it usually to be annual flowering.
. AKNOV02 Strobilanthes auriculata from Dehradun : 12 posts by 8 authors. No images seen now. Found this beautiful flowering of Strobilanthes auriculata in a Hill Sal Forest close to FRI, Dehradun , Nov 2014. The flowers as well as the leaves had a nice aroma. i am amazed at how many stribolanthes are there in India!! Very good upload Yes. It is Strobilathes auriculata. The spikes on maturity of seeds yield essential oil, which smelle like camphor oil, hence it is named as Kapurminjar in Kangra & Mandi. People in the lower areas of Himachal use the essential oil exuding from spikes for eye problems. Nice Pictures and very useful information. Just wanted to know its flowering pattern. Does this species flower every year or once in few (?) years? U.N. Kanjilal in his ‘Forest Flora of the Chakrata, Dehra Dun and Saharanpur Forest Divisions’ does not talk about this Strobilanthes flowering in long intervals, he mentions its Flowering period to be Nov.- March, however eflora of China says it is known to be pliestesial in some parts of its range.
. References: Catalogue of Life (Strobilanthes auriculatus Nees) Flora of China Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal The Plant List (as a syn. of Perilepta auriculata (Nees) Bremek.) Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal |
Strobilanthes auriculata
Updated on December 24, 2024