Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 475 1867. (syn: Goldfussia capitata Nees);
Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal as per Flora of China;
Much-branched undershrub, 0.5-1.5m, often leafless when in flower. Stems decumbent or ascending, glabrescent below, thinly pilose above. Leaves unequal, (Lanceolate-) broadly elliptic (-ovate), shortly acuminate at both ends, usually oblique at base, 4-14 x 1.5-9cm, serrate, thinly pilose above, pubescent on veins beneath, often glabrescent, green on both surfaces or whitish beneath; petioles 1-3cm. Flowers in dense, pedunculate, axillary heads which may be solitary, borne in 3s or borne on small axillary branches with reduced leaves forming axillary panicles; peduncles 1-2 in each axil, 1-6cm, glabrous or pubescent; heads ovoid or ellipsoid, 1.5-2 x 1-3cm. Outer barren bracts concave, ovate, 16-20(23)mm, acuminate, crenate, pubescent (or glabrous), deciduous as flowers open; inner bracts oblong-elliptic, 7-11mm,pilose. Callyx 11-13mm (accrescent to 2cm in fruit) pale green, lobes linear-oblanceolate, densely ciliate, equal. Corolla blue, 43-53mm, thinly pilose, tube straight, narrowly cylinderical for c 15mm, then gradually widened to c 15mm at mouth. Capsule c 14mm, glandular-pilose in upper half. Fl. September-February.
Subtropical scrub and forest margins, particularly in moist gullies.
(Attributions- A.J.C. GRIERSON & D.G. LONG. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGOB. 2001 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)
. SK154OCT21-2016:ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) This is Strobilanthes. I think it might be Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson but I can’t see the whole inflorescence or the habit so the identification is provisional. Does … have an image of the whole plant? It is from old collection and I do not have other pictures. Also, I could not find any image in the web.
Can you make out from the shape of the yet to bloom flowers?
I just found a picture from the same album but I am not sure if the same plant.
Attachments (1) This is definitely Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson. Location : Hmunpui, Mizoram I need to think about this – the sessile inflorescences are a bit odd but I may not have a chance to check this until after the holidays. Does … make herbarium specimens? If so, it would be good to see photos of these specimens and their labels Strobilanthes dalhousieanus ? I think it is Strobilanthes capitata but I am not completely sure. The completely sessile inflorescence is odd but I can’t see what else it would be without a specimen to study or perhaps more photos. MS Nov.2018/10 Strobilanthes sp. for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Lungkulh, Mizoram Date : 14-11-2018
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild
I think this is Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson. It is slightly odd because of the subsessile unbranched inflorescences but this is probably not significant.
MS Dec, 2019/01 Strobilanthes sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Pukzing, Mizoram Date : 21-12-2019
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild
Looks like Strobilanthes capitata T. Anderson. For comparison : Re: Fwd: Re: Re: SK154OCT21-2016:ID. MS Oct.2016/10 Strobilanthes sp. for Id. : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Location : Hualtu, Mizoram Looks like a species of Strobilanthes but not enough information to identify _ I can’t the habit, leaves or inflorescence structure. More photos of these are necessary. Is it S.capitatus ? Impossible to say without an image of the whole inflorescence. The corollas of Strobilanthes are generally rather similar. I will send a photo of S. capitata if I can find it. I am attaching a photo of Strobilasnthes capitata for …. I hope it helps him to recognise this species. Strobilanthes capitata as per another thread by Dr. Wood. SK 2339 26 December 2019 : 10 posts by 2 authors. 8 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India
Date: 26 November 2019
Elevation: 1350m.
Habitat: Wild
Which Strobilanthes ?? Looks like Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson MS,Oct.,2021/26 Stobilanthes sp. for id.: I think this is Strobilanthes capitata but I can’t see a complete inflorescence. Does … know that species? Yes, right ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MS,Dec.,2022/05 Strobilanthes sp. for id.: 5 images. Location : Tamdil, Mizoram Altitude : ca.720 m.
Date : 29-12-2022
Habit : Undershrub
Habitat : Wild Please check Strobilanthes capitata (Wall. ex Nees) T. Anderson ! This is Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson .
Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal
Date: 02 January 2023
Elevation: 67 m.
Habitat: Wild Not sure if you requested it but I agree that this is Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T.Anders. Yes, appears close to images at . Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T.Andersoneee: 6 very high res. images. Location : Kalimpong, West Bengal, India
Date : 06 December 2024
Elevation : 1350m.
Habit : Wild
Yes, I agree this is Strobilanthes capitata (Nees) T. Anderson.
. References: |
Strobilanthes capitata
Updated on January 25, 2025