Strobilanthes consanguinea (Nees) T. Anders., Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 226 1860. (syn: Endopogon amomum Nees; Endopogon consanguineus Nees; Endopogon hypoleucus Nees; Justicia sesamoides Herb. Madr. ex Wall.; Justicia venosa Wight ex Nees; Phlebophyllum spicatum (Roth) Bremek.; Phlebophyllum spicatum var. amomum (Nees) Bremek.; Phlebophyllum spicatum var. hypoleucum (Nees) Bremek.; Ruellia sesamoides Wall.; Ruellia spicata Roth; Strobilanthes consanguinea var. amomum (Nees) C.B. Clarke; Strobilanthes consanguinea var. hypoleuca (Nees) C.B. Clarke; Strobilanthes neglectus T. Anders. ex C. B. Cl.) as per efi thread;
A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum … : (A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum sensu Bremekamp) (Acanthaceae)- Mark A. Carine, Jake M. Alexander and Robert W. Scotland, Kew Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 1 (2004), pp. 1-25)- (Description & Keys– Strobilanthes canarica, Strobilanthes carnatica, Strobilanthes consanguinea, Strobilanthes cuspidata, Strobilanthes gamblei, Strobilanthes jeyporensis, Strobilanthes kunthiana, Strobilanthes lanata, Strobilanthes lawsonii & Strobilanthes pushpangadanii)
Acanthaceae for identification :: 030115 :: MK005 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Please help me in identifying this Acanthaceae shrub. Is this any Stenosiphonium?
Habitat: evergreen forest edge; roadside
Habit: gregarious shrub of 1-2 m high
Date: 14 Nov 2014
Alt.: 1800 m asl
Place: Kodaikanal, TN Seems to be member of Strobilanthes if it is very thick brownish- white pubescent on back side of leaf, then check it for Strobilanthes lawsoni. Thank you …, the underside of the leaf is silvery- glaucous and not brownish. Can this be Strobilanthus cuspidata? Very interesting plant.
Pls. give some more details such as plant height and leaf size.
I could not find the “front view” of a flower; It is “two lipped” but was it having flaring limbs and the limb tips lobed: 2-lobes on top, 3-lobes below ?
The best refs I found are :
It could be Stenosiphonium cordifolium (Vahl) Alston, which is described as distributed in Pen. India and Sri Lanka. and this genus seems to be not fully researched and rare.
So it is definitely worth seeking again. It may be Stenosiphonium russellianum. Very common understorey element in many E.Ghats forests. Supporting …, now the genus Stenosiphonium is treated as a synonym under Strobilanthes I hope I am able to nail it finally as Strobilanthes gamblei Carine as per images herein. I showed the images in … email to Dr Carine, who described Strobilanthes gamblei. You will see in his reply that he considers it to be a good match for Strobilanthes consanguinea. “It looks a good fit for S. consanguinea (Nees) T. Anderson – please see the attached.”
I am not able to confirm the id. I am doubtful about Strobilanthes humilis or S. cuspidata. Please help me in id this Strobilanthes that flowersonce in 7 years.
Date/Time-December 2006 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Kanthallor near Munnar, Kerala, ca. 1600m MSL
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 2-3ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Simple Ovate 5-10cm
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-Light pink. Bracts linear-lancelolate with glandular viscid hairs
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-not seen … no IDea at all !! … but this is very different looking Strobilanthes !! … many thanks dont know about this main flowering plant.. but there is lantana mixed in… weed… Yes there is one Lantana camera seen in the first picture. As the place was under heavy destruction by human activities most of the plants were under threat. Lantana and Parthenium were common even during 2006. I do not know about the present scenario there. It looks like S. lawsonii… Please check It may not be S. lawsoni (only one ‘ i ‘ according to Gamble; page 1027) because the spikes in S. lawsoni are not glandular at any rate (Gamble page 1027) but with grey or tawny wool.
In my specimen the spikes were glandular hairy and were viscid. I think this represents Strobilanthes gamblei Carine & al. Kew Bull. 59(1): 5 (-7; fig. 1J-R). 2004 Thank you … for your mail. There are two key characters not matching with S. gamblei; leaves are not entire here in this plant then the spike is not interrupted (though the description says interrupted or uninterrupted).
Please tell me whether these can be ignored and considered this as S. gamblei I am afraid to coming back again to S. gamblei. I do hope he would have a specimen? Let … can decide what to do I think it can be considered as S gamblei ignoring my earlier concerns that are negligible. I will try get specimen when I go there next. Thank you very much. I came to know that the plant from where I shot the picture is not available anymore at that place. Now I would search the same elsewhere during onam holidays. As you described Strobilanthes gamblei, may I request you to pl. confirm this as Strobilanthes gamblei or Strobilanthes consanguinea as you recently identified for … Thank you for your message. Please find attached a copy of the paper that dealt with this group.
There are three taxa with that particular corolla morphology – in which the corolloa is ventricose and the adaxial lobes partially fused to form a ‘hood’, namely S. consanguinea, S. gamblei and S. pushpangadanii.
Both S. gamblei and S. pushpangadanii have inflorescences with a dense covering of quite long simple hairs. This readily distinguishes them from S. consanguinea that has glabrous or glandular pubescence inflorescences. Your specimen matches the latter and that would be my determination. It is quite widespread and it is interesting to hear about its flowering periodicity. The nomenclature of this species is complicated (please see the paper for a discussion).
Attachments (1) – Phlebophyllum.pdf Please help me to identify this plant found on the roadsides of Kolli hills of Eastern Ghats of TN. The plant height is not more than 20 cm.
Leaf: c.5cm long
Flower: c. 2.5 cm long
Date: 27 Dec 2012
Alt.: 1400 m asl
Locally called Kurinji (குறிஞ்சி)
Any ?Justicia sp. ?
some species of strobilanthes? It is certainly a species of Strobilanthes without specimens it would be difficult to reach the species. Asystasia sp. ?? Strobilanthes consanguinea as per images and details herein.
. References: efi thread Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Strobilanthes consanguinea
Updated on December 23, 2024